Honorable Iiiohar4 f, Stovall
DilldOt kttO?Iley
floyda , Terra
Dear sir:
“ilea glro mr yo
Or llotthe Floydada Indepe
haviry loqulred
in the oohool di Tar
i! Do.4 dat.4 the 6 oan roll an4
oonvey such pra ten oonaent
of tbe other t em than the
re am toll0wa: Suit was
n Flay4 County, Texae In
8x14 an adjudged value of 3700.00 wa6 plaoed by the
court upon eaid property; tbereatter alp Order 0r Sile
waa lssua4 and the 6bsrlff, artor advertleing said prop-
erty aa required by law, eol4 8814 prWerty at publio _
aale to the Ploydade Independent Bohool Distrlot for
itself and the other tarlng unlta Involved for the eu
~06. Rlobar4 f. Stovall, p. e
oi 6700.00, being the adjudged vrlue plaoed upon
#aid- property by the oourt, and thareatter exe-
cuted a Sheritf'a Dee4 to the said Ploydade Inde-
pendenf LZoRool District.
C8eOtion 9 of Artlole 7345b R.C.3, provIdea that
where property la bI4 In and held by the taxing unit
purohaaing HP. for the uae aaS benefit of itself en4
all Oi tha k~fng units whloh were partlea to the
suit, tb property ah11 not be a014 by the tuti u&it
purOb%iaring MIZIOior lea8 then the ad&V&e4 value of t&e
amount Of the judgnrsnt, ehlohever Ia lower, wIthout the
written oonaeot ol all taxing unit8 whioh have been
found to here tax lleaa agalnat tha propert Sal4
article Surther pravldea thet oonaent In be i;; li of th6
State oi Texas may be .gIven by the Couaty Tax Colleotor
of the Ocunty in whIoh the propsrty la looatd.
“In thla pertioular ease, all tba taxing units me
dealrtur or 8elUng the property and ~111 give their
written oonarat to the Ploydade ln46gendent Sohool
Dirtrlot to eel1 the property, an4 they woul4 1Ike to
roll the property without the neeeaalty of reedvertla-
lng, ma provided in tke aeoond panmaph of EieOtIQn 9
of Artiole 734fib, R. 0. S.
“Art1018 e775, 8. C. S., provldea aa followa:
*Any houaea er landa ha14 la tru8t by any oitp or town
for pub110 tree aohool purpoaaa mey be mold tar the
purpose of invetting In more oonvenlent axid dealreble
school property, with the conaent OS the Stat6 Boati,
by the board oS truateea of such oity or town; and,
in auoh oaee, the preeldent ot the aohool bear4 ah11
exeoute hi8 deed to the puroheaer for the eeme re-
olting the resolution 0r the State Boar4 giviag cou-
aant thereto end tha reaolutlon or the board of truateaa
authorlzlng auob 8al9.*
*The opinion of the $1 Pa60 Court OS Civil Appeal.
in tag case or R. B. spenoer and Company va. Brown, et
e1 lgg s. w. 1179, would Indicate that the Qomeut of
th; State Board would be neoessarp.
qr there ie my further Information YOU desire
before giving JOUS OpfIIiOn On the meter, plea@* ht me
bow an& I shall be glad to fumiah aam.*
l,,n.Richard F. Stovall, p. 3
- In our Opinion, the Floydrda hIdependentaehool PI.-’
trlot la*ysell the property in question at private aale for leaa
ttun the ldtudted oalus thereor or th0 amount or th0 judment
a,plnrt th6 Propssty in said suit, whlobever is lower, with the
written Oonfmtt Of all. taring unlta wbloh In aatd judmnt bara
born found to hOv0 tax lien8 ap,ainrt auoh property, mad the oOn-
nnt of the State Board of Sduoatlon lp uaneOe#aOry.
Tba Opinion of the fl Faso Cam-t cf Civil Apwa1.r 1~~
forred to in Yoer letter deals with property whloh bad lOtuelly
boon used by the60h001 dirtrIOt ror aohool urpoaea. on the
otherband the Ploydada Independent Sohool DPatrlot haa lOquire4
this RropOrtY, not aa an investment for the purpose OS ualllgthe
PrOpOrtY a@ a eahool, but aa a ate9 ln the oolleotlon OS tax00
on rid prowsty. A kxbg unit buying in property lt 0 tax
ralo oonduote4 under the authority of Art&o&e 7sdSb Revi.
Clvll Statutes, ho148 such propsrty “10 trust rOr ail taxiag
units adjudge4 to have lien0 on the game. . . .- Yaxla Independ -
ent Sohool Di5triOt vs. City of X8x10, 138 S.#. (#id) 118, lgl
(mmm. or hP9.j. C188rly. w0 think, property loqulnd by a tu-
lng unlt under a014 ArtIOlo 7SISb la mt *hOuaaa or lOuda he14
i8 trurt by my oity or town for publlo free #ohool pafpoaea,”
aa oontenplatadby Artiole g778, R. C. E. Sal4 statute not be-
ln4 lppllccrble, the ooaaOnt OS the State Board of Xduoatlon la
not require4 to mke the p r o p o r ed
lOle vall4.
The thlr4 jmrOgraph ot your letter above quote4 eon-
talaaan aualyaIa of the flrst paragraph or Seotion 9, Art1018
9345b, R. C. 6. The leoond paragraph of ul4 Seotion 9 prwi4ea
in part aa follower
rProvIde4 that if sale baa not been lllade by luoh
purohalng t0x1ng unit berore 01x months aftor the Co-
dsaptlon period provided in ~eotlon 18 hereof he8 es-
pired, It shall thereerter be tbo duty or the Sherlrf
upon written request fkm any taxin unit who ha@ ob-
tafned a-JudgEtaRt In raid eutt, to a011 said Proprrtl
at pubiio outory to the bigheat bidder ror 0O.b at th0
prinoipalentranoe of the courthouse in the OuutY
wherein tb bad 2188 after e;lvlngnotICe or salr 113
the EynnOr now premribed for rale of real offtat*under
do not oonstrue
,;y;o the quoted portion
.-_-. of %etiOn 0 a*
mki,% a eb.rlrf*r,aale the otiy sale metbaa aval.lahle*uh*e'
soa. Riobard F. :;tovall, p. 4
qu~nf to the pecsags of the sir math8 after the red~ptloa peri-
od. The tiring units am at111 at liberty to lffaat a private
~10 under the written consent, protlnlon OS the first paragraph
of Sootion 9. Tb a lviolent lntoat oi the le65rlnturo in adding
the rheriff*r aale proririon was to afford raliaf rhon taring
&tr dsht be unable to agree with one mothor on a aa10 prloo.
maofore. althaqgh over four years bare pasrod llnoe the fore-
olorare #ala, 8 rheriff*a 8ale 18 unnooemary, sad the property
m, be mold ot private -10 under tbo oondltiona met out in the
ffrrt paragnph of 3eotlon 9. AS earlier OpinlOa from thlm
t#fioo, Ho. 04078, uopy of uhloh ie ln6losuI, rapport8 tbl8
Aooordlagly ny bold that under tba fmats rtatd In our
lottor, the Flofladm Inaependeat :Gobool M#trlot,’ with the ur I ttan
ooasant of tbo other taxing uaits involvo& may so11 rib prop-
erty et private lle et the prior indloatd, and wlthcut the oon-
I@ Of the Stat* Board Of 8dUOatiOn.
Your0 vary truly