flmmrobla T. L Trinble, ttiat Maiatant, Paga 3
Cwaua the County Iftlparintarbdantahall k appoint-
ed br tho Count Bmrd of Xdmatloa and abrll hei&
ofrlom for tw T21 reara, pmldod furthar, t&t
this prmlalon ahall not operata 80 aa to Qaprive
any lla o ta cSuparlakn~ant
l ot hi4 oftloa prior to
the expiration of tha tsm for uhlah he baa baon
tlaotad; provided furtbar that in oountlaa having
e aaholaatlo populationot bHwean throo thousand
(3,000) an4 flta thouaaed (5,000) aoholaatiaa,whore-
lo th@ orr1oa or Cotusty~upr1ntuuIant ha4 not baon
oraatad on& a %pariatandant ~abtad, then in 4uOh
oountlaa the quaatloB or whather or not luoh oitloa
ia latabl~ahad ahall ba datetiued br the qualUlad
voter8 of aald oouaty la l'ap8oialllaotlonoalla4
tharafor by tha OQIPIPIaalonara* Court of raid oounty,
upon patition thorafor 44 heralnbboveapaoiiia6.
(Aata 1905, p. 263, aa #matied Rota 1907, p. 210;
Aotil 1931, 4Znd Los., PO 849, sb. 357 AN: 1932,
42ne &a., 3rd c. s., De 47, rh. 11, i
Thla 6,@artmant ha16 ln Oplalon uo. o-l833 that
when tka offiaa of oounty au$wlatandont hu Man eatabllaha~
bl raaaan of tha soholaatlo aanaua baln& in ax~eaa of 3,000
loholaatioa, mob offlo* oama into Irrlataaoa iot four para
notrithataadina the taot that auoh aeaaua might drop baler
3,OOQ dwlq the Sara latananlng the general lleotion your
at rhleh tha oitloa wadld m~alrl~ k fill&. You ban isw
rorud ~8 that Yr. XWwlla we8 rlOrtMto 0rrl6a ln tk8 &as-
lral lla o tio?n nHOvombar of 1932. W* tlWr4tOr4, l444U that
the loholaatlo eonau~ prroadlng lu6h &enaral lleatlopr waa in
exoeea or 3 QOO ~soholaatloa, am6 that lar. 'Ilowlln we8 dul?
llaotod a@ Eouaty C%qmrlntandant or Orsaby Countr. In vtaw
or OP~B;OB ~0. 0.1833 the 0m4r br cotat 9ipdtmnAbnt or
Crosby County oama into osl8twoa Sor four yoar8 even %I the
aoholaatlo oenaua 6roppab below 3,000 loholaatleaBurlB@ 8&l
row yaara. Therarora, the tern for WhlOh &. rJow1i.n ma
llaotaQ oontlnuaa until 8anuary 1, 1943.
In pour tirat quadion you ask whather Mr. HorUn
oould hold both posit&ma. At laaat until Mr. #owlIn na ape
pOiBt4d CoWtt~ %afWrht4Rd44t Of heaby COUZbtJT(tit. 2 55,
Y. A. C. d 4uah I aatormlnatlon 1s Wt neoaraary 44 a ar *a
the llabllf i y of Lubbock IndapurdantFohool unbar tha oon-
traot 10 00ne0mea. lot if ho oould hold both peeltime,
than thr aohool diatriot would ba llabla~ and lf tha Coaati-
tutloaor the prinolpla of Inompatlbtltty of offloapraterrtrd
mnarabl4 P. E. IfrinblB, S'irat #414t44t, Paga 4
g4ah double holdlo& or if ba lbotid k bala to bwa aWow&
fha 0rrioa of doanty bUpuiBtBf&at, than too tbbodiabriot
*orila b llablr, for
the oifloa or Oount~ Cupulntaa&nt wula
ma been v~oatad. Tharartma, la a uming,or oourao, that the
@utlraot ha4 been oarrid out, bhe Lubbook Indrp4ad4ntE4hool
14 lirblo u&er Via o$witraet tit loaat up until the tti Kr.
@omlln we4 appolat84 ana q,ualfrl4044 County Qiparlatanhat
8s Crosby County. hrt. 2355, V. A. 0. 3.
Wa wet now dakrmliaa whether tha aahwl dirtriot
18 limb14 to Kr. nom%la uodar tEa oeatrsot for aarvlma ran-
&ore& srter hs quallrlad aa Gouat~ Superlntendont. 8% la
02 th4 ophion thst thr anauar ta thie qu4atlon la in tba
a?? kmativo.
