Honorable Cbadee H. Theobald
Galveatun connty
Gaiveaton, Texas
Dear ,ofr:
Honorabis Char148 HI ,Thaqbald,page 2
'WI.. ~#,#'T-8 JurI8prudsnoe;und.r thi tltla
'Inquests', 840. 2, p. 364, I flad .th4 ronwing:
"'Tha &stIoomay, whaa ha deonu It n4448s4x7,
oall In ths'oounty hwlth offIo4r to asoertaln tha oausr
of th4 death, or, If thar4 Is no saoh offIo4r m I? It Is
Impraatisable to ss~ure his ssr~Io48, ha may osll Is 6-0
regular physloian to mak4 an autopsy to dotermlsa *ather
the dsath'waa 0aumd4py vI0l4noe, and If so, its mturs
snd Ohamoter. Subh phyilolan Is catltlad t0 a f8e trora
the oounty forhis .sanio4s.'
"CW oour84, Wlrsst& County has a.haalth ofriiosr
but this sItn&tlan was 0n4 wh4r4 4xporIcmo4tls4mioss -4
r e@ r a dto lsoartsin Ii the wlrs whIoh .mas'aor th4 oopper
pipe waspa *lITa wIr4.* The home where this unfbrtunata
man lost his lit4 by ll4OtroautIon Is only a row feat hIgb
rran the ground and it was n4048sary ror the 4l4otrioIsll
to orawl unda It. ThQ aharge forth4 84rvi448, ~Tsnderea
0s Suudaf, ls'mas0nabl4 and of t&t thsre oan ba no questian
and, uuless the Justios oi the Peaoe Is hIsuv4lfsn ~4leotrIoIan
It would seam tlmt it would endanger his Q*LI lite ‘to have
attaraptedfo remums tha wire Or attempt to out off tlm ssr-
RJu8tIoa PIperI has requestad that I write you
and request an opinion ai to whet&r It Is proper obarga
whIoh the Jastlos of th4 Paaqa may mad4 undrr the pr~rls~mis
of Art. 3899,R.C.S.. or wIthIn hIs general dutlos as 04mmr.
Wy opinion Is that tha Artlola ait4d do48 mt
authorize suoh sn sxpendIturs, but, In as anoh as tbr
Justloo of ,tb?'Pwoa aot4d uIthfn his oZiIoIaldIsorrtl~n,
as well as the safety oi his fmn parsOn, It weld sesm
reasonable tlut h4 should be p4rmItt4d to lnoltada ths
$5.00 obsrge In his monthly stat4mmt of InoId4nta3 sxp4nms
under ths said Artlola.*
Th4 holding of sn Inquast upon daad bodies I8
ooPrprshsn8Ivelyr4gulat4d by statuts, namely~ ArtI~ol48,l50,'151,
1,61,968~9S9, Varnonfs Asnotated 00&s of Criminal Pr~oedsr~.
Tha question to be determined by the 1nqueat.I~ whethsr won4
Is rssponsible Sor the death Inquired f&o. (Boeiunev. Sarerefgn
Camp, woodmen of the World, Sk SW. 422)
Fe48 far the s~ioes of offio4rs holding 8n inquest
are pruvlded by law. (Artlel4 1053, Vmants Annotated Cod4 O?
Honhrablb Chsrlas H. Theobald; page 3
W4 think It Is 014~ that non4 or the abore mado&
statutas.authorIee tha above mentlaued expenditure.
Seotlon a or Artktlo 3899, Varnon*s Annotat4d Civil
Statutes, prorfdas In part;
*At tha olosa of aash month of his tenur4 of otiioe
eaoh oiiio4r ,namedimraiin,em0 is oqmnsatad on a fee basis,
shall make as part oi the raport now rrqulrad bylaw, an
Itemlsed,~sworn statemant of all the aotual and naoessary
4xpwe Inourrsd by hfn lnth4 oondwt of his OriIO4, 8u4h
as stationary stamps, talsnhone, prdwas on ~fflolal
bonds, lnoluddjngths ooet o? surety bonds for his daputles,
prem.lumon fira, burglary, theft, robbery Insuranoa protaot-
lng public funds, trardliag axpaas4s and other neoassary
expen848. . ."
It Is out further opinion that the aboos +ntlonad
statute (ktlole 3899).does not autioriee th4 abare maatloned
expenditure. In'ecmstroin~thIs statuta w4 think that tie ml4
of ajtmdam generid applies. The rule or sjusdem generls o&dIuarIly
lImita tlm nresnl~lgof gan4rdl Words to,thIngs of the ma* old88
as those enumerated radar the& (Sss Words k Phrasis, Per=snen$
..,, Ediblon Volum4 lJ&pag4s 135+47, and the authorities oltsd
'/ theralaj /
In tiew OS the foregoing authorltlss we r4Sp4OtfUlly
answer the above st&tQd quastlan In tha negaths.
Yours,ye& truly
AP?ROVED JAN. 14.1942 Assist8Itt
(signed) GRovm SELLERS
Fir6t AsaIstant AttmneP General
By B.W.B. Chairmn