Hsaorobloao6. H. ahopQmr&
OomptPQll~rof r&l10 hoaountr
the above quoted rusolutlonis in oonfliot
with aetiatn prori8ions of the Comstltutlon
1Laitingthe 98~ and ~0aunOratioaof a atOt
8enetor; also, as to uhether a State Sonatop
u~‘-dmv an expense 8OCoud for his expenses
iaaumwd ia c-4 m his 6eneml duties
as a Seaa$orr betveea%he sessions. fhir de-
pm-t desires JO~V snsveI) to the'sbove
question before roplrlngto tb lottea pra-
sented by Eon. Rob Barker.’
11 and Section24 of Artiole XIX of the cozp
stitution of faras nsd, respeotivelt,ss follarst
Section 11. *Ewh Xouw may detemlne
the r'drs of its ovn prwoedlngs, punish WR- :
hers POP disorderlyoatduct,and, vlth the
oonsent of two-thirds, exrpel
4 member,bnt
not l seoond tI.nmior the saw oftense.'
25. !%UbOZ'S Of th0 b@lStpn*
~~shsllmoelve from the publie Tressnry (Lper
diem of sob lxoeedbg $10.00 par da7 for the
iirwt 120 d-8 of eaah sessionand aftor that
not lxoeeding $5.60 per dar 50s the rem&id09
of She seuion.
"Xnsddltlonto the pg~diemthemembers
or ewh &use shall bo entitled to mileage in
going to and l%eurn~ from th5 seat of ov-
emmeat, vhfoh mileago shall not exceed t2.50
for every 25 Piles, tho distance to be eoni-
puted br tha nearest aad post &ix-eat routo
of tmwol, fma a toblo of distalWJ PreWrsd
by the Ccm9troll.e~ to e&oh eouaQ's4at now or
hererfter,tobo establlshed;~po am&e? to be
entitledto nllesge fea Uy'arhn sospian that
may be acrllo6vlthh one dryrafter'%?esdjobnt-
mea tof l r e g u la ro r u&Lled sessio n.
The question presented by 70~ rep~ert has never been
before the CollrtsOS tuas. Our research has not disolbsed say
-80 in amy juphdietion outsideof Texaa involving the 8lloUm0
of e-08 to mm&ma of th4 Legislatws betvssnseosionsexse9t
a mlgien $0 &PS of e o~oial aomlttee chargedvith dxtrw
Ordlnr, dutIe8betwoos sossioms. m %x88 awe of Porn11 v.
K4,l 7 3.u. (2d) 786, W~~S8W~CQura I* rejape$~~-
tloe ot Ws llae of oases sad wlU be subsequently not&.
The mat of emeases to uaabers of the bgiabe,
eo nomIne, Is not peohkbitd w the OunstItutIon of 9~~s. It
T is roll sottlod twt sa lppmp~laticm to wnben or th@ l&g%*&-
ture u&or, &ho guise of oxpensor 18 lavalid If Ia m&lftr t&e rp
propri~tloa ropnsents rddftbasl -ml-, w solow, OF re-
ward, or 98~.
m of ths states have ooMt1tut1olml pFovl*;~ &
stmtlall7 the um &a tho80 of tbhu8 COnstItutIoa,abave
quoted. InOcm8tlu~thUO W'WfSiOM, thenhasbeenes~blisb-
ed a dlrtinotfonbetWee pen& Up888 8ad le&sbtive ex-
pensos. Bern the definition th8t leg.IslMiveexpense* w
thoso neoesury to enable the kpisht~m to -ply pepform ita
I\motIoM" the dI8tfltOtiOB b&YOM @WSWd ~ws S& logisle+
tloe expe~os has AOt boon olotwlyd*aVn.
ra I* 8 kawa hot thal nnauou8 expeM08 inal&& to 4
8 susIonof thewxasLegislrtwehn ~hl8tooIf3al4&llok~
and pal6 out-:
oetho m~+le8 sa4,9ant~en~ oxpeasooppal$g&ouee ~-
by uoh Le@~l.Miure. Alro, that the rlulies sad erpeaD08Of
ployeeslagsged in 0loslagWt the r0* OS s 8essIon,uut in
aare of the Legislative halla and 0eNalu 1410&tlre busfae88be-
tween sessfons,have been dlrnod ud rmld out of thI8 apprqwfs-
tion. And that ths oxpamm of mooId loglslstIre wmWttee8
ruuotlozLfngbetlmea sessions ,r udw lssI& Jment
sr a th eLe g islo ?mu
wh f le
inseuIo n, h a veb eeao ll~eda wlp r id.
