4tb ot Rw1r.d Girl1 EtntuteI
thy 8 lo&l, WA I hew born
nay atdority 'touahlag on the
r r o m ln ia c o r p o nw 01tyr
*Arti t7 08,R . C. 8.a a 6y o ur O$ da iOn
nor o-lll58 OWUI ZOOI rrori~+rb by rush orilou
fm ea IaQopabant Goh~l~Dl#triet. 1U (S)
8. WI, Taylor, at al?. Rrwator County la to
th8 uu 8ftoot.~
Eo thank you fot toor brief luba1tt.d with JO=
lo q ulr yla tho above rtota4 qaootiolr rn4 rgrao with tie eon-
olurlon t&oroia ltkt.4.
Baylor Countr hu l OpohtlOa of 7,186 lnhabitmto
loeordlo( to the 1040 todora ElMUI rnb tha oountr offlaielo
of raid uuat; we ooa&waartod on a fro barlo.
Sootlon 16 of Artlolr 0 of tho 8wto ConotItutIon
“Th l
e o fmoh oo\ratr, in rhlltiol;
h o r iff
to hlr o&u dutlu, lh8ll bo the 1ooo8oor
aa4 oollrotor Of uxoa thorefor but la
oouatIoo harim tea thouonab (1 A,000s or morm
lnhobItaato, to be dotersirred b tlm la&t
j?ZOOrdiAgOWOUO Of th0 rraitrd KfiSta &A
l~oo~oor aad rollrotor for taxor ohad bo
llootou to hold orfioo for two (e) jrearo, aad
u&hlo l~ooooor ohall br llooted aad wall-
Irt1010 9246‘ Vm#loa’o hanot&e4 Cltil strrtutor, pro-
“b oaoh dAUAty &Win& ioo# thoa t.A
8ho\rund (1.0 oQo1 labrbiwatr, tho rhorift
of ruoh aoua~~ ok11 bo the amouoor lad
l8llootor 0.f tmoo, aa hall have and oxor-
elm all t@ r tb, ~OFO aAd ptiVilO@~,
bo rubjoe* fo l% th e nqulremonto a a dN-
ltr Io ~io u, ll% pwfo?a all tbo autiu I*
posed by law upon uoaomra aad oollaotorot
aad ho r&U 6loo glvo thr laso bode re-
quIrd of l lollot4tor of tuter l100td.*
lJ BayAer County hu (L po@atlon of ia than
10 Ooo Iahabltoato tho ohorlff of oai& oowty io the aooeooer
ad lollooter of t&roe thorafor, luraor ahr protlrloao of tb
COAOtitAtiOA a~6 tt4 otatutcl lboto quotob.
Artlola lOUib, torAoA~r Anaotato4 Civil Stattrko,
authorliro8 noLPoorporated olty, tom or rllluo, oto., te
leouro th rlorvlooo o ftha roaaty trr loowoor-oolhotor, in
oeagllanoo 81th laie aMtut*, to porfoam tbo dutirr tier&i
IMntiOA6~. aia ot4tuto further prmldoo ooapwo~tlon ror
th6 oountq tax ~oorooor+toUoator for oamloro parforud
7ho oer enoatioaq 1lmItat10no and aori-
BWI honla f L 04 la thIo A.01 fo rltflouo
0r iui 8d •~4 t8l 8m8u8 a a ~-
riom4 LiaruIB La 080P rrd rrarf mlat~ et
thio 8hio 8M it I8 kuoby ~ealored $8 bo
fbr Oftho
iiltdOA k(d#bWrO that thr
prdoloao of thir A08 l&ll apply to woh of
raid 0ff100r8, an4 any lporl~l or gsnoral lkr
laoOnoIotont rltk the rwlrlo~ honof lo
horoby lxp~ooly np08 P ti Ia lo far aa t&a use
rnr bo iAOO~ObtO~~ r&t& %hio &t.
