Bonorabls 0. Lyno Mlllw
oounty Attorae~
Bee Qountf
BeerUle, Teuaa
ud.g m eo t
requesting thr opln-
question 18 aa
giving aa an oplnloa
levied aa lx m u tlo for
want to a jadtgemt and
therearter, withoutaa30
ths 8mouat of the JwIgaenC
orditoor in lettlment of
98 e release thereof i8 the
eorgensation unaor tha pro-
0. S., of 1925, ls a menb ed
Ttt would me5 that tk eherlff would not ba
entitled to my toe rinoo ho did not oolloat the
BDnombl* 0. Lyne Ule?, ?nge 2
l* ..
~lh o tia g a o a eo y
a en*xeo utio
OYaM 0~
Arr of eule, whm the Saab ir rde by a sale, to?
the firrt Oae EwAnA Dollera I#001 or losr iour
) pr eat; fez the ueond Oar Ihmdnd IJoliorr
It loo) three t3 #etoeat1 foruAeuwff*rTwQ
mad Dollars I 200) M A 8o t lx e wdlngo ne
Thoamad Dolt?. t #lOOo), two (2)
men the mney is eell8otod b the S&eriYf
or Gonatabla without a mile, one- d S et the dove
rites &allkallawedhLn.
Itia 8tetod inTenr Ja r ir p ndenee,
701~~8 34 ,
e r
%tatotea geeser%tdq teu for publie oisir
eef8a n r tr io tly a Dn8tweA~ M d b o no *l r i h t to
te*r R a y no t r wt in k p uea ffo a . u h e n thf8
d& t la left to oonrtruotbn tha langnag* of
t&e law mstbr eonetru.A ia kr of the ~otsra-
Rant. l rktote
lfb a r * $ 8upablr o f twe eoooltme-
t%OM , On0 Of WhiOh Wufa &iT@ 85 OftiOM OpGDoIoI
ntien ta h&mrenleer irr aildillon to hla salam
8ad Use otkur PM, the latter eonrtmJotioa should
Itieno ea o e~
b ela o p tedr et
1 u 0rti00r th a t
the kgialaturr ry hero been &ward other offi-
oem more liberal thea towr4 NR la the matter
Gwrablo Q. Lpne Yiller, Page )
at oamgenaatioa iOr nmleoa nor does this hot
jwtliy t&s MarCI la upbaa L bie r1aia for
eo6po45atloa for lorvie*r aa 8g c lia st
l telr and
roaaonable interprotatlon 0r ah* 8teDk. .*
(Mom.la t. a1ty of RDakd~o 246 9. w. 654; l
?katlanACoiurtyv* -84 S8 S. Il.SUB Barke
ve Bw Qountr, 271 & 4, ‘1321 Ihddmt 1, Xardy,
50 8. 1. 926.)
The was of Lw 1’ iboeka et al., 131 8. W. Ilt95,
in eonstruing Artlelo2460 RotlaeA Stetatee of AU95,holda
inlrfwt Umt when t&e Ata6e pwldea that the ahoriff
my hate eoapoamatiea8ta lertaln nt*when ba blmalt haa
oollooted the Aobt without aale of proportr aa ordered bf
the oort,wherea pu6y holaw a +anAor*slienaalleotbd
bia money after ~0realeepN w*thout l malqtke lhadff eoul4!