The ollwsaw R080lUtiOn10. l& of flft~ De&-
la SOnStO
lrrs per mth to O&Oh SOBstOPfo rltwm*IS SM othep exp0ase
between ressions IS tha ihUt Ott-t w lIthe? the tie O? the
SellSto to 6llW urd 8UBhWiU th0 PSmt Of OXpO.WeS Of t&Is
lmturo. ot oourso, IS ValLd foa the mmbeu OS ths 8oMte, 8
$fmilM sllwsnoe vould 13kWlU be *olfd rot msbers of the &MO.
We -Oh l 4 801 81 ~ I8 Uhf* 9 W P lOXf4 y tk r Ylth
aotto& roll settled $rlaoiplerla dd. mrlslcrsl of N&to
C~$ ~:tu tlo lwnot
M grOnt* but 1Imitat1ms of l8gI8laOIt*powop
& *ho~dnotbe sonstrued tome0 lidtrtImsbopad tho&role*r
m. ph0 oolvtr noognlse thstths 1 I*htfm Wt,
VithLI it8 legaiuto aDhem, possesse* 8% ~onotvltbheldb~
*he CoMtltutIon. w coll@t1tut1w Is l nst?alBlag Inst-t
& tb emts, -tiered 80 d001~0 the hr, Ore m-4 to,sub-
,ect &&llu&@ rots of tho Legislstws to aoMtital.oMl touts.
E~orable@eo.B.8heppa~,?40 4
suuhpoworthe oourts merelydo&are in favorof
In exeroislng
thsmperfo~ hv, the Canstituticn. The Legislatu~ cam& by
the use of vords prevent OS to the objoo$ aad
judfol~ lnqulr~
sffoat of a stotuto#
nor aaa the ~gislatursby a deolorstian
trsnsfom a privatebenefitintoa pub110uss o, Imweaso 00%
Dematlonby*deol8ration thatltva* iateJt&d for oxpenms.
doolamtlcnof ?aot*18 subjootto the test of
A logislativo
reascv~ and judisial knmlddge.
Tha dIstImtIonbetvoon14lrlatin OSSdpOlP- /
smsl expoaaeIs to be obmme& S&o pww to the formae
fnhsresIn the legI*latIrofunotlan sad nay be exorsise& The
po~orto allowthe latter does not so Wwre and mf net bo ex-
erslsedbr the Legl8latureuoevt to the extantof aonstltntioa-
al porBlsslon.
The Oonstltuticno? Tom8 does not expresslyimpcuea
up% tho paver of the Loglslature
limitation to provide for the
expensesof the legfslatiredopartaent,POP upon the power to
provldsfor tbs of?Io%aloc personalexpensesof members. 2ho
objeat of constmotlon,hwover, as applIe4to a mitton Gonstl-
tution,Is to g&tooffoottg~~tho *teat of the peopleta adopt-
ing I$.~Jk tha QUO or-all*rqOa UV8 it IS th0 intOa* of fhr
low gives that IS tom bo oaforaed.
Wo are uwlJ.llmg to glro to I)ectlon21 of ArticleIII
of the CoastitutIon
of Texas, a&opted by tho poop10on Ncvamber
4, 1930, a rtminod or subtlema&tag. The lleotorato In ntlfy-
lng and adopting this protisIoa, whIohgave it lI?e,ocnslderod
the provisle~as tho laagaage fairlylmorts.
tifor to t& rdoptian of 8eetioa 24, on Uoveaber 4,
1930, the CoMtltutIonsuthoP18ett 6ampeasatlorI
to moube?8 of tho
Legislaturenot exam IIVO D0lJAr8p0r dry far th0 first six-
tr days of the sesoIon sad Tvo Dollma per dar for tho reminder
of the sossloa. This vns 0 amwMat1oDL, 8~~,rovar4,paj. In
sddltlon thereto,~tJw mnb8m uers alloved miloago oxponse in
going ta ahad~rbtk the soot of gw-*. Is other oxpon808 uore
expre881~ sllwed. w tho s8oMDsmtIn1930, ths osmmmsatloa
yea ~~t0a~rdIorofMt~o~~~~~l~r*~P~~for
th0 rit8t 0a0hmdred rad tuenty byr of eachsessionand Piro -
Dollarsfor tho reminderof tho session.Again mileageexpense
~8s authorfred.lo otherexDeMa expressly vas.
