Hoaonblo Stanrall Bryan
Diatriot Attomer
XoLoaaul maatif
Waco, Tex88
the above rhted
being diatuzbd ln the proamst
“2. DcO~ Artid 4$76A bdIi$ chaPt.0~ 3A Of
Title 1 of thm 3evl8ed Statutes of We Bbte of
Texas 1Acts of tb 46th Leglmlature, l.sfS, p.376)
support a oomplaint rplnst a person vho menufac-
tUl"W in I(OhXlMll COlUlt~, bXA#, fO&' Hell* 8
Honorable Stauaell Bm, Pago 2
nattreaa vhlch oonkina aeacnd-hand aaterlal
vlthout atk h%q to much uttreaa a tag 88
rovlded br 1 o) of 3eotion 2 of raid Artlale
5. Doer Artialo #76A born Chapter 3A
of Title 71 OS he Beviaed Btatutea of the
Stat. OS Texas t Aota of the 46th Legialeture,
lgfg, pr 376) mo p p o rataoapIaint lg ir uta
p er so n
wh o M nuf~0tur ala 8lc LenM nCo lla r ,
Texas Sor male, a rttreaa vlthcut attach-
ing t&w&o a trg rovlded by (a) of rkotlon
2 of maid Artiole P476At
” . . . .
“It vi11 k obaarved that (a) of Beation
2 of Aptlole U76A vholly fall8 to dofIrm arq
prrtioubr aot vhloh ahall oonatltute an of-
fens. ad fiila to dealgtnte my partiaular
parron vhoao aat woultl aonatitute a violation.
Than la nothhg in thm Aat that mkoa the
meow8 0~ nie oc p088088ion of UI 8r-
tiolo of bw¶din$ dovoid of the required tag,
a vio&tlon under Bootion 9.
“Uhat ham been a&ted above appl1.a elao
to (0) or maid Section 2 of Art1010 0476A.
¶%%alubdivialon La ll.ightly aore defialte in
that the exprea$ion ia uaed ‘Every artiole of
bedding manufactured for remale’, but there
la no provlalcn that aonatltutoa the aot of
aanufaoture or the aot of rearlling, or the
act or having in ono~a poaaeaalon, an offense.
I . . . .
“(b) of Seotioa 9 provider that laoh day
OS vlolatlon shell oonatitute a lepalwlto of-
tenme, mid ft is manLteat at once that there
la no provision in the statute that vould ln-
dicake ubat la meant br ‘day of violation’.
I . . . , L
Eononblo 3tanr.11 Bryan, Page 3
300. 2(o) of Artlolo 4476a, Vemonta Annotated
Civil Statutes, providema
%vory article of beddlng rmUaotumd
for renal, aontainlng second-hand mate&al,
shall b o a rlrounly
, lovn thereto on all four
aider o fth ek g , e dboth lidea of
a tta c hto
the article of bedding, l aubatantial vhito
010th tag four (4) by olght (8) inches in
aim, upon vhloh &all bo indollbl~ *tamped
orprlnted In red ink, in the Bngliah laa-
Ueb a to r ~a Intematloaal definer the verb %mnu-
ircture” aa “to make by haad, by uohinmry, or athor ageno~.’
In a almllar altuatlon it vea hold In City of
Louiarllle vs. lvlag Vol-Allmen Dairy Co., 105 3.Y. (2d) 801,
268 Ky. 652 thatr
“A corporation oagaged ln paatourialng
mv milk vu8 not ongaged in %anufaoturlng~
. rinoe no nov produat van created and
iniy*mllk rmf&md aftor the paateurlalng
In view of the prooeaa doaorlbed In your letter,
in vhloh the bedding, am l vholo, paaaoa through the process
vith ~elther the coverigg nor aay part of the structural M-
turo ot tha mattmaa being disturbed, and in anavor to your
first quoatlon am stated above, rou lzu reapootfully advised
that %otl.on 21.) vi11 not support a complaint under your de-
lorlbed proaraa.
Yo urlo o o nd
and third queatlona are anavanblo in
tb 8frirrative.
Art. 4k76a reads, in pot, am follova:
'(a) The ton %wlding~ a$ uaod in this
Aot ah11 moan mattroaa~a, pillova, bolsters,
feather beds mid other filled boddlng of any
Honorable Stansell B-an, Page 4
‘3ea. 2. Wmlllng of Bedding Required:
‘(a) All bedding shall b o a l reouroly at-
tached thereto and plainly vlalbl~, a lubatantlal
vhlto cloth tag upon vhioh shall bo lndollblr
stamped or printed vlth bl&ck Ink, in the IPlgliah
language, a atatomont lhodng vhathor now rtorl-
ala or second hand ntoriala hvo ken used ln
filling much boddlng, and tm or gnde of cotton
and a11 other mtorlala uaod In filling rttroaa
to vhloh ltk o h evhen d nov rtorlala are used,
r lthlpproxlmto p o r c o nta vheng e arlxod; vht
gwmioidal troatnnt, if any, ham born applied
to tha utoriala or to the beddlngj the date of
auoh gemloi~l treatment, the number o? the por-
mlt of the poraoa manufacturing the bedding; and
tha numbor of tha penalt o? the poraon applying
much gmmloldal traatment, if any.