ylro;wer Lie ocmmn8atiorr~ We quote ixwr this e8iw aa
“Ap llrathvlng reoore?& l in ~tha
Judg m e nt
court be r ou again& appd.loo Bmooka ior the emu
OS 317,316.88, with foreoloeure of 8 rendortalien
up o na lrvwy ef la&d in Llbertr eeituty,?roaprd
the laar~oe of 8n ardor oi rale upon mid 4 -
mant on Juno 5' 1909,UA the 8-o ma placed 3.n
the hands ef lppeller 1. RI Thornton, eOnat6ble oi
proolnot no. 1 or raid oormtg, f’or lnoutloa,
Thornton leviedaponthe lmd and ad*ortlssd it
to bo 8oliY en ta 6, 1909. On Jane ;u, 1909*
lppollaoBroooka id the wunt of tIm j&stunt,
htenat, and 008 r a oi ait to appallant Lee, mho
6h a uup B
o lr
a ee?,ed th ea det o r lUe te bo rstumed
u6enouted. Apgw.llee madethe
The?Moon ntPrrr a8
direotd oa f0ru 29th and in uid rstum 018bOd,
in addi tloa to t& feoa allowed by l8w ior the
lew ltu tla u a nt, md rettua l lomlaalonor
$549 upon the meant rollootd by lpwll-t in
latiar~atlon of the prinoipal uld lntuert dur 011
aaid judgsentr Upon the rofunlofapxmllantto
thir eodasioa, thornton tllod in the emart
Y ea l mtloa to tax u&t loaaiuion aa ooata %a
ths ors.glnalmlit* rruMerduot6heeDurt
mting Mid motioa 8nA lajw lppouaa6 lie
b lefo rmid uma la o la tblantlpp+sl le psoaeo\rtad.
. ‘134
- .
Hoaornble 0. Lmr Millor, Page 4
*-Arti8loWO’ e W Pevloed Statnto8 oi
18959~ovldra as foue~rl ;apsyifra 8hall ro-
oelre thr follM fees: 0011*0till&
r o a w o n a 5 lxooutT oa or order or llo t wh a ath o
sane is Islde by a aale, for the first on@ huntbed
dollan or loss faar pu oont; m tho leoond
~a, hundred Q&a, three par arntl ior all
mamawartwo hundred &ollma, two par oent.
3%~ the aoner ia aa1ls.l.d br the ahorltrwith-
o u t l aalo, ona-hau of tha mban rates -1 be
*Urned him.’ The aat Of 1897 (Sp. Lawa '1897,
O* 5) o b M g O*
th a amMa o ? lDwiQsiO58 tilOWd
sheriff8 Zojr oolleot& money on an ordor of
ml0 mhon a ralr is 6a7 0 .b,at makes 80 ohange
in the former lav 8s to the oo#nalsaioaa allowed
when the ronr~ ia oolltitod rlthoat Sale;
5% think it elaap, mndrt’thhr provlalosa at
the'abtuto boron ~pooted, that rpp~lloa Thorntooa
maa no t latltlrd to l oomtnlaaloon upon the rone~
opid ta appallant by l3roooka. Es mm only al-
lowed a ooeaisalaa upon mnry ooll*oted w hL
Tha atatutr ffxas tbo foea allowed t&e offia
for aorvioas in tbs exeoutlon of the writ pr 1" or
b t&r sale, and if tha aala la not mde and the
ao5e;r due 05 the jrvllgment Is not oolleotsd W
him, he is ontltiod to M 0015~nld05.
*l . l .*
Undw the taatg the aherlti
atatd did not lolloot
the money due 00 t&e Tlmrefore,
judmnt, %KI VieW Of the
foregoing l& h o r itloits,ig our opinion that the ahor=
la not entitiod to w t~~asaLisslon upon the IIDZM paid br
th judgment debtor t,~ tb judgnent or8ditorr s omer tho
aheriti would bo latitlad to tho roes allared br Artioie
3933, sup-, for levying the lxreutlon and th* rat- Of th*
lxeoutio5 aa4 the post- OS tb, advrrtlaembnta iOr ml0
under tho lrooutlon if the 8hrrlft posted the ~dvutiauaata
for la lo uador the lxootatioa. In ethaf rarda tin lhorlft
wm+tlbnot b* edit&~ fo q oomlaaion an tho SOMYmid
by the jldQae5t dobtm totlm allg605t oro<or in aottle-
moat or the judgawt where ho a id not aOlleot the loruV