b #e ?ollwLal;uuws the Stdo C~tItutl~8 dlmd
membersof the Leglsloture8 oertti UWcl, Ot OW tion, or
Eouorable600. If. shapm, Pago 5
per diem, and mlleege expense. Ths StapremsCourt of ths State
f.nor& case appliedthe 8axlmm $*presslounlus 08% exalu8Io
slterIusuvl held that in vie??a? thr tItutloMl provlsIon
for the pqment of expensedl4ye the~Ywa8 a neaossaryiarplioa-
tlon that no other personal expenses aould be grid. State Es
rel Orl??lthv. Turner, Xl: Ksn. 755, 233 P&o. 5lO; DIXOA Y.
Shav, 122 au. 2ll3 251 Pee. 500; Stat0 1. Clsusea,IA2 Yeah.
450, 253 P&o. $051 3oonesv. Hoas. 285 ?as. 205.
The Tumor 0180 Involve8sa allwsnoe to laah msmber
of ths LegIalat&u o? *?I+0 Dollarspex day sxpeasemane9 for
laah &y of q Regulu or Speolal3esslonof the Lsgislature.'
The allwonaowas held invalidas boiagthe paymentof perronel
expenses8s dlstfagulshedfromlsgislatiro
The 8h+V 0u.einvolved
to tbam9&ers o?
the tiglrl&tuM ia pajunt of tbo hotel room rent az&d-8l.s while
at ths cspltalattending a se8slonof the Legislatum. It was
held Invalid.
The Clausen @MO held Invalida mso1utlon of the %ause
of Repm8entatlves allovIng e&oh &abet Plre Dallars
e4 ma se~..in~iS
attond.4 a las*lan of tke
la the tones v. Xos*~uasertho @proms Cart of Ore on
held uuaonstltutlonalan approprlatlomof "the sum of Five Dof -
lacs pep da7 &wins said lsglsl*tlve8essIon to eaohrsrber of
aald leglslatfveasse~l~ for the paymuxt of his inoldental
paaser. The court 8aidr
"Themllod llmftrtlaa agkiastpersonal
sxpenseshas no lpplloatlonto oifisial or
The Omgonaorvt refusedto follw the Souththota
aam0 of ChMsto~ersonv. Reeves,Ante, ohIch vi11 be retlwod.
hshttm ct.R-W, 164 SLPR.254, 261 S.-V. 624,
tii oourt denied the ralrdft~ of a st&tUte8PptOptl8tfng &to tput-
dred ~~OP$ to WCh kSdHU'# Of th8 b#iS&t'3lW tot -808 in-
-CO& vhfl.g attemflagan ex%rsomU~ sosslon. It uas dealuud
br this eourt~
Wkd0tabtedlyeach of the Xouses gossosse*
the pwor to doterrlnr Its XLoaesUV Msesfi
but in dofrq so It mat pmoood,tithJn aWstitU-
tied rsstI';Oti~$, rpd 18 nOt petitto to as-
~ononbk 600. H. sheward, Pago 6
mgamS exprrrra~stittttlopal,pratrirlon8.
Coartltutlonprotidor in expllaltaad aoaprehuk-
8iVO tOl'8t8
Vhd m-t8 8hd.l be EadOto Bea-
bon. - pl’OViSfOa in thi8 Pa8JWet doe8 XlOlot
expressrrulj s grant of povev, but it plsaes
5 fytatlon upon the paver of the geaeral assembly.
