Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

             .‘::. OFFICE            OF ‘THE                       GENERAL,   OF TEXAS

‘., &l8tin,
;: ,:
    ‘comptroller of

  ;: :.
             Taaa :
  .~.Doai Siri
            I.: i’

                                                                 oritlea upon whioh we                        ~.;
                                                               llevs it may ‘be helpful                         -I
                                                               ubaoription warrantam.
                                                              o bs wnrraata lseued by a
                                                                         et to atoak etidoaa-                       .!
                                                      Artlalo 15, R; B. S ROE. Se88.r                          .i
                                                    ioh your request is ahated,     was
                                                     AOL A aomparleon Of the pertinent                              ,!
                                            ,, ro rtwenu~ m3afwe8. f5eom8roquielta.   Thus0               :
   POF~~OJI? r0ii0w:
              .. *Art. 7047111. Stools trausror en4 saXerr tax-  - I:‘~ ’
            Tax irqoaa4~   afrixlng   atampa; mamorandum0r sale ‘.
  .~            ~aSeotlOn 1.. Thoro I8 hereby imposed an4 levied                                                i
        * a tax’ a8 herelaaftar provided on all tsal+m, agreomeata                                             ;j .
           to oell, or nionoraa6a of salefi sad all~~4ellverle8 or
       ’ ~.tnaoSoro or. &area, Or ar~tdoates     of atoak, .or:~’._                                   -       j i
                          .’                                                                                        ;
                     ‘*        ‘,:    . .
       .~                                                                .’                                     j


                                                                                             165           :

                                                                              , !1
                          i .,’


         Bon. thorgo     8.       Shoppar4, Page   p!
        . <’ .’ ~’

               oertiti atao for rlghta to’etook:, or owtirl-
               oaten 0f dopooit rapresentla~ an intarest la
               or reprooeatlag    oortltloates  kado taxable under
               thla Sootioa ln any doneof       or r0r0ir4 aesoola-
               tlon, oozpany, or aorporatloa, or aertlrloateo       0r
               lnteroot la any bueiaeoo oonduotod by truoteo or
               truatoeo made aftor the 0rrOOtivd.9   Cat0 .horoor,
              whether UT&I upon or shown by th.3 books or the          .
             ~aoeoalation, donpeny, aorporatlon, or trustee,
               or by any asolgamcmt la bl’enk or by ‘any do1.ivez-y
              or any pagoro or egreomnt .or m0oorana0t3      or other         ..
              srldonae or sale or transfer or order ror or agree-
              mnt to buy, whethor iatermadiata or rinal, and
              wbethar lnvsotlng the holdor.uith the beneflolal
              late&A      la or legal title to ouob atook or other
              oortifioate    taxable horeundor, or wlth tho posses-           .‘..
            : olon or ~86 thsroot ror any purpose, or to oooura
              the rOm0.     payment oi ~onoy or tbs ruture txwno-
              tar of any ouah otock,, or aertiriaato,     oa each      : * *..‘.,:~
              hun4rs4 4ollaro of faoa~.valua or traatlon thereof, ~;;.                                    I;’

                           oonto, ercrept in cases where tho shares

              or oartfffaatao    ar6 loauo4 wfthcut dealgnats      moaa-            :,
              tary voluo, ln wblah aaoe the tax, shall be at .tho .,                 -
             $Fate ff thrqe (J) oonto to? eaoh and, avery.ahme.                                           ::

              * . .
                       IChapter50 Civil ‘IA&J Uow York.     *Tranofero
        8ubjeOt to      Tax- provldos ati iOliOw8:
                      “SOO. 270. Amount of tax - 1. There la hereby               ,”
                impose4 au4 shall Sxae4latoly accrue an4 be aolleatod
                a tax, a8 herein provided, oa ~811 sale8 or s&room.i#o
            ” to ~311, or me8ioranda 0r oale‘e an8 all .dellv~rieo or                          ..

            : tranofero OS shares or a0rtlilosteo         ot otoak, or oortl-
                rloateo oi rlghta to atook, or aertlfloatoo        of intorest
                ia property or aooumulatlons, or aortiiioatss         0r depoolt
                reprooontlng aertlfloateo       taxable under tblo artlolo,    in
                any 4omaotio or foreign neeoolation,        oo~~ptny or oorpora-
                tloa, or oortlfloatoo       0r interest la buaincoa oooduote6
                by a trustee     or trustees    msde artor the ilrot day or
         ,..~ June, aiaotoea hundrad five, whether uado upoa or                                          ‘.’

               .ohownmbythe. bOOk8of thea aeeoalat~on, aozipany., apr- ,..
                poratlon or truotdo, or by any aoslfgumnt 1x1blank, or
         :. .. by any dellvory,      or by say paper or a&reom+at or niouo-.:. ‘.
         .; raadum or 4thor ~vl4enoo or sale or traaorer, whetheq : “.                              ‘.

                             ‘..          , . ‘.       :  ”                          .

