fionorable Fixnk D. c;uipn
Brsoutlr6 Ssqretary~
Texas State Parks tjeard
Austin, Texas ..,
Dear Sir:
authority. be ~ecure~?~
iYehave been unable to find any legielativs 6Ct
authorizing the Texas state Farit, Roard to lease any State
for oil end @OS. It Is B well settled rule that public
officers and odminlstratlve acd governmental boards poeeeee
only euah powers as are expresely oonferred upon them by law
or am n4c4esarllp Implied from the powers eo conisrred. 34
I Tex. JUC. 440.
The Texas State Farks Board la aa agenoy of the
state an4 la authorized to so~loit~donatlon to ~tho State or
traoto of ,land to be usd by the State ror the purpoes or
gubllo parks and/or reoreatfon areas. tmtiole 6068 V.A.C.;.
iiothing in, the dot oreat.1~ suoh Board expressly authorizes
it to exeoute 0~11and gas leases, end suoh power oan not be
implied from ita pouere expreesly granted to Weoll~ft dona-
tion to the State of tracts of land . . . to be used by tha
.'itat.e for the purpose of publia parka and/or reoreation areae
. . . .c $4 anewer your flrret queatlo:~, nb.
Se have been able to find only two Acts of the
I.e~ielafure authorizing any agenop of the State to execute
011 and gas leaees..uponState Fark lands. F1r:s.t.Bouae El11
Yo. 711, Ch, 198, p. 430, Acta R. S. of the rllstLegislature,
1929, (Art. !!Wlb V. A. C. 5;) authorizes the 'Commlisslonsrof
the General L&d Office to lease all jmbllc lands l'yin,&be-
neath or adjacent to the waters of Caddo Lake for rafnerelpur-
p0tWJ5. Cad&o Lake is a'Stat F8rk ud0T your Jurladlctlon.
SeCOUd, SeWit S1iiplO. 84, Ch. 32, p. 55, AOtg of '
t.%e41at Le&latare, Fourth Called Seaslon, 1950 (Article
3lS& V. A. C. S.) oreatad'a board and authorleed , lease
lands of the mite whloh were owned or held 6% Stete~Eleemosy-
nary and State ?.?emorlalFark rends. The Tetia State,iarka
T,@arddoee not have Jurlmdlatlon over Memorlsl Fark?.
In.anewer to your rroond question, 15 the sbrenoo
of any exp?esr le&ielative euthorlty, exoeptwith rererenae
to Caddo Lake State Parkk, we do not believe any Sta$e agaaoy
&s nutborlty to lean4 any other State i'ark under goui Juri8-
dlctloa tar oil and gee purpoae6, and that lvwill take an act
or the Legislature to confer such authority.
Trueting that the above fully enmere your questlona,