Honorable Claude A. Williams
Chairman and Executive Director
Texas Unemployment Compensation
Austin, Texas
Dear Slr:
Your letter requesting
Mona is self-explanatory and re
"1. Under Subssct
iole 5221b-4 (b) Vernon
Texae; 1925) the inltia
ner results in an
benefit periods.
decision of then The Commission
reveraee the A ws~no benefits.
the deolsion
no bensilts.
At the time
asue the iour remaining
y the examiner and the
nt having previously filed
"2. Under the same facts stated above, assume‘
that there was no appeal to the court from the COm-
mlselon decision of .'no benefits.' Would the same
answer which you have given to the previous qUSStiOU
apply to this situation?
Honr Claude A. Williams, page 9
'5. Doer the language 0r the laet sentence 0r
SMion 0 (b) mean that the Cotiarlon (titting
ae an appeal body in a benefit oaae) or the court,
In an appeal to it In a benefit ease, hae jurisdlo-
tlon, after the granting of benefits both by the ox-
aminer, or deputy, and the Appeal Tribunal, only to
doone that no emplo;ler*aaooountahall be oharged
wit&the 'benefit880 paid, or dose that jurisdiotlon
go to the whole ease?
*4. 3n a situationwherein the examiner hae
allowed benerits and hia deoialon has been arl'lrmed
by the Appeal Tribunal, appeal having been perrooted
through the Co~iaslon and to.the courts, does the
denial oi benefits by the aourt dlapo8e of all right .
to benefit&ion the part of the olafmant during
benefit year aa eet up by the examiner and as de-
fined in the Aot ar Subsection19 (b) [Z)?
"5. Dow your anaww to Question.Ao.4 apply
llkew$Sto ruoh~tinaldeofelon of the Gommls~loa
denying benefits, no appeal to the courts havfng
been taken?
~'0; In a benefit aaee pending rlthln the&ma-
mia~ion the CorPliaaion approve, an,attorney~.afee
or #l!& ior olaimant* 6’attornpy, proridlm@ thiht
u\oh~fae.atill~k )iXL&O ii appeal la'tho
OOUrt& Trial is had.on appeal to the County:Boa&.
bnetitr~ to the.plaln-
of~the reoonzy.
(b) (Artlole SfSlb-18 (b Y. It.C.:b Tar. ,399S)
limit the juriadiotlonoiethe oourt $the f&a 0:
attornofr,? iark ti3the iiring of an amount approved
b;r the Commlsrlon,Or do’they ‘op$rateonly upoa the
attorney wlth'riepectto'hle ohargin(l or reoeiting
for hir eervioermore'than the amount approved by
the Coni*don."
Beotiona.(a) and (b) of Artiole 52Elb+, Vardon*e
Annotat&fairll statutes, read as rollowe:
"(a) Iriling: alaims for benefit8 ohall be
made In aooordanoewith suoh regulation8as the Gem-
mieelon may presoribe. Eaoh employar shall poet md
maintain printed statementaof suoh regulations In
plaoee readily aooeseible to indirldualdin hlr eerv-
ice, and shall make available ta eaoh auuahIn+ividual
at the time he beoomes unemploye& a printed statement
Hon. alaud? A. WIlliama, page 3
of such regulations. Suoh printed statementsshall
be supplied by the Commission to each employerwlth-
ou,tooat to him.
'(b) Initial De$ermlnatlon: A representative
designated by the.Cotiission,and hereinafterrefer-
red to as a deputy, shall proaptly exsmlne the claim
and on the basis of the iaota found by him shall
el&r determinewhettir or not suoh claim ia valid,
aid If valid, the date on whioh benefits shall oom-
menoe the benefit amount payable and the maximum
duration thereof, or shall refer suoh olalm or any
question Involved therein to an appeal tribunal or
to the Commlsalon,whloh shall make its determinations
with reapsot thereto In aooordanoewith the prooedure
desoribed linsubsection (0) of this section, exoept
that in any oase in whloh the payment or denial of
benefit. will be determinedby the provision. of Sso-
tlon 5 (a) of this Aot the deputy shall promptly
transmit his rull finding or faot~wlthrespect to
'thatsubaeotlonto the C0mmlsslon,whioh on the basis
of the evldenoe submlttadand such additional evldenoe
as it may require, ah&l1 affirm, modify, .orset aside
swh $%ndlnga or faot and transmit to the deputy a
;t;plon upon the lsaues involved under the subseo-
l The deptttjshall prollptly notify the olafmant~
and any other lnterea%idparty of the dsolsion and
the reason8 therefor: Unless the olaimant or any
suoh interestedparty; wIthIn tan (10) calendar day.
after the delivery of auoh ntitliioatipn,or wlthln
twelve (la) oalendar days attor luoh-notliioatfon
was mailed to his last known address, tiles and ap-
peal ,fiam such deolalon, suoh deoision shall be final '
and bena~it. shall be paid or denied In aooordanoe
therewith. If an appeal ia duly filed, benefit8 with
respect to thenperiod prior to the final determina-
tion or the %mmia.lon.~.hall be paid only after auoh
detarmlnatlon rovided, that it in appeal tribunal
affirm. a deo or a deputy, or the~Mmmiaslon sf-
?I=. 8 deolsion or an appeal tribunal. allowing bene-'
At.; 8uoh benefit. shall be paid regardless or any
vpeal whioh may thereafterbe taken. but if!su0h 6
olslon 1. rinal1.yreversed, no employer'sao69unt .iil
be oharged with benefits SO paid." (Undersootifng Our.)
Ron. Claude A. aillfaas,page 4
Tha above provision provides that when the Appeal
Tribunal affirms the daoialon of the deputy which allow. bene-
fits, that auoh benatlts shall be paid r.gardlaaa of any appaal
whloh may theraatterbe taken. This provision undoubtedlywas
plaoed In the Unemploymentdot to insure th. paymen‘tof bsna-
fits to an ilrdlvldualwith but a minlmum of delay.
The Supram. aourt or ~allfornlaDiaou.aa. a a;imllar
provlalon of tha CaliforniaUnamploymantAot-in the oaae of
,Aballaria et al vs. Dintriot Court of Appeal, lW! P. (24) 589,
(109 P. (2d) 948) as follow.:
*The fourth anaweg t. more fundamental;tha
mandate oontraveneathe &pr.a. provldon of &action
67 that *if a refaree affirm. an Initial.detsnnlna-
tlon allowing benatlts, auoh benefit. shall be paid
fe$~d+r.a of any appaal whloh may theraart?rbe taken
Thi. ls'one 0r the moat signirioant atate-
menta*in the sot. In aubatanoeit provides that when
the Initial detonainatlonha. been reviewed and ap-
privad by the intermadi+teappellate authority (the
refere.), no furthor delay in payment shall b. per-
mitted even though tha still rurther
oonaidaredin a lubaaquant appaal. It w.. dealgned
to oarry out the polioy deolared ln..ooti'on 1 of al-
leviating the evil. f+unamployment, a. part of a
national plan or alolal aaourity.inwhloh~f'adaral
and state legia&ationla oouplad. 980. le. The vary
eaaeno. of th. lot is its provision for.tho praa&pt
payment of benefits t@ thobe unamployed. Se., 88
Univ. Pa. L. Rev,'157, 139. Any substantialdelay
would defeat this p&po.. and would brln baak tha
very evil sought to be avoldad. Tha legfllature,
recognizingtha lmportanoe on the one hand of avold-
ing improvldantpayment. without du. oonaldaration
of th. rl ht thereto, and the danger on the othar
hand or- wfthholding~~tha.paymeataior long periods
through the slow prooeaa.. of appeal to the ocomia-
slon and perhaps eventuallyto the oeurta, took a
middle oourae. It provided for a preliminaryappeal
or ravlaw of the first datarmlnatlonwham payment8
were ordered. This appeal, ordlnarllydeoldad in a
abort period or tima oarriaa with it a day. But
whan this aeoond daoision has also been made in favor
of the applicants, the~benafitabegin, with proteo-
.. tlon, a. already hoted, for $ha employer in the evant
or later revereal.*
Eon. Wmde A. Willlama,,
page 5
Seotiona (h) and (I) of Artiolo &?W,lb-4,
Annotated clvll Statutes, pmvie08 *a r0ii0n8:
suob ~~eo~aloh and m&y-be representedin any auoh ju-
.#loialaotlon by &my q&allfled attorney who ie,a regu-
lar salaried amployee of the C.ommisaion
and has bien
designatedand appointed for that purpose ~bpthe At-
torneygt3enoralof Taxaa.
“(I) aourt &vii;rr within ten (i0) dayr ‘aftar
the eeoiaion of ‘tha,Coknlaalonhaa bebome ,rlnal any
party’aggrlev~d, theMby rag aeoure jtidl?ial &ew
thereof by ooprmen~i an notion in anp-ooust 0f,,mm-
petant jrirf8diOtlo~ “‘p,
n the oounty of ela&nt*B seai-
dmoe against the O.omiauionfor the r?,mw’+ it8
1 dooision, In which a6tioh.any qther p&&y t6~the pro-
oeedin before‘-the’:.~Doaaiaaion
,&all be Mae a ,drfimd-
ant. ii uoh trial sh&l.l be de noyo. In .auohaotlon,
.. a petition whldh neid .notAbeverlrled,~ but rhioh ahall
atata the groqda ,uponwhioh a revlaw .is~ sought, shall
be-m&d. upon a member of the Comm~aaion or ~uponauoh
parson a0 the CoPeiirtiioh may designateand such aervi
ioe ahall ba deemed’oompleted servioe on all partier,
but there shall be Iett with the party ao served as
many ooplea of the petition ae there are defendants
and the Coaaiaalon @all forthwlth~11 one euoh oopy
to ,eaoh luoh e8fsneant. Suoh action shall be given
preoedenoe over all other 01~11 oases exoept oases
ariflingunder the Worlrmen~aCompansation&IW of this
&ate. An appeal may be taken from.the decision of
the trial oourt, in the same manner, a8 is provided
In other air11 oases, It shall not be neoeaaary, in,
any judlolal prooeadlng,under~thl&aaotlon, to enter
_ _ _ _-_to the rulings
_ .- of the ~onsnlaaion and no
bona’ahell be requlred for entering such appeal. E
the final determination of iuoh judloialprooeeding
%be Commlsalon shall enter an order in aooordanoew1th
suoh BetermlnatLon. A petition for jtidloial review
ahell not act as-a superse4eas;R (Underscoringoura)
Hon. Claude A. Williams, pago 6
The provlrlon of &&ion (b), quoted above,,whiah
provide8 that when the Appeal Tribunal ha8 affirmod,thodeputy'8
declsld~'aIrarding beneflt8, they should be paid regardlo, of
any appeal, oont8mplato8that tha individual is elfgib&o and
qualified to rocelro auoh bane&its. we find nothfng'inth8
Act which lndlcata8 that the Appeal Tribunal**tiading 18 final
on the llurltrof the olaim. To.the contrary, th4'v'hriou8 qt$o-
ted provlrionr of Art1018 SSSlb4 indicate8 tjo,u#that thr Ap-
peal Trlbunal'a affirmanoo &the deputy*8 drolslon~o@.~in-
mum8 the qlalmant rodoiring bmoilt8 pending a final deolrion
on the que8tion by the Godraion or the court on the nerltr.
3n anewer to your flrrrtand 8ooond quortlon8,we are
pi the opinion that th? Commlsdoa la hot authorized to i88u0
benefit oheoka ,rubrrquent to a dsolalon of the Cdrrion or
the jud#a&i%of a ooa&t denying benefit.8, ihen said~dooidon
or judgwnt i8 final ofithe .rerit6.
In anawot t&your third~queatlon it'foUow8, Ra
what we hare horetoto2m mald, that the dacfdon of the-O-18-
8lon~or jud@nent Of *hi court goes to th8 merit& 02 the entire
In anawerlag your fourth and firth,quertiotie;we point
out t@t sibtioa (i) .oiIrtlola SSSlb4, rnpra, preyldar,that
wupon th6~iinaldetmmlnation of 8~ch.judiolalproae$dlng, the
Ccmmlsrion~rhall ardor in aooordanoewith ,&aoh&&Or-
Blnation.* (
8qotion [@ of dztlole S%?Jb-S prorldom a? tollow~
&otatining tha numbor of boner it per-
whiah any l,~dlvidual-I8entitled to ro-
in a,bmWit par the Comleaion *hail
daduot any lrlod oi .dG uallfio~tlona8 provided in
~u@I&%o~ sa) (b) and;P0) of ,'
thin Section from the
tothl numbor of bonoiit period8 during whloh'h8.would
othorwl8obe entitledto reoolvr benrfitr rxorpt.tor
aaoh dlrquallfioatlon;~provldad, that fn:no &a!+ rhall
the ‘arnbrr oi ~anef$t,$eriodrro.deductgdoxoied 'the
numbor ot~b8nefitporioda ola#zie& I8
then lllgiblo to reoq%ye ror ~8uoh'dlu-
quallflcatloa.* ,i
seotlosi (bj(8j~of ArUe Sl2lb-17 proride~rae fallowa:
Hon. Claude A. wi1118Dk8,P.&a 7
"(2) 'B4naflt y4ar,* rith raepact to any fndiridtul,
th. fifty-two-O.Sm..utiV.-weak pariod b.(lianfa~
with the day an wbloh the firat velid alaim fer hen*
flt8 i8 fihd and fharaaftar the
tlra-w44k period bo$lnaiag with tha day On whioh hla
nest valid ala&i for banaritm ia filed after the termi-
nation of his lamt praaading benarlt year.*
The UnamploymentAct provides that en eligibla m(ll~
ployad tndivldual ia lntitlad to banefit for a certain numbor
Of benaiit pSriO48 Within a benefit year nlll.88dt8qtraliii.d.
By reamon ot.tb saotionr of the three above quoted,atetuta.
it maem clear that a dl8quallrfoationby tha Commlsaionor a
oourt of an indlrldual to receive~bq4fitB during.thebanatit
&34riOd8Of hi8 banarit y48r diEpOE. Of all right8 Of th.~i.n-
dividnal to raoelva any baneiitm during that~benefltyear.
Thea anawara your fourth and fifth quaatlons.
In an8w.r to your 8ixth question,we quot. rroa S4e-
tion (b) of Artlola S22lb-19, Vernon's Annotated civil Statut~am,
“(b) Lislititionof r4481 No individual oleir-
in6 banatitm 8h8ll ,ba@nwgad team ot,aay klnd ,inany
pro.q.diaag,untj.r th%B,AOtby the l%3ml$88$On Or ,itB ;
rapramantatlvemor;b .~~y oourt or anyoifiobr thereof.
Auy lnaividuql cla& ban4fltm in aay,prooaadlng
befew tha Coti~84ion or a coprt rhny ba prammtah
'bya osun~al or,,t)taqr
eIvy author1e.d .',,nt~
rd$ but 50
mob OOiia84~or.kg49t.B:Bh411aithar,0hfi~~O~o~~~4ceiT4
ror muoh iirvlo48j,*dt4than an amount approV4d by t&4
1 ~O%Eii08iOll,
~& *tiEan Who riOl.xt48 CUiypT4T18iOn
ot this wb8.Oti.n 8h.ll iOr..Wh muoh .fiin#q; b4
iin4d not 1.88 than Fii$y ,#$O.QO)~01&8rB, no= m.rk
than fir4 Hundrifl'( aQ..oo
1 DollaM, or impt18~lud
iOr not 1er4 @Ul 8ii (6) u)athm, 0: b4t&r ~(w-
Th4 lbov. l$at8to,olaarlyprorldes that'ao attorney
OaR OhaL% Or WU.Ot, fOlc ~ti,F 84lTi4. .D .EOdUt lOr4. thsn th.t
approv4d by th. ~srmi841OIl,Tti,BpXOV%Bio~,appli.8,inthorn.
a~848 wh4r4 an in(uflUSl ii 84rkia(rbanefit& Silia4th4 X&-
181titW. ha8 B~Oit1.811;~ehtir~ad 'the~ORBiBBiOn~dth the p4w.r
Sf r.~ati~ th0 f4QB Of.8 ttb~.yB, R. OaIU&Ot84. any beEi
iOr the -0OtWt BUbm%iftUt$ng it8 jud&int for that Of the 00r
Eon. Claude A. William, Page 5
In order Bo give aiiaot to Section (b) of Article
5221~1s lupra, wo anmwar your sixth question by maying that
we are ,Oith4 Opinion that tha OOtWt ha8 jUri8diOtionto al-
b&attOrnrJ f448 only iI the aPOUnt approve+ by the CdB-
YOU'8 V.4 tNly
/a/ GrovarS4llars