        .   lntamrodlate or final., ‘end ahether lnve6ting                          :.
.‘. . .i ’ .tha holder wlth the bannefioial Intereat la or
      .*. leeal’tit&     to said otook, or other oortlSloetos
            tarable hefaun&er, or merely orith tho poe6e66lon.
            or me thoreOS for any purpose, or to Beauro the
            Suture paynen~ or money’, or t&e Sututa tranator
            of any such stock,       or oort~tioatea.~
              We obeervo that the longuagd.os the tuo hots. do-
   scribing the tranoaotiono taxable seeagpbroood in exactly tho                         ’
   #arm uord6, though not arranead. In tbe eaaio oontlnulty.   9io
’ ;Seif.to rind exgreas laLan(;uapin either of tbmo statutes at-
   trmptlne to. levy a tar upon Ytlfihtn to aubecribe to stock.*
:                   SUma tho United States      Xnternnl iiovenuo Aot, Title              .
     26, pqrqraph          lf302b, U. S. C. A.. had Its lnaeption  prior to
     the   p66aee      of the Toxaa statute, we nust grasumo that the
     :eglslatura      bad ouoh Aot before     It at .the tlma It adopted thm .
     RowYork statute as the          model for lts‘aSSort6.        The exprers
     16nguage of f’ pert of the Federal         Aot i0 a9     follows;         ,, .-
                    -(b)Sales and tranofoars.   On all mlea,   or
           agreemeat    to aell,, or monrorando0S eslos or. de-
          livarlee   or, or trapsfort   of leg61 tltl@ to any ~0S
          tho~rbfnw or oert$Slaatas mcntlonad or described
          id euboootlon     (e), oc to xkhta to subsdribe for       ’
    . .:  or reoeloo’suoh ahares or oartlSlcate6~      whether
          m6tYeupon or shown by the. book0 of the oorporatlon                                          :
      , : or .othpr: Organl68tlOn, or by’anp 6t36lgUi~~nt in      .
          bleak, or by any delivery,,    Or by any paper or agree- ’:                         ’            .
          meat or memorandumor other evldenaa of tran6SOr or                              :       .~
        : sale (whether ontitling   the holder ia any uonnor to ,,’                      .:            s
          the bobeflt oS suoh ahaT oertlfioate,     interest Or .
          rlehti,   or not), on eoob &lob of per or faoo ,oalu6                      :
          or Sreotion thereof of the aertifloats6   OS suah
          oorcoratlon or other or&ealzatlon (or OS the 6haroe :
          wbero no’oertifioatoa   were iesueb) . . .*'
             In ~o&Hzulng a etatute, the .gurpo~e    lo to. eeaertaln
  the lo&lative     intent end from ou,r oboorvatlon of the ex~resa
   rcvi~ions oS the tbres revenue maasure6, we Sind that      mnse
  ‘IfIr ta to subsaribe to etoOk* though InelUded in the Podoral
  et?Auto in onritted Sran the fiat York and Tours statutes and we
  muetkeep tb~tinotlon         oloarly in dad in soeking to tletor;
  tin0the intentionor tho Lei3lalatUrO~

    ~0s. Coorgo 8. Shoppard, Page 4

               The Texas law being oS rOOat orluln, ha6 not been
    ;ntorprett?d by Our OOUrt6, sad for that FeaBon, we mot turn
    to Now York dooIsion6 and ruleo and rogulotlano of Ite tax
    suthoritiee for a oomtruotlon of the quoatlon herein pro6ent-
         The60, or oour60, aro not'conolu6Ive but are pOr6U6aIVO
    :% rhoulb bo 61vea @oat woI&ht.
               Conmonpanotloe end prooeaure of aorporatlons doing
    busineos  tbroueh the New York Etook Pxchan(~e uni!er nsthodr ap-
    proved by the New York Tax Co~~~~lsslonshould be oonsldercd      Ja
    doterdnlne   ~ranseotione taxable and tranoaotlona not taxable
    unbar Now York furlsprudonoe.    Oboarvlng the rU1tl6 68 inter-
    protod by ParagraFhh8600000,60-300,   InolusIre,  the Corporation
    Tax Servlae, C. 0. Ii., 11. Y. 1; paragraph8 41004l34,      Inolu-
    ei+e, Corporatloa Servloe,. Yrentioe-Hall,   Vol. 1; knaChrl6ty
    &XoLoaa, Tbo Tranofer of Stook, 2ntl Ed.; we observe thotr
                    I. Subaorlptlon werrant 16 a oertISloato                 . ..
              ~srld~nolag tha right to aubeoribe to stook and Is'          t
              Issued by the oorporatlon to the titookholder ontitled             *
              to the prlvllege   of subscrIbIng to the stock to be la*-
              rutid. I”oragraFh 4108 and I’sragraph 4205, Premtlao-,
          .   Hall Corp. Serv., Vol. 1.
                   ‘XL Fresentatlon of warrant.
                    (a) Tbo,warrant shall be preaeated to tho
              oorporatlon before tlio expiration date shownon
    ,a.       the SaOe of ouohwarrantaad      upon suoh prO6Ont6-
     .:       tlon the bearer nay 6ub6OrIbO to etook. ,fS full        .:..
    .“:.      paymentI6 made IOr the shares to .be iosued     6ub-
              6oriber la delivered a reoeI$ OvIdenolng hi6 rI&ht
              to the otook, entItlIng   him on a spsoiflad datd~‘to
              uortaln full share6 or Sraotloa6l 6heres Of atOOk,
              subroquentlp bolng i66Ued OOrtlfiO6tO8 OS atook.
              F6ragraph 4208, Prontloo-Xall    Corp. serv., Vol. 1.
                (b) .fn evant bearer eleots to pay for suoh    ~’
           share6 llr Inetallmeats be IS laouod a negotfablo  '.
          .MOelpt, ovIdonoInghi6 right to the stoak, entitl-
    *. '. ing the holdor on a 6peaIsIed date t0 OertalXi full
           ohare or .sraotlonal eharos~ or atook, and upon
    : -bin61 pqwmt, at the the an&In the mannoropeol- :
          ‘Slad,&e ia iosuod, oortUloato8 of 6took.      .
                                                       4 *.


