OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN fPo8 thlr quote rPa JoaP Lew*PI \\// 55 Honorable Ralph Elliott, Page P *we am thil clayln reoelpt of a let- ter rigned by Dl8trict JuQ.8 R. C. Slag10 and To8 Bugg8, 8tatm it van their opinion the OountJ Auditor 8hould not have to per- form the dutlos of puroh*al.ngngent for good maeone set out in thefr letter, vhich ham been placed ln the minut.8 of the & ntonem Court. "It balingtba desire of the Com8lrrioner8 Court to cooperatevith tha Dl8trict Judge8 and the Uounty Audltor'a offloe, in their re- qusrt, ve find it lmpoaaible for the Oounty Jgdgo or the Corcle8ion~r8 to do the addltlon- ~1 work hentofors pmformed br the pncoha8- ing agent. It I.8our jua$ment vo should employ a oap8blc man to arsirt the Oauri88loner8 Court ln the raid )xs~&m.afng an4 Uounty rel1.f vork, a8 roll 88 many 9-r dutfe8 to bo per- formed by him In the li&terertai econo8Iyand lic i9 nc y. "We hereby emplay Nr. 0. tf.Barrett to esalat the Comisrioner8 Court in the above atrted duties and set his ralaq at &50.00 per 8013th. Thie does not entaLl additional Cant7 caxponm, 88 tt ha6 been eo8tfng more than thin amount herdofore to perform these Qutie8. “‘Rf’fective Rob. lot, 1941. "'Adopted.' =a. Can the County Auditor of'6r8yson County legally and lavfull~ approve the pay- ment of varrant8 drawn for 8alery and/or ax- penees for this offioe under this owtton and appointment? "18 the portion of Article 1645a-1 as amended, R. 0. 8. 1995 oonstitu- tiona1t "'Provided,further, that in all ooun- ties haolinga opuletion In *X0*88 of rixty- 65,000) inhnbite.at8 five thousand ‘I aoaordding Bonorablm Ralph Blllott, Pqo 3 t0 the lA#t preoeding F.dOr& 0dp8U8, and having a tax VaXuatlon of not 8ore than forty mllllon dollar8 $40,000,000),according to the h#t approvai tu rolls, and oontainlag St 18aSt tV0 ineorporrtrd oitie8 O? mo e than thlrteon thoueand five hundred (13,500f popu- latlon each, aaoord to the last preeediag Federal Oeh4u8, ruah 9 ud~tas 8hal1, In addl- tiOn t0 hl8 PegdlU duties as Auditor, OOlISti- tute th4 ?UrQhaSingAgent O? 8ueh UOn&r vhe~~ so directed br order of the Oomat8riouers OoUrt Of suah bounty, and such Auditor 8hall reoblve as oompen8atlon for suoh hddltl4nnl 84X’TiOOS AI) 9UPahaS poet a mm not to bx- oeed nine hundred do1 “n aw ($900) annually, payable in twelve (12) eqal, xmthly lnatall- me&e, and auah ooapea88tfoashall bo ln 8d- ditlon to that alloved by lav for rwh auditor, and parable out of the general revenue of suah As ad&d Acts 1937 4 th Leg., 9. 639, ~:~~;;oamyd~d AoCs 1939, 3Gth Leg., speo. L l,* ,* Sin09 ve have~nltten an op3xllonLn Z’489Olk84 to JOUP XWquOSt, vo have reoe1vod a IWqUOSt from SonorabloY. ?. w8ldFop, hltlt~ Auditor Of h~SO&l &UXlt~, ill VhfCh mU48t h4 ~~1.aa.d omtlflrd OOpieS Of Old4rS Of the 00~188iCUter8’ Court Sh0Ving thst the O~:@l!%l QPdSI’ dated hUlB~ 30, 1940, ES PASSed m #Ilid OOUPt appoints c. B. %Pl'ett t0 aSSi#t the OO~88iOIlOr8' OOUZ't Of ~lU~CUI h?lXltyin pUrOhsS&lg duties Md a8 OOUtlt~ Fe- ller vork saristaut,van resoinded February 20, 1941, and C. B. &wrett we appointed co&g oaee vorker. In vlev of these clrou88tanoss and beeanne we have answered the q~estlons eub- fitted by the County AuditoF in Opinion Ro. O-3231, a oopy of whloh is 4nolo8ed ta you for year fnformntian,V4 hnvr thought that SOIIeOf the questions subtitted in you3 reQue8t are POV moot and that it is uuneaeraary to enmrer them. Ue do believe that the uestion of the aonstitutionalltyof the portion of &tiale 111 45&-l, &wised Civil Statutes, 1925, as amended, should be paS88d upon. The provlalon of Article 16&a-1, a8 amended, govised Civil St(Ltute8of Terns, 1925, whloh you say, 18 applicable to Qrayaon County la set Out ln your request and will not agala be oopled here. It vi11 bo n&Mod that the provlrionr of the statute m-0 very reetriotive. TM8 department In Opinion lo. Honorable Ralph Elliott. Pago 4 O-1748 haa previously ruled thnt a portion of Article 1649-l van unoon8titutlonal. For the reaaon8 given lu the Opinion Xo. O-1748, a copy of vhlch is enoloeed, it is our opinion, and you are so advised, that that portion of Artlale 1649-1, AS 8mended, ~WTieed Civil atatutee, 1925, vhich you have copied in your request, is UIWonetitUtioMl and void (~8being a apeaim lav regulating aounty affnire in violation 0s Artlcls 3, Seation 56, Toxae Gonatitutlon. We trurt that ve have fully ensvered Four Inquiry. ~OUFS VSzlytnily Harold WaCrmoken ~##i#ttk&t APPROVEDMAR 28, 1941 F--*+--J ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS