Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

!’ --a!3 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEYOENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Q-CLMAtUd Avnmlmv- G3( *I hat0 your lottor of JUM 84tB hturnl y looount la the amount ?a tr OS 5446.94 wlbb the 9 uat that the rate et pay allMa ~OOlBl Aa~olrt. nlrtla** Ir (l&d@ par day, iartod ri #o.rr. "Of OOWM, 1 d# ItatWaAt Uljtht 6 but rhat tE0 lw allows. The b&r for rukln( the old81 at ~30.89 lr o n lo o o u o nttthe SOIlo wi~ ltlthoritlo,~ -1a Bolland w* Barrio county, u9 *xar lL6, 168 zia wo (tnd) 196 the 6upr.m Court he16 that the extra aoaprnrt ton maid bl the oountlr.8fer Dietriot tudger 18 a pub of hi8 annual nlary wad a gpoold nietriat Cudgo wa* wJtit1.a to be &da on thxt bud@ lo murio countye *urt101* iuw or the statute* lppa&rr to fir thr w ot Spoolal furthor on the court of olv&l App+alr md ~Ujmemo court at tllom* rate 08 sp*oiri nirtr14t a&lag**. *Artid* (KI19+4 &*rnOa*r alaok Statukr AOtO 1937, 46th Le~81ature, ka~;r 456, Chapter 168) saya that the Xrtrlot ZuCger of Countlrr hetily; orrtaln popalatlon &all nr*Lv+r l 84bq oi 87600,OOpar year, but that only b 000.00 aheula be paid out of Stata r\mdr atI r4 d0.00 out of c0ker mm ma uti010 &3u-~ (mfi0da &Ok 8tstuteo) whfoh waa maotad at the oaae teglslaturo, th enlr r ylr th elo t@ @ o t trM va r io w tix*a nirtrlot ceuttr rt $8,000.00. In Daurr county tmhr ZhoIea bll&, and on laoouat ot rho 1940 o*nN$, 8lrtilot adgar nod70 i$T400.00. *Ig ive yo u th r ee luthorltleo Ser the pusgoon 01 rhorl~ the btimloor whlrh the old~ uma Zl$tud. The luiguwo of the su~ro~. Oourt in Bolluid V’I~ mrrir county Ia1 *TUr #%600&Ola l part of thalr pay aa Dlrtrlot fubgsor’ ?m ~1800.00 r&or- reC to 18 th4 loizpenrstlon oa 'a000uat Of th0 me- aile &of wEioh 18 wotd ln t&e 0QitiOn.e IB ,Ut thlr Aot l-M a r 1 o fa tvilu1 l4rlalmd, c . 631 in addition to that paid the other dlrt)lot fudge8 or th. aat..’ Honoe, a0 I ron8tnbo Art1010 bS21, WhlOh oar says that bolal mdgoo 8hall rwoln the owe salary a8 08, urd thlo oaoe bolna in Dollar aounty, I took t as a matter or OOurn that I would be lntltlod to the mo pay as a district Juaga la Dallar COuJb~. lPl~aea let me ktnonwhat your reaotion to thoao authoritleo lo.* brtiol@ 1621, ha8 no lpplfoation herei ou l r iddl, ?. A, C. 80 oitod b you in rour latter, inteng te rafer to mtl- 010 6821, V. A# 0. &, dab road0 no follons~ *BIJ oelarlao Of a 001&l Ju$@o oomaledonsd by the Governor in oh d onoe to seotion 11, 1Lrtl- ale 6 of the Oonstltutlon,or shotod br the praotfofng lawyer8 or a reed u2on by the partiro a8 provld8d br law, ehaf1 bo detenained and paid er rollewrc "1. Zaoh speoial Judge shall recslve the xiiw~pay as dfotriot jud@o for every day that he be oooupled in performlag the dutle8 of judgo, an those oomloolonsd br the Governor lhall al80 Y rooelve thr lEIW pay a8 diotrlot udgao for every da7 thar may be neosourily oooupi ld in going to and returning fren the place where thor may be required to hold oourt. *a. Tho amount o f luoh ealory @hell b ae- orrtalnod by dividing tho lalary lllerrd a dlotrlot Judge by three hundred a nd llrty-flvo, and thon the quotient by the number of day8 iaultlpl:~ing aotuall7 eensd by the opeolal judge. =a. A Juaga 80 oomlsolo~s6 lhell, in mdar to obtain hlo mlarf, present hlo oworn acownt to the comptroller, ohowl the nunrberof deyo wooosmily oooupled in go "png to and returning from luoh plaoo, aooompaolod by etidoao~ that br res duly 0ondo8ionf& (luohaOOOUnt ahal be oertiflrd to be oorrrot by the juUg*‘oS the dir- triot, or by tho olork of the court in whloh the lervloer t;er* perforraed~ Eonorablo aoorgo judgr 80 olrotod or agre8d upon rhall b8 paid for hlr rervioor 8a prrooatatloa to the Oomp~ryllor*of the-oorti~loato of the alark of the OOUTt ln ulUOh 8UOB HSTXOO8 WIl-0QSir’rOImed,8hOwklig the reoord of auoh elrotloa or appointment aad renloe8, and aooo8paalea bl the 8wora aooount or 8uoh I&l68 rhmiag the aunber or day8 aotually MrTe a br hia a8 8uoh 8peOial jUdg&r Seotloa 11 of Art1010 5 of our St3to con8titutloa read8 a8 tO11OW8t ‘b’0 5u&3r 8hr11 8it in say oa- wherela ho may be intere8tea, or whera lithsr 0r tha arti may be ooaaeoted with hla, either by aftia!ty or oonean@dnity, rlthla ruoh a &OgrOr E8 ma b8 :reaorlbed b7 law, or when he 8hall hare i: eelI oouasel in the oaaa. "Thenthe Supreme court the court of arlalnal Appeala, the Court or altli &)paal8 or UI~ nembrr of 4 that, 8hall b8 thur 6i~pdha to hear and drtermlne any Oa80 or oa8e8 In said court, the &me rhnll bo oertlfled to the Govsrnor of the State, wha ahell lmaedlately oomal6doa the repulrlta auf&or 0r por8on8 learned la tho law for the trial and 68termination of ruoh oauao or oau8b8. lfhsna lU&N of tho MI- trlot Court 18 di8!?wiiiOd by a- of tho oauee8 aborr 8tatOd, the ptWtie8 mrJ, by ooneent, ap oint a propor pe:^rOnt0 try 8dd OaM& Or upon thePt railing to do 10, a ooopitont person ri!zq be appointoa to t the came in the oounty where 1 a ruoh manaer a84Itay be xesorlbed lma the Dirtriot fUdgB8 may exohange dirtrlot8, or hold oourtm for laoh other when they my de018 ~~woxpedlent and #hall do 10 when requlnd by ‘fii18 bi8~UAlifiOatiOll or judge8 or lnferlor tri&al8 #hall be rosedied and raoanoier fn thelr OrriOe8 mid a8 suh~ k imsorlbed by law.0 Artlole MM-A-~, TO A. 0. 80, nadr a8 rcillow81 qho Di8trlQt J&O8 Of OOUntiQ8 harlag a opulation of S85,OOO aad not over Zb50,OOO8oeOrd- Png to the la8t proodling Teaera Con898 rhall 633 Ronwablo (ho-0 IL #hopper& Pago 5 noelte th0 8ahry of Seren rh0u8Ma Plte mabred ($7,500.00)Dollar8 per par lnoludlng the 8alary - _--0rri00r8I prwtaim thg 0nlf nt0 a8 Jwenll8 Thouraad ($O,OOO.OO)Dollar8 b8 pa16 out of btato md8 aad l'w8Thoueand fit. Hundrrd ($8,500.00) Dollar8 out 0s county Rml8.w Artlola 6SlS-~-1 18 notT;tplloablr to Della8 county b8- oaum of the population oh aooordhg to the 1040 POdera T Oen8U8 Arti 68190, Y. Ae C. S., Ma8 a8 rOiiOW81 vroa a2iaafter the pa8~• 0s thl8 Aot, thr Judge8 0s the +arlour Dirtriot gourtr ami 0s the Criainal Di8triot QOUt8 Of thi8 St&. -11 eaoh bo pal6 an 8aaual salary or five ThOUsaId Dollar8 (~S,OOO.OO),payable in equal monthly lnstalbmentr.~ "In any oounty hating a population of ozu hun- Ured thsussnd or over, acoordin6 to the preoedlq Tedoral oaama8 the udger 0s the 8ereral di8triOt and OrhiM d8td.O court8 of euoh Oouatf, to- gether with the oouatr judge of maoh oounty, are heroby Ooartitutod a JuvOnllo Board for ruoh 00un'*~~ rho UIMU 8uary 0s oaoh 0s th0 &a@8 ef the 01~11 and erltinal dietrlot oourtr of 8uoh oouaty a8 memborrof raid board 8hall be $1,500 la lddltloa to that paid tho other dlrtrlot jUdgO8 or the $tat*, 8016 additional 8alary to be paid monthly out or the Saneral tunflr0s ruoh oounty, upon the order 0s the OOZAd88iOllOr8 oourt.* srotion l-a Of Art.1018614Ea, t. A. C. 8. agplloablo to oountler harlrg a population in lxoo88 Of ~50,OOt)lnhabltantm, IWail a8 fOiiOW8; vor the a64ltlonal rervloor ad dutler ro- month out 0s the Oeaeral ma or ruoh oouatf.* *8 ulary ti l Di8tri8t T’Ua&08f -108 OOUat7 18 a8 f8llrrra l 000 mr umua tid by the state of 'hzu uador 1010 681@., t. A* Oe 8a 9 1,500 par aaaumfor 5umallo mnlo88 prid br Dalfa8 OouotJ under &t&o10 6189, V. A* 0. S. o w FOP UUNB iOr adutioad 80niOO8 ri(i br W OowIty u&da? &OtlOa la of Art1018 BUSA, r'rAr 01 I*' whloh auk88 a totrf. Of #9,400.00, The 8080 or Xolland v* Barr18 County, 108 se u* (fid)196, la 103 8. f, (ta) 1069, oitoa by rum lrrirffi0a Dodd, bold8 tht T0X.68,Wa8 llablr t0 0 8wOiti bl8triOt Ubg. for ortloa bf 0oEpInutiea duo under Art1010 dlS9 the aal 8ahry f&r 5uvw~l10 nm-ior8) waa though f ha rpoohl judge had not perfOrA8& ant 8or~iorr for the wenile board. Vnd0r the faotr in the 4~80, th0 Stat0 had Ursab pa d it8 portion 0s the 8;eolal dlrtrlot ~udgo*0 ullery ma the only qus8tlon ln- rolrea wa8 the oountp8 liability. It Judge Ooda had 8Ond I8 %pOiu a8tri.t zUdg8 Of a1188 aOUI4tyu. rOtid agror that ho rhoula bo 8oB,pon8atod oa thr bar18 or n $5,000 nleuy iron the stat0 ana a $a 400 80lar~ from the oounty, reorfriag proportlonato 8hfH88 iron ihe 8tatr and But won a8 SpoolU Dirtriot JU6&8of Dal108 County he ~%'~ot b0 latltl06 to more thaa US.69 ger day from tlm S&t0 If ho won 8peolal Dirtriot Juago hi would ha+8 to look to ~ell0; oouaty for hlr labitional sompw8atloa. gut Judge Dodd Ud not servo a8 8polal Mrtrlet Judgr or hlla8 Couat~ but 80maa a8 timoolate Juatloe or the Court oi Civil &.$ealr for the 5th Qu rona JUdlOiti Di8ttiOt Of hXkX8e The Tifth Suprome JudiolU Dlotriot 1s oompond of Orayooa, oollln mlla8 Rookwall Eendorraa Kaufmaa van i%adt aad ELIatCountf08. Ura,roA aouatl 1; ia tho 18th aad b9b Judiolal Dirtriotr~ OOllia Oouatl 18 la th0 69th JuUelal l&8triOt; Bunt OOW&f 18 ti th@ 8th and 68JIdJdOid Di8triOt8 TM ZUIdt Muiran Ma RoO~l CWAtlO8 aako hp the 86th tuai0i a1 Di8triO$, Hoader8oa county 18 in the St4 Jualolu pirtrlot cmd kl1a8 COuafJ oomprlso8 tha l/th, 44th. Wth, ,?&h, 1018t aAd 116th JwUolal Dl8triOt8 Of this8 Stat.. Saoh and all of the Dirtriot Judge8 of tha oouatler wlthln the 8th QupromaJodlolU Dirtriot noelre a 8Uarr of $8,000.00 fro& tho Btato 'fh0 Di8triOt JUd 08 Of hllar oouatf are th8 oall Sth suprosa Jutlolal 31a- trlot rho reoolva oolcprnsatlon for their ronlorr on juVOnil0 board8 from the ooUllt~ The spoolal A8800lata net10 0s the court or air11 &I ealr for the 6th Su rome Jualoial d 8trlot hoer not serve for DaPla8 OOUnty Uono bue omrte8 iOr the entire U8triOt fd lOt8 68 a judge 0s the lntlro alrtrlot. It 18 therefotu our opinion that tho propar rat0 af cornemation in the aboro matter 18 1 3.69 lr day bard on the quo?lent or a lJS6St.hportion of a $,00O.d 8alarJI te b8 pal& by the Btato. It 18 our further Opi!dO!l that Ddlar COUntr WOUbi Mt be liable for any 8alaFy for raid speolal A88oolate JU8tiOe. very truly your0