Hoaonblo C. V. Butlop, Jr.
mmboa, Texu kiron Board
cma#mtt , Foxaa
ue &a*. JOor 1ett.r
@UC opinion 88
authority to a
rlea to be phi
for tha suppore,
In mind that s
and dentlnt.
X80 Prlmaal so&, topthor via
hralmsdrr prwtd8d sor, &ah11
th th elto~luaivrIhpu8-t rrd
h* PrlBtsaf5pttea, Mb al pro-
o a q izq
th c r r olub#at
to , lmlpto
tatlonr of thla Act, and wb*ll bo
r66poncllble eoi, the 8uMgement OS the as-
fairs of the Priron bptem a&d ior, the proper
am-e, trwtment, feeding, elothbg and Fe-
meat of the poiam~rs oonfined t&meia.
Ron. C. W. Butler, Jr. - Pye 2
Artiole 6lbbj. Yunon’a Anmtat.6 6ivll btetutaa,
prorider for the emplgwnt of 8 g-1 w&r, for tha
prtran a y a taa m
ndsa y sth h t
w&8 duty o r luo hr ur r g.p
a h a l.
extoxai to the eloymeat en4 dim-e, vltb the lpprovrl of
tha Baud, of such ~raona a* ry bfln*o*aarFy for the arti-
alent conduct of t&w prb2a syatm.*
TJm~p%-op~i~tion for the OpeFetion of Taxaa PrlwJn
rbodlo& lB tha rlopartaaBtal AppFopFiatloB bill,
Ch. 5?1, 4?ta Lq., and I@ sonmdbogbaag at
8eaeFal hBd a r18llma.1941. Trnnlnm St&d
a nlppropsl~tlan (itam 1k ) or 43 ooo p*r ennum for.l “R o a -
pftal Lalan', aaothu (Item i:) of $PlOO for * "Phyalalaa8,
) 500 oar yeas (ltu 12) for a mdleal Sqwviaar,
on. of"lr
with lputnat, ntu and llghta", amotbr (itw l2e)
OS $WOC asmuall For k "Mmdlorl *puwiaor, vitb rput-
meat. water aad I ighte (Stat0 Fan Inhatrlea)*, ULL am
appropdatfon (ftr 33) or &W0 08ah U fOF Q “Iknti8t”.
We 8180 find a a lpproprfatlon of $806,cc for gapnl auppo~6
and rlntazuaea and uonti ant .:mo 1226. Aa l part of the
mmaral ridor to Smmt* Bl "f1 4P3, va fl5d pmag~8pb (1516, *t
page 1391, mading:
huolBboemnde, uamploytiudeatok
mid out of *ppfopriatiozu,
mntbg8nt aoch
mplgrra ahal1rAetba p*id* largasamwit
Wma that provldod in the xwgular appropriated
adufea for aim lw poritionr In luah deput-
mat or vay, mad in tha went tkrm ass a0
slmilu p o *ltio na
wlth ia luah dopwtm85t, then such
ulditlonsl mmployw ahell not ba p*ld l lurgu uount
than that pmrided for llaib? poaltiaor In oth*r
dapartaaatroc ag~ulaa. Xa t&o avant laborore,'
akl1l.d l*bomm, &ad rahaica @ana& ba ob
talaod at the above mwitio5ml uL*v acalo,
then the head OS ruch drpmtnnt uy p*y for
tempozwy asploywntosL~not uaetilngtha
pruvrlllag~48 8u.d. paid fB th. lOtJ8lity
vher the
a to mp o m.r
y la to be raMarad.*
Hon. C. W. Butler, Jr. - Pa&a 3
Frota the Above it 18 our conclurrionthat If the
BOAF~ desnA it moeanAry it my provide the Addition3
poeitlons inquired About, the cAlAries to be p&d out of
the $406,000 Appl'OpriAtiWL lb3wovaw,your Att~lttiOn ia
directed to the llmltatlonrplAcad by raid aaotlon (15)d
on the ABOlUlt of Collgsn8AtiOZl
vhiah my ba psid to the
parronr Appointed to auoh plAO88 of 8mplOyBant. Th.
dentist my not be paid mora U&AA $2400.00 per ymw And
the phyAiolm not nora than the amount itaW.Aed, as Above
set out, for the position to vhioh this ona 18 moat alml-
IAl'. Thla vould hold lima even ii the lttmixed poaltlon
should be Abolished.
Yours vex7 truly
ATTORmn 0mRAL OF !mxAa