Xonora~ls %. Riley
Texas 2rieon EoarQ
6an antonlo, Tsxes
ft&rabie U. Rile::3yat.t-.p*gc 22
~4.tek%'%vl~%m% co5cerr&1~ the conduct of any and
all oi~lolalsena araploy%~s of the Texas Prlpon ~a-
$%q aad report salB ~oamalttes~~e flnciln@,meether
rulththe sobatena%of such eo/dano% awlin the acia-
mittoe*s oplnlcn Rlcht te portfrtsntto lts flndln@9, .
to tha Forty-ninthLe(:lalstum.
*said oomcittea m47 hold Its 5eGGlcns at
the CsplWl or at the Stats Penitentiaryst Eunts-
oillo, or at sny of the Farm8 ooonnaoted ritb the
State iJrlso0SyGtex, end au17 uatu9e wltasssee to ap-
pear at an7 plaa6rheFe SGid s%selonio are held, and ..
ahall 9~. frm the fund h%r%lnett%r
set asiaa, for 8311of Its eatual nsasosary travrllag
ena other erpexmes.
. "T&w% is heraby crpproprlateaout 0r tha,
Coitlri~ntEsp%ns% Fund of the Foity-%l&atbX.%&la-
tam the ltwaof rtftaerlIIuRareqDollars (gkK!01 to
meetths payment of zmqeseary expmws lmmrr& by
Geld oouQnltt~**
l?ouscBiaple R%solutlon.Bo.311, it ~111 b%
neat, 3s not ~1,broads61 txm@ohsrtsi~e ut Sancte Reoo-‘
hi&n .srOi.,4 aonsi&ered ln oar orIgina opirilonWo.
0-524s. Th% autharltyexpxwmly mnferr%d In th&
Hciune?waolut.ion 1s."wJ ask@ e tbozwu& lRv%atlga~tim
of the Wisce Bptea a& Itaomanapaent,~ulth cdtthar- _.
. It.7to sumuoa wit44eres sna 44lllpal thefr attenaa44e
upon it8 ~MS~OIIB, ana tak% waefi48 oonosr~fne the
oollduot ot any ma,.m otfl4id4 45a ~107wm 0r th4 ;;
.TexasPrison syatm, end reportnaid~oarrPlittseta find-
In&p, together with t$% stabstianao of suah avl&moe ae
in the 04waltteotsopinion ni&ht be petitlnentto Its
rinahgtt, to ths Forty-nlnt$L%&3latum.-
or twurse, this authority lnoluude*
i7 iilglri-
~an7pmwm leelly lnolaectalto the sapress
poskra Pantloned.
xe thlhk an iapllqd autkorlty la airen to
th% ceaaoulttee
to employ suok 8t%xio&raphle,.orother
h6lp a5a &GSiGtGlltG, 88 Wl?Illa be M%%QMt#~lp l3%O%S%%S7
to the taking of %vla%sim~,
end tbe.reportlagthe'oaai-
slIttee* findings,but beyorla-taa thE~oGuEmltte%
would. '
hate m authority or lee1 right *to tGlcQwith them a
pnraon rho i% not a m%mb%r of either tha oodtt%e or
the &%pi%la?4ir%and bestow apon h&z tlm mm% rig&a
and privll%gGG* enjoyed by the emmlttee. 53 other
w8rd0, this comalttee,as pointsd out In our original
,~opinion, uould hate no panr to de1efGtG any portion
of its powers or kaposea &rtl&s‘uponsn]rother person.
Phi% %n%wer la neotassarlly gesntel a% your
~.:inquiriessre g%lllsr%l. We are not.aaviwa or the
8~oif10 rti0t or f%at% &rlng.riae to your qa%%tlone, ..
;;at~myt, 0r aotzr~e, speak 4tih4rv1tss than in gemm-