Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. .;-- -.’ 276 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ~~-=w*“H,C*,,OII ,. * .‘C”Y.w.,.ro . . . . . . . --.,- ..-.. _- I ’ 277 Honorabla A. L. Blakeraon, Pega 3 Prior to ita amendment in 194l, by 8. 9. 524, Aotr of the R4gular 3eseion oi the 47th L4&31atwe, Artfole 3899, v. ,A. a. 8.) while authorlzlny the payment of praslw~on Of?ialal bonda of a4rtd.n ofrloors and their deputlss, to wit 1 Sheriffa, oamtp judger, oouutp attorneya, aaseowro and aollaotors of taxes, oounty alarks and dlatrlot alerks, did not euthoriae aueh peymeats ia behal? of wounty treas- urero, aauntyaudltore, oounty 4omnl8alonors, aoanty.sahool oupsrlntandenta, and oaunty hide and animal lnapeotoro. !l%q. oaptloo of said R. B, 524 reads a8 follows~ -An Aot amending Artlola 3899, Revised Clvll Statutes or Twas, 1925, a0 anendad by Chapter 3l.l. Aeto of the Forty-fourth te&&atum Resgu- lar Pesslon and Chapter t&5, A&a Oi tha !&IOOB~ Callad %safoa, Forty-fourth Logi.slature, and by Chapter 498, AM.8 or the EWtp-ilfth I.e@.aleturs, to proviCe #et preabma ok offlclal bonda for the oounty treasurers, oamty auditors, county road oomml~si~ne~a, oounty aohool ruperinterd~enta, hide and animal Inspectors and their depi;tlsa, shall%a~pe~d from aonr$: funds; end dealsring an dme!rgaBoy.; Eeatloa 3 or aald 8. B. 5% also provideo: "'Ph. faot that tha provlolona of t&la Aot axe naaeorary to r4nmdy a 4lsorlminstlon against 4tWtaiA OCXAty OrfiOitIlSiA the mIdtar Or pSpk0Bt of aostr on prcmi~58 on bond8 for thenmelvet aul ior their deput:os oreater an~amar66noy and aA imperative pub110 ~nabasalty'that the oonstItuf$onal rule roquirlng billa to be read on thrro~aweral day8 la edah Rours tie 8unpanUad, an8 B0id rule is hereby wspendod, wd that this Ao$ shell Bake et- r40t and ba iA for00 rr0n end aftu I ha passa~o, and it is aa eAaoted.* It will ba not& that Y.~otion (b) of Arti410 3899, V.A.C.S., as arab~ded, aupre,, Mea the term “oulnty road ooamlsalonero~ instead or ,the term *oounty oomti8slo1u)rs~. old th4 Le&alature inma to r0rter to oaoatg eoEvrlsslon4rsO &ono?ablo A. S. ~ickareon, Page 4 '?!e fhlnk so. Our reasoning on this 8wre la aa iollom~~ The term mOOuntyroad oqml*sionera* ia aa&iguoua ad theroiora aubjeot to aowrtruation in order to aeosrtrk the Leglalatlr~ Intent; There i a no oouatr otfloer known 88 *oountg road oommiaafonern. It ia true that Artiole 6737, V.A.O.S. author1208 the, oomalsalonara~ court to employ road oomm$eaianera nob ho exceed four tar ro8Q dlatrleta or pavofn&~ datiaed by the ooumlaalonara* oourt, aad ruoh road ‘oaasrluimera are msro2y road dlatriob or pmoinot employee8 who are required under Artlola 6738, V.A.C.S. to obey all orders a? the MQ- miaaloaera! Court. Artlolm &737, V.A.C.S., requires suoh BE+ plopesa (reed oommlaalonera) to ueoute a $1000.00 bond pryuble to the aounty Judga and hir auooeaaora in office but doer not require auah road oommiaalonera to take any oath. Suoh OR- ployoaa (road oomulsslonera) hate no deflnlta tsrmand are olearly not 0 rloera that In oountl 88 harf ngArtiole a popula6?~i!