Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

782 OFFICE OF THE AmORNEY GENERAL OF TEIXAG AUSTIN !ifonorabls John D. Resd, Caamieslonoa~ Bureau of Labor Stctlstioa Auatfn, Tern6 Dear Sir: 0plnlon 90. o-SB70 Ra: (1) Is.lt moemary for aa em- ployer to recognlza a wag* aa- slgcasnt Of'OilSof his enlployesr without firat balng advlso& by the perllon h0laiq !he wage (LE- slgttmtnt? This is $a ndvlsa that wa knva given oar&l oon- elderatilonto the questions ststatl’above,pursuant to your opinion request of rsoent data. man Texas mrlsprudenoe wo quote the rollowing pertinent statement of tha lawt “1 Wawe. - Uagos are pro~orty, subject t3 sold or assignment08 other property. But an asalgnmmt of wage8 to aoerue in the future is not qalld, ualess the expeotedwages are ta be earned un&ar m axlstln~~em?Joymel;t or the future araploymant1s known and iQsn~i;~; “,t the tc?latlAeassi@lz~sntIs Faiide. . ease there nay ba E ro::aonabl?r ewotatlcn on ?h0 ,xrt of ths psrtic!af.bt tilnwap3o will be earned, and such posoiPilltyIs ooupled with a.3iutarsat,and ths right to reoeive thdm, though liable to bs defeated, is vested. This bei= th,aoase, ages may be aasip,md _ unless the oontraot of employment stipulates to the eontrarj. Orbinaxliy It doaa not a?- Honorable John D. Reed, Commiesioner,Page 2 peer necessary to obtain the assent of,the employer to the aselgnment-untlaran oxiat- 1% contr3ct, but, if the employer consents, ",PLi:: &me amuraace to the assigMerit.' (6 hx. Jur. 14, I ll) Cams cited, 31~6whloh are in accord wlth the tttutets.e5t Or the tte: &WCneely v. Armstrong, (Clv. App.) 2l.2S. m. 179; Ibid, (Sup. Ct. anmerlng aertifisd quoe- tfon) 109 Tex. 363 21C S. y. 1921 Brand v. hat., 109 Tax. Cr. R. 96, 3 4. H. @Xl) 4%. See also 2 Ruling Case Law, 1 12, pp. 603 and 604; 6 Corpus Jurle 915. Therotora,we answer the first quostfon In the afrirzetive,under existingauthorities,with the impor- tant y,ual.irioation that if the contract of employment 8fiDU- latos to the contra= the employer would t bs re3ulroU 6 honor any assignment&less notlcs be ilrsrgiven aad a& ntsd sqrese or imDUeQ. Reef 9. Ml16 Novelty 40, f& .& p .) 67 8. w.( 24 241 2,lfha (COEBQ, *pp.) d Tex. 380, 89 3. ?f. (2d) 210. With refersnoa to the seaond question propounded by you, we have examined the statutes an4 find the mquin- mnt that the wi?e join in a wage as8lgtment made by a married man only in Article 6166as,7ernonva Annotatsd Civil Statutes, regulating "loan brokeran. SeatiOn 6 of @alA articb reads in gert as r03..mm “. . . Thet eadh assig5nentoiwagee . . . shall be void unlses the same be x!nMeand given with the orneent or tho wife, and such ootisent shall be evidenoedby the wife joining in the assignctent. . . .* Tha only oaae passing upon the ap&ioabllity of the above statute Is by a blvided Court Of civil AppMlS in the case of &~sotiY. bwn, 226 S. W. 829. The tijorit opinion In that case holds that a ohatte3 mortgag&*e I&e nesd not jo:n in the eseoutlon01 the ohattel mortgage u1z- less same is me&e to a "loan brokeP. It la raid that the faot that the husband alone signed the mortgage would not make it void, CB 9mmmuaity property, as here, may be dis- posed of by the husband only." Honorable $ohn D. &ad, Page 3 l'hedissentingopinion in tbc ease strongly uqes,thc stetute to be broad cnou& to aover transactlone with any oreditor hnd lioJgea,J. poaae the following qaeu- tionr *. . . TLy should a married man in ordar to acoure a loam be persitted to as&n hie waecs or mortpge h%s household end kitchen Surniture tc a bank, or any other oreditor without the cones& or'hie wife, an4 not be em&tteiY to enjoy the 8112110 liberty when eeek- % et+l.osn -, tromaloanbrokcr? The hard8hip8 rClttit$~ frOE SUOh tI'lUl8flOtiOA~ grOW 0th Of the creation and axlotonco of t&e lien, and not from the ohwaotcr of the lisaholder. . . .0 Gvcrtheleca the nnijorityopinion rs&rlotS the eoope or 3eotion 6 Of &Mole 6163e, qpra, t8Sg&@y only to loan brokers, ana It is evlaanb that the en&tin&~ 18 0rr60tiv0 only nhfm an a6siipmnti in ma0 to a ioa~ broker. We firsdno moor4 of wrtt Of SrrOr iAthe &lerrOA Va (&en oasb, stqwe, nor any otherdecision by our Teamscrourtr 011th@ QUWtiOYi. You arc thereiors rerp0atrully adated that the wlfa is-not required to jOfA IA a wag0 awigAmoAt Of the hwband, trade to any other peawon than a,loan broksr.as a0rined by'3eotion e of &tlols 6133nt *A loan broker ir a person firm, or oorporationwho pursues the bu$ucaa of leud- iq money purchasingsalaries tttta taking for srourity for the payment 0r such 1os.oend intereet thereon en ae8igument oi wee or utaYgnmnt of wages with Pow9r or httorrrcpto oolltwt the nsme or other order r0r unpaid ohattel mortgage or bill of sale upon.house- hold or IcitohcnrUniturf+" The QbOV0 Wad take Out Of the OpWt3tiOA Of ths 8ttitUt0OAO WhO W?OCptCd Q Wwe t%sttigoPient ior goodtt,=%'0 and mer0hanandise aold an6 dcliveredr