30 ”
p ‘:‘~~
rplus tumdm eol-
em of ccahot-
r 16tter ot Septea-
ber wth, rritt ) Nr. Tucker, Pe-
her thereisuq-
he produat.%on of flshl?or
+a by arperKl.itures or por-
ation Mll, to whloh you refer, as pasm-
iffo appropriations for Ohe Game, Fish
The ApproprfationBill has tlLviAe& s&e
Ylsh ROpS##iOB and Protection DiViriOB,
0x1: Corctbl Rivislon, Xrinteasncs, X.l.scell8n-
ooua 6r 1mpr0tcmBttl nirimion, Fish, Eatehery and Sand, Shell
6nd Gravel Blrisica, &aintemance, miaoellmeoas and Improve-
pients DitislOn, all Of which sabrPO0 SUJ different itas.
'Phe rider ottaohed to said approprlrtlon reads ia
part as follawsr
usme, Fish (r.Oyster Comdsaion - page B
‘The for4gOlng up4Offle UOUBb, Or so
maoh thoroaf u may be used, U’4 hereby 8p-’
- proprirtod for the purposee above enweratsd.
0 4 4. ~11 mmsy to the oredit of these
speoial funds on band in the Strta Trersq
010 Septmber I, 1943, together with the cur-
rent revenuea to be derived and plaoed to
the oredit aE these cpeoiol funds during the
nut o~w.lag twe yersa snding Wgast 31, 1945,
are hereby rppropriatsd ami ry bo uoed fer
the performmae of the duties u&l funotions
of Ihe (iwe, Fish 6 water GoQd.ui0n in.prO-
lwriag, proteeting nod ia8Peasing the supply
of wild birds, wiia animals, fish 8nd other
edAble rquatio uduls of tbtm State. 4 4 4.
lie rddiiionel 44iploye4s, exempt teapory k
pleyees, uy be paid from my fund herein lp-
proprirted. Any salary paid 8tempervf em-
ployee shall not exoeed the mte at salaries
h4r4iB appropri8ted for employees wlth~simil8r
It is our opinion that the oondoatlag of s mhell-
fish hatobery for the production 4f oysters could aene
within the *preeaxW.mg, proteoting and inoreuing the eup-
p&y of wild birdm, wild mimalr, flub antI Otber’dlbXe
8quats.c uhals of this state.* You an, therafera, use
8x1~ of the surplus Tundo ever and above thome spedffloal-
1~ 8ppropriated for said purpose,
loi oannot, hewav+r, employ amy uIditisna1 help
or epplo7444 exoapt those that rould be teraed and sre
*teuiporary saployeeo*, und pay s~lpd htco; any of sitid Wm.