Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

: : . . I.’ . 93 EM. b;. 0. carlwl,yTn~ 8 fbo ~olonoio~ Go&. The Qheleqea OS the Cowoleelonore' Oourt ~1oo.Q the ruttar of looopt- lng ona or thablQ0 to 8 rok ot the oourt. Two ti tha ~.mioelonon +otod to looopt that $%d.oni 6 ilk. n.mb.r rotad njoot tha bil.. to :Tho Oh.ir- aan of ohm ocmleolonore’ hut ntpro4 to rob and bnak fho dseb-look n tlo v&o, .nd tho rut- tar of looopt* o& &08* tM ?Oaalniae fo0r (4) bid. woe nner &blood kforo th el.ur8. Tho ouwalulonare' lo u r no t lthl qeo r.o p to a 4o z r o lo %ea 0r fho othar bihr, by rot. any m0d7 .d We sail0af0 l0t upon r.galer a thti. mooting of the T h Qoo l aurjs Of tho o..r t Mm.h tom wlth.ut oq o z- ilnr l motion up o l n# o ?th e wa r r ub dtta a . wan the a.s!nleelo.ore’ with one of tbeo tfddor8 ot ~ottrt,1t t&g aeferalM4 ot tllo oourt that Lo10116x10ie tbn lowoPt al& beet bl&der, OR must the Codeolouere~ Gowt a@n edro,rtieu jy, bide in crder to Obmply with Arti.1. 15599* Artlol. 1959, ~+'Son'S AanotatOd~itil Etatu+o. . near 66f0m~6: . '*Scpppllneof orart klnil,~raa& on4 brli@o nictorial,Or SW other motorlal, for tho ueo of 6618 oountr, or say of it0 otfloo~o, Osportamto, or frwtitutlons zauofbe purohoeod On ocMp@tltlvo bide, iibo auntraot to to awordod to the prrty who, In tho juQ&ueat bi the ooml.elonete bOl)rt, Jimaoa8mltt.d tho 10we.t a.5 hast bid, Fho ooOnl+ auditor6boll o&o+tiot for 'o period of tmo a6dJm ln at leaet oao deilr OOlgepOr, ptibll8h04~olrb~“ oiroalatoa in tho :oOOatr, tar ruoh l pp1foe.W rutorlel oooordlngto l po01f100f10.0, glVlE# ln 4otol.lwhrt 16 noo(Lod. Suoh lW.ftle~ta rho11 etaOo whore tho l pool?lo~tl~ la to b8 tocud, end shall glro the tlmo oad pluoa iOr nOOlVlo(t euoo hlCz;. 4ll~ouOh oompatltiro bid6 6bel1 bo ..- - . .._-. . _. _--- kept on Sile by Wm ooonty ludltor as l p u t or the moorde of hlo offioo, and aEd1 be lubjoot to lne~otlon 8 any one daeirlngto~eaothan. . Coploe of all b 2: do roool~~ eholl be tclmlehM by the oooaty lditor to tho oouatr &I l ant to tb oowmieelonuo oouh and when the b 6446 ro- oolrmaare not eetiorao4 ory to the ode J&IQ. or oouat 0~eelonoro, the auditorshell ro oat odd tids anilro4drortleo for mm bide. in oaeoe cf amorgoao , purohaeoe nci in 0x0006 of . on. hundrd an6 84 ftt doll~re m0y be u3.r apOa roquleltlon to be lp p r o toby6th eoamnleelonue OOUlPt,Without l4TOl’ tiOill~ tOTOap.titi+? bid&* rr0n the ioote etatrd la'~our'littor, It &a up* ant th a th t eCemmlrioau8? Co ur at tEotor Ocuntr,ldto r tt;l*ed ior bide ior x-004mohlnory in aoapllonao with Artlolo 1669. In‘o o o o nlowith no oluo bldr o Ttlemmt tide wuo o o llo fo d r and eubmlttad bfflrao, at the ro6ulorKUOh tom of tho Qomleeicnue~ It fuzthor pears that thua wore Ocurt. tit8 bide oubmittod on& the Oomlee"ponore* Court adltbrr 0808~ nor rbjootr(l8x1~ of the blde, br v&r oi the.ooart, anU Sallad to lot upon euoh bl4e .aoopt tha one bid when two of the aaPlaieolonae~tot~ to.oooopt th bl4 aba i U&o &or rotod to rojoot tha bid. It le~fur thlhu8wnlu ‘o ur Uttar that ltha 00&W ldjO~R~o4 it6 ?oguUr WO~;~E@ rb ihl '.seroh tam without iw f&no1 rpbian upoa tho bid mbalttoh 8OWMOr, h th0 USt p a r a g rO afpYOM h h t%U itf0ltUm -it alng aotu4aeaottha Irptil ton Of~Ooort ttm; &lo' on4 is the &wont and boat biddo+. Ooail~ori f$g t othor @a pneonto& In tour letfor, It Y a @u thut cm3 8oionste*0~~6% 614 not looopt on7 cb tho bl40 rub- dttod. T h o r o fo . . it r L ntenc#o eo lp p er ath t ct tb bldo mb mltted wual ot~eiiat~ Oh8 OoUPt: It will be not1084 / to rapro, l that Art1010 l.l)89, poolmllf prorldoe Wion .t40.~1~6 rroolrrd 8ro.not oofiefooto~ to euoh W60 or OoMtT sbl- deeloaore, tha oouut oubitor #boll Toloot .euoh bU8 aa4 re4drortle~ tor new r;i dew. After 8 OON?R l@ UQhCt th 8 luthoritloo we hove boon ua+blo to find oay 086~ that do- oldee the quoetloa pr06oatea in your lottrr. Eowo*or, 06 the Omwleelonue~ hurt Sailed to lpprct0 end 0OOOpt rqt of the bide eubdtted et tbo time end pboo for rooolVin(! enoh bide 86 adrortleo8; it is Ouropinion thet the S’ ;“.: = i’ - ‘ . B. IC.0. ‘ouron, Da&e.4 rle8lonoro~ Ooust oaanct now 106ally oontriot 4 th ly th eb ldd~rlabmlttla(l e eooh bl4e at the Kereh tea of ert, bat it 16 the 4utf of the OoMty mIltor to roJ@et oh.bl66 lnb n-o6~tloo ior now bide. Truotlag that tim Soro6ola6 Sully anawue vow a ul~, we lm r a a rr oo x y tr uly FIRSTASSISTtiT nradl vlllaai ATTGRtlETG- Aoeletont i rlh i .