IfonorabloGeorge H. Sheppard
Comptroller of Public &ccounta
us tin, Tex*a
y 1s a Contefl- ::.
; ytmd quost1on# that he +u at:th8t
m$ n;
ENSrir8t V~O died 80m8 tiae~ in
191r e& 1919; end he reiaarrlod in 1919, and BQI-
t&ueU to ltre rt,tbbJ.0vir6 ug to s&me time in
1937, when ehe died.
‘*It 8eem cleer tc me, iron t&o faeta whiah
tea be 6buMently oezllfied,tht he wee entitle6
-to $50.00 psr raorrthfkoa the flee hlr psnalon
sturtrd to October 1937, when hia thea uiie died,
but dw to the error &?oreaald he only received
$25.00per month for this period of nmly tlve
me. . ...
articlea 6205, 6208, 6215 mad 6221 of Veroon*uAIL-
no%ated Civil SWtukr a8 they lx l8teQ
Srorn 1932 to 1937, the
dtttesthe clloipuat under ooruiberation e88ert8 hi8 cleia for
p8t Confedsrste psn8loa, inrehr a8 psrtinsnt to our Que8-
t&on, %a part road rerpwtltely a8 follour:
"To rhom Qramt(la.-- out OS the psn8loufuRa
to be Croetod end uintaUod tmder the pmwl8i0nr
0r 4ia0le 6204, a~8 - than amll bs pald
0ath8 rirrttay 0r rchdrador wrs~ha naioa
latheemoumt8 pr?oridrd for io, AFt10le 62a r to
ovary Ooufoderet8 roldler or rl.ltw w-0 epplicu-
tlw has herutofwe boea qrproved, end et80 those
who duy to 9exm prier to January1, 1928, and
uhti~ applleatloa 8hel.l
-tar be approved,
. ..
“kmpurrt lOQ EtoQulromut*. -- Pw8ou entitled
toe peasiaaumdw tU*tlt&~ohrSXrke lgptioe-
t1osrrar aam AuLalt*aad UMW errtatetha
oountf J* oi hi8 or h&awptf. buoh lpplioa-
tiou shan Illat the Rue& ago, roalaaM0 or the
lppliioant, aed oawpation, it cay, and evorf-feat
a 8o 88s to
a oatitlo
ry e hloppllaansto the-pon+en.
IItb lppllaent 18 awhe solAim Q aUlor8ir
pre8aribe-d Welo, ho shell Etato ln hlr qpliti-
6100 the eompsuyaml roglwuG ln uhlah ho V18~UI-
Uated~ lihr Lawe4 laeaox'~rcrtiontr tbs
protoalou or tia hootlor a lmt Ipaun r*ldera
or Jtoaieau mrama6r8*, ho m E OUI au4 ldoritl~
8uuh org8nUatlen; if he varo aa offidosuuml8-
lloned.bythe.Pro8ide~t tM the BpedrrJto States
or by the Oo*emor .ak#.othw prop@ 4UthOrStY of
thla StMa,in the q, aWy, mllitti O@ fPont%Or
orgmiaatlon,he shall ateto the data of hlr mm-
mlealoaand hia ranL tberela)and if daWlled dl-
rectla under the pool810nr ot tho 00n80aipt Zau
Honorable George ii.ShOppBFd, &Mb883
_ for duty in the armerie or 8hopa of the Confed-
erate government or HOP my othor labor aoaeaaary
for the rinteauta8 of the army la tho riela, or
ith elr vedlu the Coafeder&teMvy, he ahrll
aueo &ho time of ser*loe in mah wae. 8ach ep-
pii0~ 8i~u f~?Pai#hths WmJROIU Of at -St 0110
oredibti VitMSS UhO ~SOB811~ kWV8 t&t he lD-
118tod in th8 nrVlO0 Md &WfOrpCrd the dUtie8 aa
olaS+dby him. xt he oarroot 808UXU the testlaony
of 8wh W1tlU88, he Uy fur&l882dWqm8ntS or other
WfdMO0 Of hi8 88FVi~O. hwl446, tbtuhwe the
appllean% m8 born @rlor to l&l, he my We his
POO? by S&iuttiCkg t0 CbO OOUU~Y judge +O ttffl-
dw%t stating hi8 n8me, age, residence 8nd oooupa-
tlon, If mJ togethervlth every faet,noae8u*y
to entitle hss to e po~um. woh Mfmwit, rben
lmatod,JirllbeLci ompaaba bre rvomMiem-
W ‘Of 8t ~1MSt bV0 P2 Gndlk@bk ll&-SWR Wh(P
~hw. known lam qqal cd ‘f&r a po~lcid of aot ~88
th*n toa (u)) 7eWS~ Md vh0 tie ti ILOWeI robto&
to W UtOroltod 10 tk fi.UMiMl Wlf@Y* Of au&
q @ lo sut, a a dth e th o la l wo dlteb lo poreon, a u4
: th e %i& y b q llq o .,.th
‘..._ r tet#y
a a q *ntltllu& h lu to i
a p M 81 06M 6oYYMb eua tmo .
of iho mouey qprqwirted for that-puPpaw-u
8m0a by al.
