Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Honorable Petriok D.JKoreland, Member Texas Unemployment Compensation Commission Austin, Texas Opinion Ho. C-3248 Re: Ia 'LutherLivingston May8 at the present tJm8 a resident of the Stat8 of Texas, and haa he been a bone f 166,oiti~pn.,therqof 1. ..i r0r at ~~leaat~ii~ao.oam4b elatlvo y&m 5Eltmaatoly prcraodixigthirrtuta., Dear Sir: We have your request for an oplnlon of this depart- 8mnt'a8 to-wheth8rinth8r Livingtaton~Xay818 e b8na Sid8.' :oi$izen of pWa8 ana ha@ be88 8 bone Side oltiz8n of Texas ior i et 108Stlriro,b0nie0ut2v43,jrwir8pn8odlng mh 6, 194l. Yoar latter of request rbaltes the ~'ollowingfaatrt -. wIt,is stated that Mr. M&a, who h88'livod sd in auba,~Wxleo and~rarlouwof the Oariblman and South Am8riaen~crountrl88. In his -ohllbhood, XPq Mq8 aooompanled hi8 parant to th&xrtation in Ouba on.at 18eat one oooarloq Mrr~,N8y8*fath8r 'andmoth8r are desoendants of en old-lltii+ '%~a8 family whlah.dat88 to th8 days oS..ths%x+88 R8 EUo. Aa stat&, his rsthes has apent meet or i)iij&lFs ae a mireionary in the foreign eountr$sa m8ntiOn& The family, however, is traditionally Texan. -wlr.up w&. tsentto the University Of Ten~884M . in 1984, ta&q hia B. A. degr68.ther8fiOIll in ME% Honorable Patriok D. Uareland, Page 8 u f&h&ran68 &f MS 8 duoat$on, he i~diataly ,:’.. “.~:..: ~‘.:“,‘ . ;-i: ~.entered the Unlvarsfty of Chioago, where he attended until 1930, reoalvlng his M. A. bags88 therefrom. Ha next attended the University of Illlnols, et Urbana, where In 1937 ha raaeivad his Ph. D. degree During his attendance at the last-mentioned Unlvar- slty, he wea the holder of a teaching fellowship, and uaa a laboratory assistant. "Having thus prepared himself for the field of taeahiq, Mr. Epgysaaaeptad the assistant pro- fessorship of psyahology at Peylor University whiohwae mentloned above, ih the year 1938. .,. ,*,ds,e~8ppOrtuMty prasautad .ltraU durin'g the period or his l du~stioni,.itri':.~ys‘.Tetant,bto T6kkkci' hiswith' his .$adly; :Upon the .oooaalgn of a raoatlon or,a la&e. or abionae,:auah i@SIia~ ware-m&de-i Thed -when '-hag noalved~hls .Ph;.D:;..'~ '~' dagrae, ha aoabptad %ha proiasaorship~.atBaylor University, returning to Texas, Where he.,hasbean since that tima.W .i, .: ,. Ue~ar8also~turnished with a~short~~~lattb;rifx%mMr. Maya to Dr. iTo8tibh Tarborough., madIng.&& iollpiS:. vAstamy eltlzen8hlp, X am glad to state that my rants were natlve Taxane,that I was born in r axas; and ~thaialthoughI have.raeidad tampor8rilyin other Iltatas,I have not per- manentlysettledthere. I have always Intended .to makrTaxas my pemanant home as Is evidanaed by my $rasent oitlzarmhip @ Waao.* The request ~dlaates that,your queatio~ arIaa bo- _; oausa of the raqulremant of Art1818 SSSlb, Varnon*~~Annatatad Civil Statutes, 8aatlon~8(f). Thir Se&ion provides: %o parson shall aver be av&oyed by the Unemployment Compenaatlon CJommlseionwho is not at the tlma of his employmqt a bona fide oltizen of the State of Taxaa or who will not have bean a bona fide oltlzan of the State of Texas for at least fly+ (5) aonaeoutlve years lmmadiately next praoeding the date of employment.W Honorable Pstriok.D,:Moreland, Page 3 Tlm:tsm!i%~ltkaB~,like *r&ldeht6 and'~dsmLMW!;~ is-not always .irpabX.of pnelii ds?5.nltlon,but may ins diiiarent alrotuastanaasbe, *ad in dlffsrant senaits. The faota disolose'that Hr. 3Yaysleft the State~oftTeras in 1924 and from thattlma to IS- was in sohool in various lnstitu- tlons of hiphar learnine &Or the United States. So tar as our in?ormat.lonEoas, he did not ~aaoaptemployment In a oomwrolal sansai but yes angagsd In the.pursuit of hlqhar aduoatlon preparatory to a taachfng~~oaraar. Tha ?ollowln~ rule is sot out in 19 Qsrpuz.Juris, 407, page 19, oonoerning the abaanae,?rom one*s.homa or domloile: 'If P pereon leaves his ho- or.domlallefor a Camporhry pqosa with ap ~~~tifm to .raturn, them l..no Qh.ng. or a.l@oll?.? ~' 1 This iabe' .mrthi~ substaitiated'by.fht3 oastiig Sabriago, at.ux ia. WhIti; 50 Tsr. 5S3, in whlah the aourt msde the tollowing ~statemanti WIIo~lengthof absenoa ?rom~on~*e.domialle when ona*B pUrpo88 ,. is to raturn tomit ap&rstas a8 a ulsnge 0r dmloll..' In.19 6orpusJaris 406, this IAna of raa~onliig la supportedby the following8fatomsntr Vha orlglneldomlolle18 not ohangsd svsn .