. Nash Pm480 may provide aoawenienaes, suah
a8 8tAtlO!le~, pSEOilS, Ink, telephone ud tele-
graph, rad other things for the me of the mmberr,
aBd pay for une out of oaatlngent expearer,but
it 18 quite uur#e+ thing to lttea 8p t
to mke M
allemaee of fund8 to a wmb*r to be uxed at till.
the 18 the pqmBt of a 1egitiPute lxpSn8e, uid
the othssls~~lorruroepl~~stthe dlrpassl
of ths mabef to Be used at &fr own dl8SPetim SAd
Vi=. b0 18 & MfwDt Of MOOUSM -Sol O?
the hour0 it lf, aad ththO8'18 OB SllOVlUlOO t0
the aeabbM z 8pihe of '& provl8loB of the tori-
8tltUtiOB t0 thS SOXltl'S~. l 0l*” @ll@lS~iX OW8)
-80 08808 aM &‘OUAdOd m t&O pl’O~8ttiOIb that O(#L-
rtltutlaul provlslons,rush a8 those of %xa8, flxfng the 00-a-
ratioa of mube~ of the X+glsla$~~~~iolr
their remises, and al&m-
(c,b7 ruaesullf~lapli~tl~ %sposoa lSaStatloaupon the
~e%%e kgf8lsture to allarrpenaaalexpensesto ftommberr.
%Ee expre8slsala positlvoafflrm&lve tenu of the will 01 th0
p OOp lO th a t th e MabOM Of the b g f 8h tUM 8h o dd na etr e l p er
dlu and axilesge axpenseirplLe8the nsgatlversgaz+lsgaddltlcm-
al peroonalexpeBse8.
The 0omelStlre pwpo8ftlon t&t, noBethble88,legi8la- J
tire expeiuos mag be alloved, appear8souad. m8 doatrhe ttmt
the sutholrityt0 tilOV legf8lst~vOexpense81s MOOSuPfly iqrsfOd,
or, that sush e%pOnso~lrneaosXMily allowablea8 lIthePsntip the
leglelstivobraaeh of go YSXVWBt, ShOtidbe, iBOpZrO~~OIb,SeSbUS-
17 guamledlest it taaaatlan lva8loM of rmdsmsntsl ac3B8tltIltloMl
-8.8 Md FS8triOtiOlU. --
I,SoI%t?SSttO the OCMS th@S fU'BOted,8FS th. SSSOS Of
Qhristophewoa v. Iloove8,44 1.1).634, 184 II.Y. Uk.5, md Sarogtlo
’ l.initth0 ant Of w b8&$8btllX'Oto PZWVidO ?Ol, th0 @X&WlU68
of its aaebeza, au4 held that the OXpOn80 a~lovancova8 not
"oampea8stloa,but, on ths other hmd, that it pvldes 8x-
pen80 mm07 foi a porfeotl7 logltlmatepurpoeo. Two of the
aeabem of the 00U8’t
di88aatsduzd in VPlttOn opiafonssdo~ted
the tlevs np~se~hd in the aa8eswe have dlset8ssed.
m th0 8Oaoad MS0 aentloaed, the 8U~Iypb court Of
b~~~l.lor~ldura~prop~~tl~oflhro lQndrodtiaixt7
zk db afo rla o ha O& #Or
Of $ h~~i8lbtUM
0 U UJWB80 IIIOM for J
th e8esslo a .fh0 bra18 for the de6islaa 18 okted br the aawt
as follo~st
to lie the
V88 8nde ror a pMper pwpaso vlthsa #e ,r%
81OM Of thS hI%Stlt~tlOl%J + S l,I (Nmpharfr
The aa808 of Stab R rd Weldon t. %wn8oa, 142 9~.
221 S. Y. 491, 1. fea7 ve falua, 157 tena. 222, 7 a,.W. (26)
_- to Grshsa,35 3.W. tZd)568, a?-ebythe Su.pm
cowt as ma88e8seer
Who first em0 iavol.red
an ammprlatiaa of an, lnmdred
Md p%fty DOllwe fO8 UOh Of the m8QbOrS Of the k#$i83.&U?S *iOr
rtanogmpbla took sad othss aeaossuy axpen808* durl8q a 80881olI
9 hs
01d lnr
80 a lved
a 8
lp p r o p r la tla a
R ndlwdM d P lft7
Do lti Se?lnp 0B nsto ea c of
h th e
wr8OM ?OS pO8t StMOplghL8 b%r~r u8d OthW MS8SU7 OX-
-08. The $hl oaso tir81tedan Cpproprlatlan of the au8 of
oae JIuuAsed Jbllarr for rteaognphle hire aud othoz oxtrrarblnerr
offlalalexpeaaes %eees~ lnuwred b7 eMh mabet of Ua fng-
is&two at thir 0xtm 8essloa l l + ia eoamquewe of tholr dutior
a8 ~18btom, aad thekgi8lature dealareaa8 a faattbte-rJ
a&bep of #li badJ ha8 expended,8k thi.8 OXtn 8088iOn, St lSS8t
me w-t a&v* *et ot* fob the 0ffiala.lumn.608 ab0Vo ~tl~ed-'
Homnblo We. 9. Saeppard, Page 8
The first two aases vepe revlevedbp the aourt in.the
third ass0 ss ?011ol?8~
'.ln the ZharrOn 0a8e
It ra8 held (1) that
no approprlatioa could bs aan8tltutlonsl.l~msde
SOP M lBaruse of 8 0o8pen8at1on to 8e8h008 of
the ~OaeMl asse8h3J;ud (2) th a Mtlp p F o p F la -
tia for
a offlelalOxpaNeS, *a di8tf4@8bd
fro8 oewea8atlaarybe oonstltuil03a~~~0.