HPbo 0 *nution 1l.mItat1050and maxi-
asmo harda "p;f $ 0
h nlf
a nd o o mp r Ao a tla
wh a n
to o wu00
dflCbr8 ln thbb offiolal eay&oIty, tiothor
looouatablo ao ioor of ofi~oa oDdor the ~OOOA8
1~ an4 say law gonoN o r lpoolal to the
ooaljmry lo h&y lfg~oo1y
repwloi. ThO
:_ only kl*. aoa ohanr$rr lmrtloa oxbmpt
of 00s
frca tk~ rovlo~orrr of thU AO? oboll bo rtirdo
reoofvo4 ty l h o r lffo
for *pgfrohu*loo of ark-
inal or fugItl*oo from &8tlor rd for the so-
owuy of oteleo property a84 romp roorIto&
by Gmmty JuQw en4 fiutfoa of tho Foooo for
puhraiag urrlyo oorawalu, *Ia& mm r&l1
aotbo looowtnblo for n&4 808 rowlro4 to bo
toporb no far of offlao~g
It l ear8 tha8 the toma o? the last lbwr qwtod
rrtlrlo am 1aePp wIvo t&t k order for fU8
to bo orompt thrrewdu, at bo rgnirirti
10 d:reaJ your rttratlo~ to of Bl*hUo
cowty, (8upr ct. Of vu.) LLO 8. w. 649. Ia tgo 0880
aslt0atoa co\uty aura thr l to reoevor oortala foe8
rad 0mmlu10a0 ToO~lvod a a8 t0X ‘
OUOOOOr *A4 O@lhO0Or
ef OJr r o to ~ Co unty wh o l 80 prSomo4 tho UtAoo of loouobr
8ad oollootor of a aralaa l 410trIot rot rhloh lattbr 8orv100o
he rrorlrd tho Ooapwnt B 00 for *ioh rwcmry IO sought.
SW oourt, b l~ooIdrrlng the oeoo romparm the 8rtlolo;.
wdar uhlOh ooaponaatloa lo elltaroh to taat uoeoooaaa4 ool-
lec toror r* a o irlenk0~ in RbOU@lirqd oOll*otIW tare*
of dralaa&r rlrtrlota to tbo utlolo unbar whloh th8 t&f
&UO?8bl# R. htdo8a Baloh, Pa&. 4
uooooor l84 eollootir of l ooaaty 84y bo 4ooQnatod loooo-
*or uu e~llaotor of u ihp0oe0nt naoml Qlotriot, ana
roooIvo la rotum for ret u rooh oatalm ommlooIo~.
l’b ooort oonaIdrro6 oltort9 oas lrloln uador oroh utlolo
with maprot to rooouatrblllt~ of oo OJ 0810ao rroolvod
thorowdu to bm oomplotrly •~0l0goo11. The oourt oltd
tho laoe of Hula Oouaty T. 4h a, 99 a. w. 49, quoti&f
lUOho *o oLo th or o llo wT
fr o m lAg
ln( p u& o r
F h r a o‘fuo
‘Th e o o fl11 klodo' abaoao
OVUM klA6 0roolOQoAoOtIor:
lllaoa by l8v $0
a OiOr O OOUAtr
kfth 0 OOU?&UdUO lIUg ld
bf IQW prwirlon of tho etatut. . . . lko
uao tlono era 80 doflalto thrrt br iapllo&tlw
ru 4 008 AOb WibtiOMd :A the -0ptiOM UO
lxoludod thanfrom, and thur)y 1~011Mrd with-
in the rrguir~oato 0s th o letrb
no lbovo reatloao4 ouo furthor hold@, in lfrwt,
t&t *her0 th0 aooirrrty OOOO~O~~ ai4 not Oboewit sor thb par-
tl0A Of th# fu.0 r0oolt04 for which t&O OOUAtf hO lAtitld
uA4.r tho ltatU$)tf)rOOOribi&i( the -tm ulaUEt Of tW0 thfst
ruy br rotainod Optho o o ua ty loooooor, tbo oouaty oould
brlnl an rot&on on tp ~ooooar~o bead t&e &a01 of looount-
pa to&the ~oooooor 8 fore bolmg rltb!a the OOwlltlon et
h alO0 ahO% PUr lttiAttOAtO thb OOOO Ot w-
lor; al v. Bnrrtor County, 144 8. We (84) Sl4, whlhioh,
lmg othu thlu&o hold8 tbrt rose morIv~4 by l o h o r lft
aad tm oollootor #or loooooiag ~a4 solloatlrrg.
kur 200
lo&ol ~otrloto tontatirelybolory to the rborlff lad tax
oollortor o,tibjoetto his &utr to woouat thorofor t& thr
loupty u&r the fro bill.
$A VIOW Of thO forOgOIa(CR\ltkOritbA,w0 n let-
fully oao7tor tho rboro stata& qm8tlon IA th 0
lffllB4t ‘p *b
--... .-. -.. ..+... _
-: .. .~...
..,.: .:...__.-;. BY ’
Ardoll Will-