‘(b) Tha tons used on tha tag to deaoribe
materlala shall k restricted to thorns defined
in the regulationa of the Departrent, and no
trade or lubatltute terms ahall be used.
"(0) It shall be unl~v?ul to make any
?a180 or rial~bding statements on the tag n-
qtired by thla moot&m. It shall ba unlav?ul
for uq person to move, deface, altar, or
cauao to be moved, dofaord or altored, any
tag or ltatoment contained thereon for the pur-
porno of dofoatlng any of the provisions of him
Act. The plaolng of ngiatmtlon ataapa ro-
quimd In Bootion 7 of this Act over any lotter-
lng on the tag, shall ba oonatruod to ba defaoe-
mult of the kg.
‘(d) The also of the tag to be l??i.xed to
nev bedding required by this section shall not
be loam than mix (6) aqume Inches, and the lot-
trring thomon, ooverlng tb ltatomont of fllllng
rtorlala, ah411 be in plain typo not leas than
o n* llghth ( l/ inch
8) Inh e ig h t.
‘(0) Bvery artiolo of Eeddlng awwfaotund
for reaalo oontalning second-hand matorlal, shall
Honorable Stanroll Bwan, Pago 5
bear, l oourely awn thereto on all four alder
of tha tag, attached to both aid~a of the ar-
tlclm of beddIn& a lubrtaatlal vhlts cloth
tag four (4) by eight (8) lnohea la also, upon
vhlch shall be lndollblz ltamp@d or printed l.n
red ink, in the Zngllah lazquage, in plain type
not loam tlmn one-half ( ) Inch la height, atat-
ingj ~r.eoond-haul mbter t 1. t
. . . . .
“s.0. 5. Enioraament of lot:
‘The Stat. IWard of Health %a hereby charged
vith the enforcement of this Act, for the pro-
tection of health and to provent the spread of
dlaeaa~. It la further empovand, and its duty
shall be to make, uond, altar or ropaal gmwal
ruler and regulations of procedum for carrying
into offeat all the provlalona of this Act, and
to prescribe metma, methods, and pmotioea to
make rffrotlvo much provisions.
. . . . .
%eo . 9. Puialtlsa:
hq poraon, who ahall be oonvloted of
- .. i of’ any of the provisions of this Act,
or or tno ruloa and regulations eabbllahed thora-
uadar, shall ba sentenced to pe a flno of not
leaa than Fifty Dollara ($SO.OOf nor non than
One Hundnd Dollars ($100.00) for each offrnao.
“(b) Xaoh dar of violation almll aonatltute
a repante orfenae.
. . * . .I
Aa rot should k given l fair, ratlonel, reasonable
and aonalblo oonatruotlon, considering it.8 language and aub-
jeot mattar and vith a view to ooaompliahlng the leglalatlvo
intent and purpose. (Tuma Surla. Vol. 39, p. 172, with au-
thorities olted thonin.)
Honorable Stanaall Bryan, Page 6
Section 2(a), lupra, applier to “all bedding”,
Certainly a vmnu?aoturer o? bedding would br on notice
that an-omlaalon of the pnacrlbed tag vould bo In vlola-
tlon of that r*otion.
Section 2(a) and the dofinltlon of bedding In
fhctlon l( a ),lupra, rafor to tha bedding after the manu-
?8oture or g*zsloldal treatment. Uo oonolud* that upon the
oomplotlon of manu?aotun or romnufaoturo, 3eotlon 2(a)
beooma applloable and the prescribed tag la required to
be p&ad thoreon forthvlth.
I? tbo kg la omlttod, or not am preaoribad, See-
tlon 9, lupra, provider tb penalty for tha “vlolatlon of
m of the provlalona of this Act.
- (Emph8818ours)
Sootion 2(a), aupra, prcvldea, ‘Evrry article of
bedding manufrotumd for resale oontalniag second band
material shall bear , . .’ It is lppareat that upon the
oomplotion of manufaoturo and if t&n la an intent to m-
sell, an orlaalon to plhca the prescribed tag thereon forth-
with lr In violation of that section and thereby punishable
under Bbctlon 9.
It vlll bo not& that beddlmz vithln Section 2(e)
la also vlthin Sootlon 2(a) and tkt two dlffomnt tags are
Under Smtion 2(a) and (0) the mrp~albflltp for
A violation la personal by the expnaa twma of. Section 9,
sup=, and mompI tti person or persona oharged vith the duty
of attaching the teg.
lo reforonoe to “day of vlolatlon”, It la our opin-
ion that the &glalature intended an offeaao upon the failure
to p&co the pnaorlbwl tag upon much bedding am above set
forth, and th8t each day, or fraatlonal pbrt of a day, auoh
SalLure continued vould be a sepamto offenro. 3y the vord
%8y’ la msnt a “oalomdar daf, or from midnight to midnight,
Truatlng t&t the foregoing ?ullr answers your in-
quiry, v* remain
Yours very truly