. St6 88ses differ ia thlra la the Them-
soa au0 18 was ae8eeeded that the avpraprlatioa
was in hat for offleisl sxpaue*J irathe Rokan
WO it YU held that the lppremwiL~, while
zumllmlu ?OF offialalupamos, wa(LIfa lffe8t
fOF~tiOEJ ahi b0in(l thOdOk~&~8tiTO
?*a$ in lssuo.*
The approprlstfoa of One Eundredand Blftr Dollars in
the Thoarron a&se w~8 uphald; the sppropriation for Seven Ihrndred
and Nit7 Do%lur in tbs lolpa ass0 wss dealared!avg&" VS8
the lp p F o p r l8tla
ia th
a eGnh s8 ea se of o nea ndr ed for
-0 de not eoaaoivetlut the eeurt (ta the
~~8OllSSSO)i&UtidO&bJthiS SkwttO
aBBouaeo the rule that the Ll@slatuM e#tJtid
b7 the uao of totis prevent judlafslinqulqr
a8 to the objoet aad ofroOt 0r a rteute, OF
thtthe&sglslsturs aouldW8 doolantion
trsasform a prlvste bbaeflt into s prblla use,
OF lnorea~ aamperuatloaby 8 doalwsticm that
it VM flLtMdOd ?OF ~9~18e8. %O doUP 18
~qubed tOlaQkt0 tb 8Ub8tMOO ubIOffO8t
of an art, u wall u to it8 lottes, when ssll-
ld upott to btemine uhether the Langl8latwe
tpu&saeiSded PS8tSSintS.
tba aanstltutlo8lrl
l l 0.‘ ~(?mentluttaU ln8utiam O'W8)
IB theOraha~aau it v&s saldt
"In ?u7v.%olui, the 8ppro9rlatlonvas
4750 far esak 808beF for 7 WSJ la th8 lnetaat
eMSO th0 ~JWO&Wtatti~ 18 100 ?O? u d878. -
@00.X. Shevvud,?ago9
p~~FtiOXI18 9l’SOti~~thO SW. ti th0
A08 x'eSronSbl7UsmW that eWd%uld OVO- W
be? of tho L@Slatime had lnsurrod offlo%al
espense8 of 4750. Neither aa~ we rulrronsbly
a88U thSt in this 0880 UQb MlBb@r b3UFlWd
0rf10m arpuu08 0s ss rrrtcrh u @oo. *0m
tho1m0 Smplopd, it18 rppmwittbat
the kglrl8ture did z&at undertake to &etomine
the wet amataut enpeded br emh somber, fop
oftia~l wpmuoa.
5oh6~0h0~080r0~o sk~17naa(prl~~utd
PW M-8ffb-8 th0 right 0s 888b0~8 or th0 btg-
-808a8 ths78a7lOgitirk~'~ Ilobe
SSOOFttli.MdMd dotemlaed b 8Wh FUrOBablO
swthods as it8 risdCkRmay 8UggO88. h appro-
priStiO&Of q WI&
8Ub8tSlltiS% ?OF that
9UX'po80, VhfOh does IhOt hW0 ?OP it8 bS818
some roasonabl~dorinite dstomlnatlaa of the
amount of off lelal expensesinewmad by the
roveral 8atbera &a08 not matIdy tb aoadl- .~..--
~-totleSialud;ticion, and for that FoSsOn rra-
BOt be sustahed. n
The deetriru Of -80 OUOS 18 that Up S~FOPFf~tiolr to r/
8d30r8 0s tb0 ~f8~t~ i8 0O5k8tftotia OB~T if fop 0fri0iil.