&at a.xaandoe8 not nmsessrlly lo& his oltlsanshlp by moVlugto anotherstats lti~shownby tha'opln%onof the Oourt in 74 Tex..Sup. Gt. Rap., 370, whlah raadst WJW having ao ulrsd domloila doss not lose it withoutramoval Loti lt with intent .to-turn, and the ssma rule 18 true atito absndanmant 0i.a timeetaad onaa aoqaired. "The burden of proo? in either oasa rests upon the person asserting the afiirmative of the propo- sltlon.W H+zorable Patrick D# MO&land, Pags 4 In the oese ho?LumkIn.v.?7Icholson, SO 8. W.~s@tB;:,_ ',.. writ OS error denied, It was held that there was some avldazice that the objeot of removal from the state was to obtain better aducatlonal ?aollitles ?or the children, that the widow had not antl~aly given up the intention of returning.to Texas, and that the~deoeaseb had stated his Intention of reserving hia home there as a "nest-age* for his family, the court hare held that the Plaintiff had not.abandoned the home. A person's legal residence or domicile is governed to a larce extant,by hIa intention.. The information furnished us coxitalnedno statepent *. of overt eat 0s Mr. Xays 1 tandine to establish a change of his' domicile,alma the tlIpe he departed to attend the University or Tennessee. His latter .statesthat he resided temporarily In othar-ststeaj did not parmanantl~~~sattlethere, bqt alwsys Intended to rake T+xss-,hIspormanaut ;homs. We ars ?uFthar advlsadthst Nr. User+' ps&%n$s,dnd gra@dparsnts sra%!&Ivs .~ Texans and ~t-~.~hauj-qlw~~c~Ba~6d~~~~r h%wprrc manent home.,Th$S.Ii suppoetad~by the ?a& that ha rsturnad to Taxae upon.'obtaiMng his Doctor*s deea, end has 8inOa that~tIma engaged In thatsadhing proiasslcn at Baylor.UnIvar- sity, It Is true that you have llttla evidenti g? ths Intention of Mr. Hays during his absenoa?romthe Statq @he. thsn his OOOS81OM1 return to the State on tisit8apd hI8~8Mtod Intentlon of returning to.Taxas upon aomplstioq of~hls sdaaatIo& We think that the provision requlrIng oltlzakilp ln Texas for a period or tlve oonsacutlvs years preosdlngthe data o$ amploynmnt by ths OommlsslonWa8 IntarpCmediorths ptmpO8e of prasaning tha employment by the UommIoelonto Taxens, Obviously, they rought to prevent tha~employznantof~trentilsnt workers ln the admInIstratIon of the Texas Unemployment Compan8atIon plan: In opinion No. O-14= adtlrsisedto Honorable ~0. XV 1. EllIngson under dat? of Daoamber 18, 1989, this departmant parson Inquired about hsd advised the inquirer that IS thhei at all tImas retained sn Intention of returning to Taxes as hla,plaoe of resldanaa that ha had maintained a lagal'rssldenoa in the atate of Textisfor a period of two yearn prior to that time even though the man had left Texas aoma fi?taanyearsago. Honorable Patrlok D. Marelen8, pace 6 Wo are iuxther edvleed edrleed by you orally thmt the .~+,tr, ,, ‘. '-of Ms. Mr. Llvixqston Llvlxqston naves moved their 3.egalrbaldenas from:;-::: 5.2:: Texas, but retained their altizenshlp In Texas. Thla pre- '. eludes tinyoontentlon that the lo@ resldanoe was ohangad during the minority of Mr. Xays. Again, we have ~urelg a iaot quoetion in the prewnt situation, abut oon&2erln~ the lntqtion of the Legislature In the paseae;aof thfs Section of tha Unemployment Compensa- tion Aot and the lntentlon of Mr. Mays as stated to you, we think they would suPport a findine that he has been a citizen of Texas for five oonsecutive years preceElnp the date of your lnc:ulry. Yours very truly ATTOIWEY OENKRAL 08 TEXAS ,.,., by S. .I&rrla~Hobges MEwaH Assistant APPRCVEJ OPI1BICWC- HY s. Em?, a-, ‘.