OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Xt will be noted thst tha ltatuto, quoted aboto, UM# brow! and unrootrlotiu Languaw with regard to -mm nmwo per $ublinhodin the ma#tf, ii than M a #OUBwpW pub1r#hod ln the county, for oae tIma.* d crrinition of 4 noukop8por ia given in 50 3s~. Jui'.9:4 a8 toll~~s: I *'Anowoi)apar,In the ord,inery aooaiw o? word, io # publlo#tionlp p eo r aing tko t rogiilor,o r slmst r e~u 3o int*rt8lo, x. a t abort perlodeo;ftia6,ao doily or aoeklytr oouolly foza, snd aontein1~ aouo, skest that 0r IMIPFW~~QIJ0r moeat $0 2-0pertt4 ~~anra~ce of a variOa ahar0otOr, ouoh 00 pcUtiaa'1, eoalol, nom~l roli~iour 0&a other r*rb:cctsof 6 aimliar mture, loo61 02 rortd(~ti, m0naOc for m4ib itiomei0n of the ~ensral mador.* The fret that a publioatlorrla8 only lWte4 olr- culatfan&w. not prevent it rrop bulai$ a nawrpapar;end oven thou& lt bra 80 rabbacrlvtioali#t, ii it ir n@lorly roll gwwoUp on r&s atreats as 0 olty Lt may be ro(gexd~6a0 8 B e w8p njwr 3lzrc IrlntlBg co. t. StQP PuEllsklaq OO., 31 TOOh. l 649, 93 E. ;1WO; 80 il. C. L. 808. '#bet aon<utoo IJ neuo- papOr 00 tm Otra i8 ~~44 tc d00i808t0 0 waiun tbM4h ~kftak te &fe pOblio of oftlolsl OotloOO, 10 0 qusatloo Or Ir+; but thr quetiicnubetbora publiootlcuis a #oropapara8 d#fine& by thb oourte $0 orb:a#rlfyOBO off&et to b# 8ubmitt.dto tb, p&&y 'gv=, 83 Tar. bdt!,Xupr v. Op~maoo, 9’4 Tor. . l . . sa anBwer to your rixnt qu*retlon, it ia our oplnicn, that uaaer tho pro~isicno~of Artiola lbS&, and tbo outhorltio# cited above, tko querter1.y repot, poridrd ror in #al4 okt- us* and rbrerrld to in your ritqueot, 0011Eo publ:shoQ ill6ny on0 of the tbreo nourgsprrspuEUshod la XarrLoan County. ??or the purpouo of thl6 Act tbo ~0x4 *PubUcatioa' obmll mea say proolemetloa, publfaotloa, notico oltotioa, l4 vo r tl60- moat o r mettrr r o q uir or o dauthorized by loo to bo ;ir?ntod in a abwapermr or new- ~iaporrshloh the br dlrrota 8h+;llk in- rortod or aeusod to bo iarortod in ruoh now~popor or aowrpeprrrby any taetltutioa, board, ooamimloa, dogartzhoat, offloe?, agoat, ropraooat tlvo or omployoa or the D.eto or OS any lubdlvieioa or doprtmnt ., cr th0 ::1tOt0, or or cay ofmaty, polltlaal rubUlvieloa, or dlrtrlot, wbethor to be mid for out or publie rundmOS aborgod 8I ooata or S*or. (Xcta l@CU, p. $98.) (39th Log., oh. 161) *The orrlaor, agsnoy or prrroa ohnrgra Qlth t&o duty OS 80 inaOrWI6 euah publiae- tlon sholl loloot tho aewopepor or aewm- la whloh memo is t,s br lnrarted %'fsh: a&ago for suah pablfaetion o&i1 not oxoead t&e lowest rmta eoaordod oloss81- Sled advortleore. BO~CEO cay aoweprprr 0r tbls stata shell br euthorlrod to publleh loge1 ldvortlrlng of eny.obalrOtor ruoh norspcpor ehell Silt with ouch ofsioor, egeaay or poraoa ohorgod with tho duty OS lo inaortf~:auoh pablioation, 8 sobsdule or (of) retoa than ahnrgod by ouch nowe- pepor Sor cleualfird advorti8ia6 and ehell mmkoauoh odaitlcaal proof o? rotaa ohargod e8 ney be reqh%il by tbo oSSlOOr agonoy or person ineortiag suoh publlumtkn. r. r +* *St lr t& purpoco OS this kat to providr e loge1 rate of oberge SOTWbliostioar efore- said rogardlorrrof tho eouroe or eho Suad out of whlah it fr to bo ptld or the jmrpOn8 OS rush publloatioaa, whotbor horofn aentioaed or not and aooording to all lawa, apeafal or gonorcri . * * *.* c l’ttanoreble Charhan R. xertln, toga 8 YOU al-o, there5oro, odvlaod In aaewor to ycur moond qusrtion that It lr aot aooosaary to obtain bide, to publish the quartarly report watampIatod in Arti lbJ6 aad award the ccntract to tha lowert blbder. Yours very truly lhrohd MCraokoa Arrlrtant