OF loglslatlveexpsnses~ 8!bt this 18 SO m8t bO V181blO bl the
rppro9rlatloa. hdbhl8beO#r800? the FOSSOM~~UO~SOfthrS-
a o tmt u& dth e lwth Od 08JtfO7 O
d l88UF Oth e UK9 M SO paid t0 b 0a
InxSllv.Blaa,l18bo. 6oL WthS 8uprmS 0oUPtof
of an Aot do8eFibd
AlSbSsS,t&e aorutltutionr~i~ by Um OOU&
a8 follovrwas underrttaakt
_ ~.'J!hO
pwpoFt~ to giveO&Sh113t
boy of tImk(lslat~~~~l~~, ?KktaXWod-
a )4.00 per day, for 'na8oaablo ~08 ia-
0~~3~3 b7 hirbwaaso ersndwuX0 laatt~
of u&O LeglSlstwO.'Vo treat
upon the 808810nS
t&l8u latended to aovorpeF8a~ MD.-- la-
sarred ln the psrferrrass of logblatlve dptie8,
- ~bia -808 u9 u0380nted oetwm~e
yopk, telephone rad te~e(IFWh 80-l-1 ebrk u-3
Mdlike -8."
holding mah Ast uneonstit~tioBal
under 9Porlslan8of
the *lab42 ~iO?~titU?+Ut 8b8+SFa+ al P88&WOt8 80 thO80 Of th.
TOXS8 bA8tltUtlOll, tb0 OOUFt 8UQl
em be uiol7 w&d, this seotioa of the Canatltu-
tioPb8bsaa geneM&l oon8tl%wda8 flxin#am~
.fsom leg18 tit0 pever, tho n$ter
to Le(lislator8 vhfli in atten&sme at b@shtire
80881088. such has beea the true17 pm&
censtntaticm a? sidlar aonstitutiond oas
l8 other at&o*. (mu0 r0I.xotl olt8tianserau-
thOFitfO8) fh.FO 18 8 di8tiWti0l%,tlwtOtOuz,
0oMt1tut10n boim0.n ex9anresof the Legl8la-
two, aontroilsd b7 the legislatlvobody, 8mi
b2Ul'Md b7 the Z88SbOF OP hi8 OVS lO-
COWlt &Ad at hi8 di(laMtiO4 Pithin a Buiara
Gallarnovc Latg, 243 Il.Y. 7l9 S.~mlwi ai appro*la-
&ii tb ~6h tb88b6~
~6sth0 g-a a0808bi7 88 rtai~t
9 4 b 8h 80th~ o r th 0 g 01 1 0d8~08x 34 l l +
shall bo w& hir aotiul neaotw me8 In-
eurredwhile ilkattendanao at a 8088&X& Of the
Log1sktwo, w&S& Mull tn no esm wood @CO
for B a y
r e g u la
r aworn itemimd elriu
therefor &all be file8 vith the Btate Besr4 of
hdit8 6id th0 p~0Vi8i~418 Of OhrgfiOF25 Of thO
Code &all bo lp9lleablotkereto.
The supron Court as JQ- eeted the a99~9l-t~~ w-
011,the ropositlan that it cante89la peFumal expen8er ana not
1Oa8lS ?ire ex9an&oati thez'eforowuatad to tiltlon8l a--
tlon to the 8e8ben of the Legl~slattwe.
l-7, thOM i8 thOliB0 Of 018.8 FO~VO8OXktOd
90x88 aaso of %!errellv. ring, 14 8.v. (td) 786, and -88
Cone, 168 a&.. 989, 272 8. if. 678, vhfah uphold en albvauuo of
erpanaes to spesm legl8latln Qomitkos mtisda# botveom 808.
siaas of the L6glslature. It 18 ObdOU8 mt th0 -08 Of -8.
