Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN y$; iprt roxu, xuaiAf.trrtor 6 . . '%xb.6qU6nt t0 Bh6 Ori(iki.1iWU6nO6 6f .to&, .uOh s&OOk has bonn tl'WNt6lTad trOS tiEit to tit!36 to g6r.O¶iS derlgnated by the ..I& )a.J, Cswlef un2.~ th0 nrbm pm- uedure aa outlined 6bW6. In saoh fneknoo, upon transfer Of Rt0.k frOf!l Oil6 p6?8Qfl to 8nOthOr, M6 a&.6 cueouted by the .ri&lnal holdn oi the mtaak is rutomatloaUy .~ooll& SwR not68 given by hold.78 of rto8% Ire not pelel or‘rduoed from u&6 parlnolpd amount. Th? said 40 aharw of .teak u. St tha prsn6nt tiw h.18 by p6r.W. URd.F the ..sw Oamli- tlo58 urd 8mk6 agrewmts a8 r6floct64 h8r6habo+o. "BY W3OhbtiM Of th6 8WFd Of DiI@6Ot.P8 Of th6 ~r~Orat&tI bi. J. (bSir6) t3.d.y k.. b66a, and OOAtiAU6. CO be, th. ~8n.r.l 2WU6.Z Ot ill f&V6 p..kq. itorw 8inor th6 rrutloa of tha wPporrtlan. By oorporate r.wluttan the said Et. J. (14iJco) Barley I. tEI.only pep... autimrl86d to 8t.w Oh6.k. OA the oorporat.aewunt Ml.- toIn. ln tb6 Pirat N5tlanalBank of Beamtoat,Text. Al80 by wrpor2te mwlution Y. J, (Ulke) Caul8y I. lth.rls& aa& ampowmedtm%~otlata lea.. Irrthe name Or the .orp.r.tim *nd to pl.ugo tbs asnet 42 th6 844 .W~X’RtiOA .6 .6ll*t6F.l thOr6fOF. “86OtlCM 16, AFti.l. 1, .? th6 T6X.U ?atqUOr CWtl’tbl AOt in port. reeds l8 f@llOW: **F?o peralt 8hall Be L*act*ato a oeqroralliaoml888 th6 8-6 bo ~AOO?pw~t6&&U&S th6 hW0 Ot the Rd stat6 Unl68fz 1606t at fifty-oA6 u WE* (5X$) or the atwk Of th6 OOF&aOr.tiOA 1. 0WA.d J P’ ail tbw by h8re olt2s.n.who ?681dOd wlthla tb6 Stat. t&VT8 JBUldl t&60 X.8?. ..d St who pe.rwo thr ~an3~lflcatian.r.qulr.4 of other agplloanto tW p6l’tnit..’ *Goa)~dorl:~~ the 6bbtia q!,;ot64 OxObfpt trw: th6 Tsrem Liquor Control Act ad nll C.crt8 .A& elrouriraf.AeM r8tat.d hexalnabovs, we &ball apyr6alrt6 ~OUS rnlmbl. oplricn .n t!ss folloaln~~two gu6.tiW2.r ‘1. f5 t?hO B6aWuOAt P.ck.ge 8tfOr0, Ills., 164$6li7 qwlitiod to apply for a~& obbrrla8 p+.krb* 8tots mtit. "2. axp2ro tacopmisaga .twe paraita oulrrrntlfh.ld by fh ~6suluont i'Wkn$6 *tore, Ip.., oubjwt to r6ro6aticxl”r” Ron, 2*rt fad, AamIalotr~tor Fa3a L i8- OhUWn that th0 CWgUr8tO QX&tUh43tiQJi i0 122Om13r oanduoted, thct ra$ul,mr Qorpaoto praeobue has not boon foll.a*ed,OT that aorpofeto oad I~&ivldueltranoootisno have not hem dietlast. xt I8 roll lettlrdthot 006rto w I~~DW the ri0tidn 0f 00otp~~tO 0fititJ in 0~0~ t0 olroweat mcza.