Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

979 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Honorable A.’ C. Turner, Uarden sexar Prsson sprtem mmtAville, fexra the Sheriff of Walker ford ccweyaniw~ to suoh al, upon the order of the above stated b?.the pr;il .#iysloiawat Huntavillb and ahall be obaeroed bp”sa.id phyrloisn and the Harden OF the Penltentiaryj and vhen, in the judgmant of said phy~iolan or vardbn, suoh oonviot Is insaneand should be transferred to one of theStato Hospitals for the treatment of the IAX(ILII~~, then elther~ @aid prison physioien or raid warden shall go before the County Judge of Walker County, Texas, and make af- fidavit to said. faot, and the County Judge &all. ” forthwith prooeed to try aaid convlot in the 8ame aanner aa other psraons and under the same rples * Honorable A. C. Turner, page g of procedure as apply to the trial of oitloeno vho beoome lnosae. Upon trial, if said oonvlct is found to be lnbano, the county judge before vhom ho is tried shall issue his varrant for transfer of said oonvlot to one of the 8tato Xoapftala for the treatment of the insane or other place pro- . vided hereafter by lav provided the provision of this lav shall not appiy to prisoners under oen- ~tenoo of death and acnflned vithin the State Penitentiary.” It vi11 be notioed that, vhlle the statuteooaferr upon’the ~.oounty j-0 of Ualker Oounty authority to order the transfer of, the conYiot fdund Lnoane to one of the State Hos- pitals for the treatment of the insane, yet it does not spe- ally vhethor the prisoner shall be conveyed to the State Hoo- pita1 by an agent of the Prison System or by some other offi- aer . IS the aounty aourt has authority to order the oonvey- anae to be mode by the sheriff of Walker County, ouch author- ity must be found in the general power of the uourt aowing out of its juriodiotlcn over ,the luuaoy trial. boation 15 of AH&ale V of the Texaa Constitution provides in part t “The County Court shall . . . transact all business appertaining: to deoeaoed persons, minora, Idiots, lunatios, persons non aompos mentia and oommondrunkards 4 , .I and the County Court, or judge thereof,,ohall hiivo power to issue vrits of injunctions, mandamusand all writ8 aeoesaary to the e~oroemont of the jurladlotioa of said Court. . . . The applicable rule is thus stated In 11 Texas Jur- isprudence, page 727, Seotl.on 19: I St is an unoontrovorted general prin- oiplo ih&‘*evory regularly oonotitutod oowt has Inherent pover to do all things that are reaoon- ably neoesoary for the amiatratioa of juotiae vlthln the scope of’ its jurisdiction and to pre- vent any abuoe of its prooeoo.t “This inoludeo authority to carry into effect ita~ ovn judgments, oentencoo and decrees and to prevent Lnterferenoe therewith.” Honorrblo A, 0. Tumor, pago 3 It I8 therefore OCRopiaion that it 18 rithin the diooretlon of the oounty oourt of Valkor County, upon oan- viation of lunaoy in that oourt, of b prisoner of th8 Texas Prison System, to order the insann prisoner to be delirersd by the varden of the Texas Prison bystem to the sheriff of lialker Oounty and by said sheriff ocmveyed to the atate Hoo- pita1 to vhioh the prisoner Is ooamittod, and thrt upoa re- osipt of 8uah order the warden is lUthmi86d to so deliro~ the prisoner to the sheriff of Ualkn. County. We think it appropriate to point out t&t, In rush aaro, tho order of tho aounty oourt of Ualkor County rhould opsoifio8lly &root tho rudon of tho Prison Syoton to dollrrr of Walkor Coonty for oonvoyanoo Yours oory truly ATTORliBY QBWtAL ~Q~.~.TBXAfJ BY Y. R. Allen Aoolotant .,