201 utltbetb&t*8n"~ ioho~6tlo
We have your lottw of July 24, 1941,requrstlngOIU
opinionln rr6pon8e to the iollOw%rgqwrtfoni
of the dlatr%ot4on4mwd to tr4n6ierItr rntrlre roholas-
;igFddt iOr 0ll.Wy86P t0 6ll66Ol'6d%t4d
"2. PetitIonS&IMJ~by 4 majorityof the
voter8au6 a Worlty of the +ptwentrOS the
ahlldren of tha dirtriot aonO.rmd to trUa8irr it8 entire
naholu$%a amllsat for one yew to an Muruditad Irpbool
of highermmk.
“POP your snrorrrtionthe 4bOY4 rpcreaentrlgned
b&.tlnBoard and the petitloll rl&md llytin qualtned
roterruould be to tmnpr th6 s6m distriot to Uitfarmt
Who016 of hQher r*nlrr
&ctlon 1 of A&Sole 8, X.B. 2&l, 47th Le@datwre,
lwul8, ’
"?or the lohool year 1941-42 upon the &gr64-
mmnt OS the Boaxd of Tmmteer of the dirtriatraowwwd
A6lm roadth abon proririon of 1.n. 234, a tr‘n6f.r
ofalrellmatrqkuAsbythebosHo NIkr‘Oit&eeAal.lqUI)-
trlot ia either of two lvent8, to-wltl t for swh
transror to be aad8 rQn8d b tha bo8rd ot trurtar of tb as-
trlatr to be the 64~di~cdlrtrlotrad the rrmiving
‘ipwd b7 4 UjOrilq of the qualmed
which to be sffeetlvamut be approved
the StateSqmrln~~at md the Joint
Uo otbw mthod of brinc;ing shout a
truufor is prtwidd.
Theiir6t lA6truAont wAt10ned b yy o uI‘lvld*lltly rw
by the bosrd of trustee8of the 8endQS diBtriOt, but not by the tnutm I
of the maoi.vW5.di~txl~t, mw~, it cannot or @YeA ltr & a t
b 86p p r o Ted
Ye till ROT oonsidw the seconddowmeat nntiomd by you.
-t&es of the sewliq districtto that &feet. Ue trust this will bcr
mxfrlbnt ior you in reapomm to your questionu lt relater to the
petition. ti 8.m sendingyou a copy of our OpSnioaX0. &SW4 on a
rw.lBr question.
*&over Ssllerr
ApprovedOpinion Coiualttae
W 8m Chainan