r-n .m-
Honorable Alox Jplu
OoaatT littorar
Olllorplo ooaa1f
~rodorlrksburg, Tour
Dou Sltr
dlrtrlot for tha
thr Solootlro
wa8 Utrr the
lotlto rorrlro
ato of lo nmeno a mo tho
of nt
9 1914, tho board of trwteoa dgno&
kuohod to *A’@” quortionmin to tho
tim a8 a toaohor and that
hir on i.nruoh oapooity
“A* rtatom that ho was rorballjrpromlrod laploymmnt
for 1941~194S wad that hlr father lnformd two of tho tnutoor
during tho last put of August that *Aa rould roturn within
two rook& aftor Soptedor 9, IOU, to tako upnhl# job.
Ilonorablo hlox Tua6, R6o 6
a0 quota from your lottor u fbllourt
"The moordr or tho Loo&l Boar4 d1001000
that the dlrohrge wm rwommoado4 on Augaot llth,
lS& Ho lth ulolooteo nor hi8 father (WO th
tnw000 this lp 00ir i0
LfOmti08 ~glii hi8 •~-
tua1 dlrohu6,o ma rotura 4ftu the truotoer hd
latorod late tiu oontnot with Hr. Oar&or, Pho
Looal Hoard ala not 00 notigy luoh trlutooo until
rrtor tho Oardnor oontnot had boon lotuslu m40.
Tho trutoor knowprior to tho (ludtter oontraot
that loleotoe wao l00klng dlrobargo.a ,
Art1010 t760, Rovlood Clrll Statutoo, gorrmo tho
omploy0kontof to8oh0r8 ror oommon ooh001 dlotrloto. mm
oourt la tho oaoo or yihlt@ v* Pertor, lt U., TO S. w. (2@)
am! .ha th0 r0iloriry t0 Oy 00~0m* thil 8tOtut0t
“The mod. ii urploylng toaohen by truotoor
o r ooanoa lo h o o ai0trl0t0,
l 80dlotlngulohablo rroa
inh p endo dlotrloto,
nt is preporlbod br utlol0
6760 R.S.’ whloh provlaert ‘Truotoos of a dir
trlot ihali me&l o o ntr tk with
o to toaohem to toaoh
the pub110 lo&olo of tliirlr tllotrlot, but tho oom-
ponratloa to a toaohu, undrr a writton oontraot
lo M&O, shall be lpprorod by tho oountf ruporin-
tondoat bororo tha l0ho01 lo taught, statin that
tha toaohor will teaoh ouoh l0h001 for tho tlmo
@ad money8p00iri0d la tho lontnot.’
Xto anly looontial is that it lhull
c be sak iy*thb tnutoor with th0 toaohor in writ
lng, stating that tho tmaohor will,tuoh ouoh
rohool for the tlmoand mx~ey l poolfloil In the
oolttlmot. . , ,"
TJ on tho basis of tho faoto a sltat0d epovr, wo
are OS ths op r nlon that no oontruot botwout “A” and tho boar4
of truotooi wu lntor0d into whloh would meet the roquir00i0nto
of Art1010 t760.
Wawill now turn to an lxamlnatlon of tho Solootltr
Training and Son100 Aot ltooli (V,S.O.A,,60 A pe ( ( 6Ol-616).
sution sOa pr~rldoo ror the loouanoo 0r a lortffloato or
ratloraoto~ lorvioo lr the man lnduotod l 0mplotoo hi8 train-
lng to tho oatiofaotl0n of the Amy. Suboootion ()I)et Soo-
tlon 608 prorldoo ia put as iollows:
Bononblo. Alox Jug, Pa80 6
“(b) Ia tho luo oi my luoh puaon who, ’
in ora!? to p0rr0m 8uoh.+aia(~ aa4 l0~i00,
uam irrt or low01 a pooitua, 0th~ than l
tompon~ position, ia thr up107 lr q e
lopr d who (1) noolroo rush oortlrloeo,
? a) 18 still quallflod to porrorm tha autie8
li ouoh pooltlon, and (3) ralroo applloatlon
Sor nomployment within r0rtr &a70 aftor ho lo
rollorod from ouoh tralnlng and lonloo--
-9 . .
"to) ii OUOh pOSiti6n W80 In th0 lmp lOr
et any Stat0 or polltloal oubdlrlolon therr-
Or, it 10 he-by dOOiU8d t0 b0 the 08~00
of the Corrgrooothat luoh person should bo
rootorod to luoh position or to a pqoitloa
of llko lutlo r ity,ltatuo, and pay.
a . . .“,
The lot lp00iri00 that lo th o laIlooof Congr.go
that luoh por8on should bo nltorod to l
uo~ltlon, lto.
Wo do not think that tho oohool dlotrlot lo ooiq#llod to
do anything undrr this provlolon. What It rhould do and
what it must do lra two dltioront thiryr. Porhapo the board
rhould have lnoortod a pro~lrlon In its oontraot with *B*
tbttOo;rrOOt that tho oontraot would oomo to an lnd ii -A”
. But th a n wa s no luoh prorlolon.
IIa full7 lpproolata thr sitlon of a ooldler upon
hi0 aioohargo rrom the Ary rrsy dirrwb
tier latrrent hfr at t&t time.
and roe r1x0 that
Hownor it lo the duty or
this doputmont to Into rot tho law as it lo,,and wa must bo
guldod, not br what wo 3 Ink the la should bo; but by what
the law lotually lo.
In rlon of the forrgolng dloouoolon and authorltlro
it lo tha opinion et this department that the board of truo-
teas is not roqulrod to dloohargo *Be and ro-employ *A*. In
fart; thm board 0r truatorr l0ta not
a low 40 80, uoumlng,
.f oop~mo, that the rontraot with 'B" uot8 tha otatutov
roquiraanto .
8/ Uurgo W. Sparks
AFTRO7BD OCT 83, 1941 Aooloto.nt
r/ Urot8r solloro