Eoiorablo z?mast Gu.itm
Countp Attornay
Your roqImt for en .o
Ti?m g?mla jury ire8 to bo appointed
ITSa aqdp uharlft, w der to aselat the
shdfr 0n WSX~~US 33t he is not enfia.agcd
ln diacharglng his dut
&five been roquoo
he amy be appo
122 and MO. O-373.
laatenoes in &oh pay
I was wonderlri
in a oeoe where tha
@and jury bailiff,
ny eroaeua QO.00 a
o fact thst the CCrmi.ssi~ers~~Court
tho pay or deputies, would it be
their pr~mlssio~ for appolutmnt of
in,cur opinion 80. O-373 that the Cosstltutloo.
Of Tsxae prohibits a da3uty shcxiff fron saroine a8 bailiff30
th.o eand jury o&d aoooptin& pny for both Ofi’iioe~. kie llkuwioa
held in suoh oplnlotl that a deputy bharlf$ and a grand. jury
bailifrWQ both Oiflocm or the Btate.
.,.. ‘, .
Honorable Pnsst G&m, page 2
Artlolss 367 and Jb’?b, Code of CrfmlnalProoadure,
rortho lp~ointmant of grand Jury baiUfrrr Artlola 368,
Crlmlnsl froccdure, prcrldeo:
WA,ballltr 1s to obey the lmtruot1or.s of the fore%ui,
rmmon all wltn45se8, and, gencriiUj, to perrorm all
auoh dutlcs as the iorenan my requlib of him. One bailiff
&all bo alwayr with the grand Jury, it two or more are
Thus it Is a&amt that a mai jurv balllii ia sub-
jeot at all tlznos to tho pokformauoe of hir duti’em am suoh during
the period the grand jury is *.in se~elon,
A deputy ohorltf la subject to the orders or thr
sherlrf and could be rcqulxcjd b the sheriff to poiiorm osrtala
duties even thou& he.qae enti d od to no salary therefor. It
1s pooslble thorizforo .that thcr&zlght be & oonfllot between
the ohcriif and tg?md WY. Ii th6 sheriff-should oall upon
Ns doputy to pertarm a duty during tho time ot hi8 remlo@ to
the grad jury, there would be suoh a oouillot of authority aa
to icnder the 0rfi00ti lnoompat lble .
Ke__held In our’ opinion no. O-1263that a de ty sheriff
could not hold a aomxaalon aB a speoial Rawer e~oh t r owh he
0;~s to draw no ‘pay faF the latter poaltioa. Fi6 believe uoh
opinion forcoloses the questlau aubmltted and required o zr aaswer
ln the ao&lve, w4 4nolo~s a oopy of sUOh opinion rar your
to your first quastloaiIt 18
In view of our nnffwer
unneosssary to an@mr the oeoond question submttted.
Yours r&y truly