(I .
. c ..
‘Ou li&eflrt~t~&~of owhealmder m&h
Qmptrollor8hallpaf Sewa& Iroried Vo~eMaubo
18 living vlth hi8 utfe e pellBloa or rirty 40lZulr
(&4l)psr.mouth for a8 l#$ +8 they bath la*7live,
end cftrr the death &~eiIihrO'puty, t&n the 88Ld
vetgnwau or hi8 wiaa 8tlU”~lrlAg Still only &Y&V
&n rmount equal to other vitw~aa aP the&r U1dOUS.
To e&oh veteran wm UaaracrWI or 8 wldouoz w ttia.dor
Boacimblo Georg:s Ii. Shepp6r4, ‘page 4
_ Who 18 & M isg l PMSiOlh Op llho80 l
~iM titXtS8~
be horeaftor +ppsoTea 6h8llbo paid th0 SU8 of
tummy-five dOllar8 (4125) per month for ouch yoe~,
cad the reml.nder of 8614 p668loa fum¶ (afterbe-
&mburrlrtgth6 g~~dr+reTeau~ fund for
as~:th0~t0f~0 e6t0 taQ p0a0m
b8 OQUuJ ~0~k~ WhOfAgai1 Of Uid pOQ8lWJP8
uhooe alalmoto penoloaohave been ort8bllohe&red
fllod. ~11 p8n8lQns rh6l.lbe&a on the first ilar
of the oalendarmouth Sollovingthe appwval of
the eppllwMslon."
It apprare from the80 artlelsr that before e persun
W lIttitiOd to b6gin rOQeiViag a cOnfOdOd88 &30atbiM, h0 We8
ZWqUipSd80 make +A appliO48lw thOrS?Or io aOOOrdBM8 with
8ezd 8t6tUt68. SUOhe 6O~i~8iolli8~08chedf%3@th6~
of that Blat ol! *id Artlolo 6m5 8hleh 6UtbWir.S p&-t
oat or t r frrrrdl ‘to OVO,J CMfutO #OldiOP OW i*Frol? rbo80
~~erene~llerttoa~d~ae~~~ theeppl%-
Ourt StmOd ra~lwag emp0a6loa fa acoMe 4th Art&620
&21r Inothor *-do, en lppllamitueo wqulsed to file hlr
lpplioetuoaWhevo oomo appMvod beforeho bogem to xwolre tth
8lmor f,
tma o y.
w8 bOuSV6 tbr8 it 64th WOqavQuel-
lyba steto~fnatbovor@l~.of the &bon sWtatos8a@Saia
lb8ORaeOf 4ff~tiVO l8 to Iho Qontwary*that elthou@
* coafobrate *otoun vo boen ontltlo4l
to * ponoton
JWOViOM t0 tb tiB0 h0 M hi8 6&lOetiOl2, h0 Wu O&@ lU-
thori to reooite 8uoh pso8166 fmm th8 t5&0 hi0 6gpli66tlot\
wu ~~~~0aurd~tf~~~t~~priat~~to. +I- the
um lzluof reaoadagve a0 uot bollevol porooa aoa amend
hir eppliaetiou et l Ut*r date ur4 thtu rwolvo brcrk.p*3mkktr
beoed upeathis emon&edlppllartfea.
To hold otherwirein the abaomo Eli 8 O&t10 logls-
uou]Ldl*rd to %ho pO8Pibi E”lb? of OFWt-
lrtionto that Cpffeat
umintrho Cwifo6t.oratesm8laao~tmb She8evhe
f@r s~ponoloabut v&o Yom terdy or
faihd 80 .dO SO. OOUkd ,Ouir &qHCNLtOf th0 pM#JiOn @hey V0a.d
bria rooolVodlf tho properappllomtlon at thb propor tiwr
had hoen tgader Ia -06, the entire pon8iOIl
ByatOm &#Uld be
thS”0W.tiRt0 G%O8.
*wa 00 the foregoing, we feel oon8tr8i.nedto ma-
8lf.ZfoUr pUrStbM& b th0 AlO@btiVO.
Yours very truly
Bobart 0. Ko&