OFFICE OF ‘THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF ‘TEXAS AUSTIN on the QOy4’B plM”c 'We have oar43Tull~.oon6idemI these 8tatutes end mi do not find uw pmvlslan therain lutimr lr i~th eSta t9Tr ua ur erto h a ld;, a sauetuflian, s%o uTlti~p~a t wlth th eb r ll Of h imwa meQumldsd~- era by ln~lvl4ta t! l or amusolaticm autbrized to wrItei lnmmnoe,unUer the Lloyd'8plan. %&efom, your ~ueatlon$6 reiQeotfull:- cmmvered ln th% lm@ative. Tmiting that t&s foregoin(l fully ummrs your %QQuirJ, w. al’0 vary C.TulYyaum APRREY @fUW?AL 03 TEXAS