* iv0 gu0tO rttxi10 POxO0 azd.opwut00, 050, mp0~0- tiono,pogoe 651-2 ana 1; " iiotookbold*rrim lo prwtioally oalo oma or a aor&siibn a~8 treats tt as kirs 02ta oga 8oy h held lad%rSdurl!~ haponriblo for ell mote truuotlwo uzsdor the law 0r l~#noy. . . x5 putmllar, l o c l¶txQ2lla g etaokhaldorIO apt to be l4ontliiod ritA 6bo urperot~r r h e a oeorporate loouto bus bearstroato8 by him a8 if they were his inditldtml)rropozty, . . tlBvlourly, on0 Day not oloir tba larantagea aad at th oma tlam r*pr\dlat*the rooponoIbllltIeo 0r %A%* oorpQx*ta ton of cprganlutlam. .. xn ama, rlriia tb0 e0rpomta ronr of 0rgaai5di06 or l buolnrsaIo wailable to 6 LuIwmn ~~~QoxA 0 t&d rltb it th4 m~oipls or liaitealtabilltf,- t&e aff8fx8a9 #ho aarporntIoa IUrnl br eawhotml $a l 2*tirto my, and neitherindividualnor be mata omd.ltoeo wI21 be deprival of their j&i rlgkta$ p a obuffliag; of the lo& pcrroomlits~e 2r the clospozatim o~4 Ite ooatrolla . . .* s00t1on 18 OS A&lol* 666, VorU~'@ Aunoh(i~ Temo Poe81 Co&o, prohtbito tbr &matia& 08’l *rti$ $0 a OoxpQx~tlQn w&ore 51%of lt6 by 0s tIe*ao Of T8x80 Vbb atook Is not ii*nred hmo r001808 la,Toxao tar a pea4t0r tkro6 taesr irrbfIlrte2~ ptsordingtha rlllrtg 0s his eppllarrtlok for pemltI ThIo see EIO~ npplloo k, all oapasatioaa net sob@ bprlaum In OkIo state under okarteror pasIt prior to Bwp8t Sk, 1935. Th4 raotll 8tatwl tn pur lawhqr re?oa ant the aorporationruntioned in par LeOtox WRUshqtu04 Baaabe? 7, 1935, wtic?.iwas ~uboeqoentta Aue;u6t 1935; bkt tha tnr0 24, (k0.r or tha da* 0r tb4 0aaplst06b34 1~ UI albeak. Tbo Texu LlqaorCmtrof Beud or its admIniotrnW3x ir outhorlwd te cunoelw auapwa liquos perri*, lrter aotlos ma hsaln(l,, on4 la the BlaBELm cWUac4 by tho Texno Liqaor Contra cat,e!mnevrr,r~nrj otbM thhiago, the paralbteeJmo c vlnlrted nny porieim of the Tatas Liquor Control Aot or he8 S&b 8tiy fahc 07 ltliiclWd%Zl@ re~r4Ntlt~tiOll 01 BtdOWl&t ifl hla sp$loatiaa for permit. (::erafibdiri~~o~81 and 3 of ?es- tion 12 or im4sltr 666, verroo*% Amwitted Tans renal Code.) The terc "perorlttee*with rQferwm* to 8 r:o1*t1on 3f the t*xw I.ly~or Control Jet covera aandlnoludr~ the owmr or oua4m of the wjorlty of the oarporate UtOOk O? 8 @Ox~stiOn. (8~ 12 at Artiole646, V*menvr Aaaotatcrd maMlri~lon 12 o? :,eotion T4sa8 Fonal cc60.) Vader the fmotlsatstsd fn your letter it ia our OplnlOZl~ 1. Your first qusnticcl ithou be mtnrcued In the negative,8nff tt ir so aamerrd. 2. Your ascon questlen shtsaldbs anaered la tW n?firv.atite, and lt I8 00 imawera4.