Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS ’ AUSTIN &noreblr A. a. Biloy &unty Auditor, Vet&Zendt copnty Canton, Texas Deer Sirs 10 em in roorlpt r 1943 set8 erlde the County Fbmo maker no rpeolflo o r lrponserfor the CountyAipnt, a kind of ootup,doer the Con- ourt and County Auditor heto oxpend oountf fund8 to pay the the Countr Agent and Aaolstant Agent ror tranrportlng 4-H Boys rron unty to Trinidad for the purpose of ng 8 dlrtriot 4-H Club medlng?” ~-‘-.. I--“- - as-- 605 Artiok b@Oa-11, Vernon’8 Amo:ated Civil Statutes, prides, in pert, es followr: ” + + la ndno lxpendlturo ot the find8 OS tha ooonty8hnll thereafter be mndr rro8pt In rtrlot oo~~pllanor with the budget es l doptad bf the oourt. Exoept that rmorgano~ l xpendl- turem, ln oamo of grave pub110 nrorsslty, to ret unorual end unroreer~a oondltionr whloh 00~14 not, bl rrnronsbl.) dillgont thought and attention, hare boon inoludod in thz oridaal budgot, may from tlmo to tlma bo luthorlred br zht yrt a8 emndmentr to the original budeat. Thin dcqart.nmt on numerou8oooI8loa8, oon8truIng th8 above statute ham hold t&t a oonmlB8ioner8@court of a county we8 uneuthorlzed to mnko Ohanger in a budget titer final ap- proval end ado&ion, exoept In oeae of lmer g e no andy grnrr pub- 110 nroreslty. In rupport hereof, YO herewith dlreot rour 8tt8ntlon to Opinion No. O-1063 and rarlour oplnionr of thi8 dopartmnt mentioned therain. We lnolo8o oopy oi said opinion. Also we err enolosln& Oplnlon Ho. 0458 regarding the euthoriff oi the oomml8aloner8* oourtto expendoounty funds tor trenrporte- tlon of WPA worker8 engaged in drilling ~0118, eta. Thr fsotr rot out In your latter would indicate that the bud@ for the oountr contain8 no pro~lrlon8 for said expandi- ton; thcrcrore, ouah expandlturr could not ho made. Furthermore, after e oarUu1 88aroh of the rtatuter, we tall to find any etatute ruthorlziry the lxpondltura under ronslderetlon. Wo reoognlze the oonnnendable pu se for whloh thl8 money 18 desired to be expended; howoror, In w ‘4”lw of thr raot that ruoh lxpmsor are not provldod for In the oounty budget, end ln the lbernor ot any law l uthorlziq 8am8, wo reapeotfull~ emwer your que8tlon in the no$atlro.