                                                        .   ’

                                                                      ,’                  168

               son. Gaor~e Ii., ShepDard,              Peg9 s

                         Upon the tranarer by sala or otherwise of subsorlp-
               tlon nrrants,  datlnad in Paragraph I above, the Federal Tax
               rppller and stampeara roqulrad to be arrlxed and oanoalled.
    ’          Tba Uaw Yor& tax doae not apply to this’ transaotloa.   Para-
               graph 601lC9, C. .a.~ X., B. Y. 1; ,Paragreph 4205 and pa80 4148,
               Praatl00-Hall Corp.Sarv?, :Yol..l;    Ohrioty & UoLaan, Paraereph
               563, page 834.
                   Subsaquant to tha aot or subsoiibina to the atook by
    *.*a bolder oi a subscription warrant ,as described In Paragraph II.
     * (II) and (b) tbaraof, eny trensaotloa.involving   the traoarar of
        the rl&ht- held by tha subsorlba~ requires the arrlxln6  and oan-
      .oallatlon of Unltad Stotae Revenue Staops and New York Revenue
       stamps. : Sohmar v. Rarflaa, 1m-a;    ParaCrapb 4205, Sea. 7,
       Prantloa-Ralf Corp. Serv., Vol. 1; and Pnragraph 60-301, ~The
      .Qorporatlon   Tax Servlo~,0. 0. ?.. X.-Y;1;           .‘,
            ” : The State oi Naw York ‘Tax Department, Albanp;Naw York
       in ‘,la.tter to the New York Stook Exchange, dated Kay S, 1922,. r&t
                         “Ey ‘CartlilOata Of Richtis to Steak* IS meant              ._
                   o& sudh. oertlrloatas      wbloh ontltla tha holder on
                   a apsoiri6d d&e to oartaln run share8 op rrsatlolul
                   share8 of atook.      *Rights to oubacrlba’ to stock do’
                   not oozaa within   this meanidaare
                   the statute.W     (Undarsoorlng our5J
                         Pursuant  to a wzlttan request by the) wrltor tha State
               oi New York Dapartmant or .Taxetlon and Pinanaa answered by’latter
              .&to6 l!?ar0hl;-1944, advlsl& u5 further +th refaronoa     tb rub-
               rorlptlon warrantethat 8uah are not taxableunder New )lOrk Law.
               The partlnont. part or auoh. latter reads as lollowsr
                         *The raderei rtook transrar tax law 40rititaly       ‘.
                   provides ior a tax on tranafers of laplal title to
                   *rlp,hts to subeorlbe ror*atook. The New York law.
                   has no slaillar provision.   It does tax trauerara or 1~’*
                  .*oartirloatea ‘or ~rlghts to steak’ but tha Tax Corn-
                   mla8l0n has held that a oortltioate    giVin6    tkP right
                   ;;o~$?Ohaer atook 1s not T oartirloote       or A6hts t
                         *I osmiot rerer you’to any oginlon. of our             ,.
                   2ttfkney Caneral: or to any dooleion of our ooUrt8 ,.,
                   on the quo&lo&    : ?y way or- r.aaeonlng it   may be.     ..’             -
                      .                       *
                                    ;       ,::.
i                                                           ,.   .,

                                            “.                                                    (_   I.

i                                       3

i                                           .
   ..” pointed out that~ a right to subearlba So= stoak . .
        ‘or a rjght to purchase stock is likely            to be of’ .
                           The aoaaldaratlon      whloh must be
            Id for thi subeorlption       or the purchase will
          n many oases, at least,        represent    as much as the
  :   :  stock  1s  worth.    It  saama   highly   lnaquitabla~,                                         .

         tbaratora,   to impose the 6ama tax on a transfer                       . .

         OS a stook purohasa warrant, (a oertlrlcate           or a
  ..~~rl&ht to rooaiva stook after paying ‘-- . . .     ; -
                                                              :. .:.     .;’ *.                          .

                           :-   .    .. .                                                 Aiiiatant                   .