hm of 8U& 0olritt00 are 0friOW et lwirlativo oxmnu8. The
ndp8 a88igtmdaII;engagedln aatlritlesvoedlfarl7le6ltiative
Honowblo @eo. H.Sheppard, Pago11
and OoeaQq a 8tatur dtfferent from 0th~ asaber of the Leglrla-
tUM betveen 8088iOIi8.The ju8tlflOstlOn iOF 8uch expensesllov-
moo, axpre8sed by the court in the Forrolloa88 88 fOllOV8,m-
ifO8tly 18 ZlOtappllaablet0 sA ~lol?aAc;,betveea8e88fon8,to
all asmbOr8Of the kgi8latUW# OF t0 the 8eerUte, BOt VU8tOd Vlth
SnSlogou8 utraerd~ duties between 8e88lonrrr
"8inoelegislativeaommitt~8 of lnqulry iii&-
tarertfgatfon,fumttoaing at points Fe8wtefror
the Capital,or fuamtloai.ng at tho Capitolbetvaen
80881OlIS Of th0 ~JJiShttlM, -7 b0 088eddal to
tb Offee8iVeeMPOt Of the 8tit0'81egiShtlTe
Pwer, ve mart iaplr power on the part of the Leg-
iS~tUF8 t0 1(Ht th0 lKbOO88~ ~~IUO8 Of a~&
aaaitteer. POP, Sin00 there 18 no sxpresr pro-
vi8iOn to Wet 8Wh OXpQII808, tht8 gFO&t paver of
the State -- intrustedby the people to their leg-
i814tOZ.8 -- vould othemrlsefall. This oould BOt
have been the intent of the fmEmF8 of the Con-
"It i8 8MifO8t that 002td.B ~&tUrSS --~
8wt br-Wd*~W the state, in the wa7 of legis-
latlvo OX$WUO8, OF tke graBt of leg$rlative
90~0~ Oodtd awer bo effeatuall~exeral8ed. So
one voul4 que8tfoaleglslatlvedfrbursemntr for
caaiortablea8808blf ha118 aad 008dttOe rooms,
or for alerk8,rtationery,eta. Withfn tho 8-0
oategory of legltinstoaxponsesof thisLegiela-
ture or of either hou8o Cm8 relmbursemmt to
BlWEbeP8 for actual SxpSnras reauonsbl7ipouFred
In order to performdutier devolving01)Uul7
authorlsedeOmittee8 of the fagislature,or of
either house,Vhea ruoh aommittm isembers are
aalled to other points than the Oapitrl,or vhen
oslled to the aapltal othervl8ethan dwlng the
8088iOSt Of thCb~~8latUFO.'
Apart fmm the ab8traat8tatementthat JIersonal expen8e8
are not alloVablo,.rhbnar legirlastive
expen8e8arc, it 18 obvlou8-
17 lmposalblefro8 the80 oasa8 to di8uernpo8itiveand Lnfslllblo
mles of l.aV OotitrO~l~ the qWStlOn bt hand. ThON 18 obvioU8,
of s-80, a rrluotanaeon the Part of a MjoFit7 af the Oo?J.rt8 to
upbla gema expenseappropriationsto ~OEBOM of the h&81+ -'
turn ova -0 m -bar8 are in 8088fOIt 8.d .dOUt the bu8heS8
of aotuslly9a88i4 laV8.
IIoaowbleQeo. 1. sh@Epwd, ?a&r 1P
loaoribk@6o.x. aheppard,?4p13
1L88UAtiti1J this ViMV i8 pounded UpOa th0 hf8tWiMl
&ad OOaStitUtiOa8% OOaOOpt Of 8 akt0 lOgiS~tft0 OffiiOe, tO-
gothor vith the pwoti6a.l vorkla#s o6slstituth9n8l
of a6thods tha
vith wfuoaoo thewto, aad the disoemlblo volght of the aasos
In mipOortof such conoluslon.
JhRbW8 Of th4 LDgi818tUW Un paid Oa 8 lSOSOid
ba&PnOt U$aUr th0 -818 Of thei? k1988 Or OifiOO. m &%7
not b0 wrbOFs Sf 8 SllSSO~ 8088iOll. This NgeOSt8 thS fWd&-
W!btSd id448 th8t lO&Ji8hti+O SOldOOS iOl, lfhlah O#&BOXkSatfOil Vi11
bo~id,aad lnwlntlontowhlehupmrosvlll?m~l~,m
th OU
lO%tUl.lYP M deWd dU?inp ll S+lSiOl%, OY iI& OWtiOa Vtth
SmOffiO &SttOW w OUt Of Md 8StOd U.&WI &IF'- a HSSfOPI.