~ ‘Z;iA&%6 ffi::bfi::t?a or mnre the m++mberaof tho oaumlaaionera~ 6ourt *ahall be ex-ofriolo road eommisrlonera of thelz reapsotlte prwlnota*. It 18 also pertlfwnt to oonaider the 1 alatire history of Article 3899, arotlon (b), V.A.C.S. PrT or bo it8 amendment in 1941 the artlole, while euthorlzi bond premiums on the cffloisl bond8 of nearly a orrloera did not suthoriae t&e payment of bond premiuma for the oounty breammar, huntp auditor, o~ounty eommlaafonera, oounty aohaol ap~rinteudent, snb~oamby hi80 and anlmsl inapeotor. To OUTI this altu&%on the Legislature mended the Aot in 19Q, as quoted above.’ Thb awrgen6y olauae, quoted above, saga amng other thlnga that ‘“the proviaiona d this Aot am neosaaary ta ramd.y a Clsori?Umtlon against Oertah 00kmy 0rrf0ia8.n Clearly this would not a)plp to m~wre emplaper auoh a5 a prsolnot or dlatriot road oimilaaloner. Jomm oouatp oomulsaionara are also ,as-afrloto road oomdasfonera (in oountloa 40,000 or over) am3 all ooantf o~rmalaaionera look after the, county mada under rarlous oonabitutlonal and atatu- tory prod alona. Indeed monz people i)opularlg refer 00 tb oouuty oommlaaionera as ooun%y ?oad ~ol~aiaaloaern. It lema olesr to us t&t the Leglalatun undoubtedly intended to refer . 1 EoaorabloA. S. Eieker8on,Page 5 to oaunby eommlaslonera when it uarb t&a born aoouatg mad oomulaalonaraw lu the amandad AoS abore quoted. To hold otherwlaa would make the term Woauntp rc%d omnlaaloneraw maanlngl*aa and would dlsorlninata agalnat ocunty aonm1881ouerb- a dlaorlnlnabloa aever lnbaadod by the l&alaturo aa eridenoed by tha ahova quota6 aaarganoy alaaao. In oompllanoa with your xa uaat m are lnoloaiug herowith l‘oopp of oplnlou 80. O-505 s of thin deparfananb, mhlah holda that bond promlums on the offloial bond8 of oer- bala named oouaty Oftlo In oOwtle8 0 Oiflo~rr~ Salary Law lhould bo paid from rrativ ho Off oera’ uaaer Sal- *lAa arg hnd o? the oounty. Honbgcmery Oouaby, Tama, baa a population in lb ooaa 02 20,000 lnhabitanta aaoordln& to the 19lp ?adrral Coa- nun. Obder tha provi slona of Saotlon 13 of Artlole 39 120, V. A. 0. S.s the following named oouut y offloera, to wit: aharlfi, aaseaaor and oollaotor of tares, runty judge oouaty attorney, lnoludlhg orlmlnal dlatriot attorney a04 oounty attorney8 who perform the duties of dletrlot attcm naya, dlsbrlob olerk, oouuty o&ark, treaaurar and hlda and aalmal inapeotor, of oouhblor 9,uvlng a population in eseeaa of 20,000 lahabltanbaaooordln(l to thr Last pmoedin@ FM- are1 oanaua, mat ba ocmpaaaatod oa a salary baa18 aud bo paid rraa th? ?filoera*Salary yu&. The ooanty oommlaaloueraof Ilonbgowry Counby, Tua a , r eo o lve th e irlalarlea under the prorIalona 02 Artl- oloa 2350 and 2350(l), V. A. 0. S., aooordlng to the tar taluatloha of the oounty. Sooh 8alarlar may be paid aa- 018 2350. Tbero ia no atatutory povlalon twthorlslly the payatenb af bond pramiuma on Orflol8l boa68 of oooaby OOm8&8- r io nerIn o la la roounbl~r y oub o? blw road and brldga fund or ou2 of any other rund than tha Of?io6ra' SalOr Fund. Xonorable A. 2L Elokerson, Page 6 It la our oplnlon that S~otlon (b) Of Artlole 3899, V. A. C. S., aa amended, Aots 47th L%iOlatUrO, 19W, la val ,id aab oonstitutlonal. ;Ye anawer your queatlon in the negative. Tour8 tory truly ATTCRNEYGRRXRAL OFTXXAS Wm. f. hMln(l Aaaletant wn:mp ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS