Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

C 0 The State oi'Texas P Y OFFICEOFTHEATTOR~C~FFALOFT~ AuatlJa Gerald C %ann Attorney t;aheral Sxmreble Xortimer Browri 333cutiveSecretary Teaaher ,lotLrenient Syst.~ of Texas Anstir.,Texss q$iiCE xc. o-3557 ??e: 3lstrlbut4,on of accumulated aootributloneof l?atleRuth Blankenehip,a deosaaal teachar In your letter of Say 15, 190, you adrim 8x8of %lie rol.lowlngtacta! :ratl e ?uth Blankenship,who was a member of the Zeaoher I;etireraent Ey?yntmat the tine of fierdeath, died on April 11, 19,&l,aurvlve3 by her tlother,Mrs. Julia Fmwlette Andereoc, ae her deefgnatedbeneficiary. :@a. &demon filed wlth the TeacrherRetirement syatep?her affidavit In proper formalalm&g the ezount thtuldue her as such beneflclary,but before paysent the?eof Ure. Anderson fieraelfdied. .. : pm;&uast our"ipfnionin response to the iollowlng three quea- : %hould the Comptrollerbe requested to ieaue a vlarxantIn favor of &e. Anduraons' If~eo, what ehculd be done with the warrant? Should the Tenoher Retircsmunt systemsettle the aase by paying the money to the various hein o2 Mm. &derson'lm Sing8 fdrs.Andarson ti dead and the Sypeteaa ham been ad- vised OS t‘iatiraotthe Corntrollex should not be rcqueeted to is8ue a warxent In hex favox, thf8 in anmmr to your first qUCris%iOXL Sinae you maand question depends~upona different anmer from the above to your ?Iret queetion, mmh eeaond question need not ba notioed further. Slnae Mrs. Anderson wa8 the benerlciarynamed by her daughter, upon the deidh bf the latte- such aocumulate~ oontrlbutionsbeaane the property of Mrs. Anderson and descendeti to her heirs. &iiindiaated in a pravloua opinion t'3you, the contributionsa@oiiLdbe paid to the adtiJlnlstratorof &a. -Uder- son if an adzzlnlstrationIs hatlupon her estate. ?Fowevo2,if them is m such administrationthe Teacher lietirencnt ?ystam should sattle the aase byepay- the money to the various heirs Qf :.;rs . Anderson. Your0 very truly ATTOREY c31mN. CT TIXAS By/s/ Qlmn R. Lanis OlennR. Lewis Aselstflnt GRL:db A;?ROVE!2*XAY22, l&l /s/ Grover Bellam: .A~Toss~, '.