We quota tho rollowlqa from ~sur lmttor of oulr 15,
1942, in thioh ~tououtline the butlea of a aohool ]Prinafpal.r
u?hera aro tro type8 of aahool prlaalpala~
thorn0that wo r kin4 lug0 a e h o alyatm
l u4b4zth4
dlraotloa of a looal lworinlmdant, an4 thoaa cho
are ln Oharg4 of aoboola lrsroral araa~ thnt am
tamtartho jurlablotlon or the oounty auperlntaobaatr
m%h~l prlaol~aSaan Oca@ido~o&h44d toao&ra
*ho ai-4h4lclraaponolblarcu Wnlat4rl the aaboel
uhlah are under tbalr acurtrolof @upon18"fon. TWir
Qatlra or0 ~MI admlaiatratlvoaridlupanla4ry. A
y~~f~~~man~an~~ohprlnolpalia aruall~ taaeh 41.1ax party
We 404 that a rob01 prizaoiprl periorma lQ1 8tSa tr w
tlve an& aup+mlsory dutioai hr usually taaahay km la, a4
pm may, the *head taaOhar*.
A mhool tauobar Is not a pub118 offl8ar~ Martis
v. ?laher, 291 I’.2761 Lwaal vr Mmaaa, 2118P. 11591~56CL 0.
3821 37 Tat. JUT. 1035t Opinion Bo. O-371. ThWOfor8~ be dCn8
not hold an 0rri00. It follow th8t tho Conatitutiaaal pro-
vialan rsletlvo to btmble orfloa holdlag 14 sot applleabl~,
an4 In ltasli would not prsvmt o&r puaou*a holding Both tin
poaitiono Moor eonaldaratio~. Al't~olo ,281,FACitiOn40, CW-
at1tut10nor TOX4Q.
I4eltbar 40 ~4 bdisva that tbr lnewpatlblllty of
orr2oa prinolplr prrventtisuoh double holding. ID the flnt
plaoo we ere oo~pella4 to tb co~OlUalo0 that tbb dutio8 et-
taohed to the two gOnltlo0o, OUO~ 006 being in 8 t3imrsnt
QQUAty, are not inooqrtible. It would b6 8 dfrrarmt situa-
tian 11 b0t.b poaltlone were In the ame ucuaty, but rum& ia
not the eaac hers.
In Corpue AIris (Vol. lrb, p. 962) it ie aaid:
Y'hs i.nconaiotsnoy whloh et OOmon 1av1 arrkrs
QffiOats iAOC%?ptibl6, 60~ AOt OOfl5iiBt 1~ the phy-
111oaJ.impomlbSllty to dlsoharge thr dutloe of both
orfia4S. but Ika rcttrr iA a oOUtllQt of iatenrt,
aa where on6 1s subordlnstr to tbs other end rub-
IcOt in BaPe da&He tQ the 8U~OTVi0Qr~ FOWr Qf
its lnourxbont, or whort tho lncmbmt of one or It8
oitloaa ha tlw power to rw.wvi3 the houmbant ot
the othar Or t6 Wdlt the eOOOiiDt6 Of th4 Othtlr."
Eelther of the positions ~ndor onnnlderstlon is sub-
oxeiaste sub cot fo thb supervisory
to tlls othsr; neltlmr la
power OF Jurisdictionof the other. ia faot they are tot&-
1J iAdAy.AdeAt Of AOOh Qtbr. ft fQ1bW5 th:t the dutie# oi
006 are not Inooqmtlble with tttme of tha other,
IAof the Soxs~~lagsuthoritlse,
view pou are re-
spsMiftilyadvlaed of Truetees OS Lubbock IA-
that tbs IJ-oard
dapendsnt ~o&ool may 1rall.o pay Mr. NmvZln ta~rhlr wniow
rendered aa eahaol prlnofpal u&claw &lo owtmat of employ-
asnt ii asi& W4rd determinOB that the tern4 Q? tb4 4QQtT4Ob
bar. hen met. ‘l:s
wish to smphaslxe that INSam pasaln~ on-
ly on the Snots before us, ana thl8 oplaloa is llnlt%& a+-
oordfn@y. As tbe ooatmot itlsslt $6 net beforcus, we lx-
pres6 no 9i5ws thereon, and ram the purpoasn 0S this oplnloa
it ia asW1!~4 to be Valid.
Si asill your attontlon to %otioa 1L of A.rtlolsXVI
of the Textm Comtltutlon WfiioOrsqulree all county ortioer8
to rsdds la ?.he oouncy of their oUioe and to kaep their
oisloee at suoh plaaae that %4r be re@I%wl by 1~. 'Phwe-
fore, the County %qVJrfAteAdUAli Of f%o.sby Corulty mfMt nslde
in Crosby County, 38kd UabOr titiOb32688 SW4t IMikltliin LlAOf-
Sioe in the oourthouoa. W'o hew DO facts nhioh inblOet4 whoth-
er ttm terms OS thlr provielon hem or bnve not barn met ala04
Hr. Xowlln WCI aTpointed County ?uparintendent by the Canaat8’
doAer+' 3xrt OS Crosby %untg. Consequmtlg, 818 expre68 no
eplnlon thcrela. ~mwer, whether t&i8 iorlrion ha8 bcua
tiol.rtod or not PoulG h8ts no aSfeet or L 8?lng upOn the lla-
Mllty of the aohod dtcltrlot uador thr aontraat. It would
rftsot only the qusatloo uhrthor the otrioe or County 'ltipz~
lnteudent ha4 been raoetOd or not.