TO OXtMd tb 8lbVSllSO Of -00 t0 ti -8bU8 b+
tW4Ul 80881OM WQdW8, U a bSSl8 thOWfOP, 88 SXtOwlCia Of #.
8OOm O? lO$iSl8tiVO dUtiO@ to point of
holdlq that I&gisl8-
tars, who MJ not bo mombom of tko next Legislature,hare geaoral
lOgistitiV0 duties bStVOOn session SUfiilofsnt Pnd of such 8 neituxw
a8 t0 affO?d 8 brSi@ fOl’ %ObKi618tiYO OXDOllS, dllOV~OQ8.
of the ruthorltlosdlsaussod,bnd of fuad8aatml ooas~itutioa8l
9ri.Ih3;9101. rad vithout judiefal pwsadeat t6 the actat-, to a.-
ObW Ukd ho15 th8t k6i818tOlr8 hUo dUtiO8, urd Vi= MaiOnr aots
botvoon lo islatlro ros8ions oiaThetisovn iaitlatfve and vlthln
their OVZI f lSOtOtiOa, VhiSh, a8 8 attOP Of 18V, O(LB rifQ?d 8 basis
ior loglsl&lvo ox9emo allovuioos.
Ths aethod of owatloa and mnno~ of opentioa of thr
legisl8tl*oofrio*, by urd vador tho Wlstitution, aoqmls th@ ma-
OlUSt6& t0 O?W rind, thrt inditidwl OX&WllSS Of rrrrbW8 bSttOM
8ossloas mrt bo doemad 8 bwdoa of tha oifloo aad ay aot k do-
slawd to be log,fslatlvein nrtum to tba utont raqiriwd ia up-
hOkUg 8 b & & d lX&BOaSO ~&~JINu~O br tih0 kgiSbtUW fOP lip&
purpo80~ As deolawd by OM oowt *pub118offlao 1s Woa 8ad held
Vith th0 ml-t8 ud bUS’&Ofl8 Vhbk th0 bV i-808, urd the h&l’-
dear LW, o?~ybO,f8PbO~ th0 WN&JMUtiClh dbJV.d il3 W SSSO8."
It rmst be bon&o ln rind that the 8lhvaWo Of SZDOXiSO8
during lO~i818ttVO 8088iOM, sad to lOgislatiro Otitt.08 ktvua
sessions,u&d othw loglslatl*oox9eImo018 vithout O*pWss WBStitU-
t1onAl pemisslon. 4LIo~i0~8uboo is
tloa tb*t'Su& 0%pOX~S08 a?0 pS8SSSfl Y.ieglslatum
RaPorab10Gs0.x. shsppard,rs@u
the IndividualIdglslator)to DPowrlY Dorfora it8 functlcns. It
aUnCtb6 S&id thAti
th0 Of WOStO i&fit&-
mss&orsbetween sessionsis aeoossary for the Lsgislatursto
perform Its funotions,or, for that Mtter,
dlvidualmembers to perform tholr fumtlom,
dssirable,sad tho vlsh ol this d8pU'bOEt,
that it ba so.
aoooss8ryfor tho in-
8lboIt it Yr k
and of t&a OoWts,
N6WofOP, the w-t Of th. qMdI8 UZbO OCllSidOW-
tioa is to bS out oi Sn a~WDPf4tiOa iOr SOati8gMt -08 of
tha 47th Lo@8&two. Xt ay roll k 4oubt4dvhother 8a upease
al.lvvaaooto'the uahow of tha 47th kglsl8tuw after rdjoure
aeat of t&o RegularSossloa,and until, pwsumably rt lust, tho
Regular bearion of t&o 48th Lo&tr&tuw, is @a uponso of the 47th
Logis~tuw vba su4h mabow aw set agdw mj spooial asrlgmsent
from the 47th &~t8~tu?8 U&d Vi11 Wt, in rant ilUtSJXOS8, Ov6B bo
aeabew of tho mlcoudfng Legislrtuw.
It Is thenf'ow tho oonsldorsdopinionof this doprt-
xouw V8Tf an&J
ATTOfWlK - w, axrs