Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hononblr 6oorgr H. 8hoppm-d Comptroller or mbllo Aocounts Austin, tuar Your lrtter of aawry of this department upon may pay trrre1ing lxpena tu bubitorr out of the r1d.r found an MO 6 of bill passed w the 86th fr of the 46th Legislature). tha llmltatlan sot forth la the ing a tth ellxl of thls Aat, tvo aerlt of th* algarutte rtup tu am collootrd, aa provided by i8htUl-0, md all bdUlOO8 OP rrotto tu lnfo r c ewnt fundon August 31, 1939, 18 hreby approprlatad to the Comptroller of Slbllc Aacount8 for payment of the items here:nbefore lIsted in the Cigarette Iax Enforcement XvLs:~x~ for each of the ears ending August 31, 1941, and kUJU8t 31, 19I: 1. Bononblr 0.0~. IL 8h*ppnd, ?ago 2 lhbjeot to the liritBtiOn8 8et forth in the . . a99ear1a provt8lon8 -- -- at ti _..Wld Of th18 AOt, wy fOO8 OOlleOtWI rOP audit8 and OX- uriMt:OM S8 9l’OVidOd iOr ill aOU8S Bill 755, SOotIon 8, pa88.d by the 44th tig181a- tUD8, h&W 80881oP, md w MCfntit8 theretO, Ukd raiy b&m008 in the 0% wotte tu lud1t tund are horrb7 rppropria ! ld to the comptrolbr of Pub110 hoOount8 to be ured in making audit8 a8 provldod in raid' Act.’ The gamNl rider appurlag at the end of senate Bill 527 9l!OVi&J8 a8 fOllOVSl in plkl't “Except aa to field travel expense of the Highway Department, It 18 provlded~ that no expenditure shall be made for travel OX9OII8OS by UI~ drpwtmaat Of this atate %I *X0.88 of tha amount of nomy ltmmlsed hem- in iOr said 9ur9080. . . .” _. ThO _ Of -. _ $36.000.00 - _ $8, itM Of SOiW80, - Ul aWOUnt Of roney ltODll804 neroin r9r tnvs11ag U9OPI.8. The question to be dotmmine4 18 VhethW or not the lppropriatlan appear- iQJ in the 89OOir1 rldor 'to be U8ti in nkm Uldit8 &I provided in said hot*, t8 11bV180 available for tx'BY.1~ OX9OIISO8, ln 80 far as ruoh upenrr8 may be incurrod ln mak- ing audit8 a8 rovided for in Xoure 8111 755, hotion 8, 9888ed by the P4th ~gi8lBtU2'0, Re@lhr &88loa, BUI eny amenwIlts tbrroto. The language of the spraial rider appropriate8 the referred to therein "to be Ured in making lUdlt8 fIllId n8 provided in raid Act”, without any lititatlon vhatroever upon their use othervlse. The payment or trarellng expenses incurred in meklng audits provided for In 8ald Act is clear-~ ly the use of the fund8 appropriated for the exact purpose for vhlch the Legislature ha8 aade them available. The special rider 1s just aa much an “ften” of appropriation as the more spec’_flc provLsion “travel!ng expense . . . $1~,000.00”. The only distlnctlm between the tw-, :s tSet the me is bmader the,? the other. In other Vord8, the funds appropriated by the special rider are available for any and all expenses vhJch may be lncur?ed ln making audits a8 pro- . I Honorable Ooorge H, 8heppard, ?age 3 vlded la tEe Act rotorred to, vhorea8, the )36,000.00 18 avrllable anly for travollng expenror. It 18 the opinion Of thi8 department tht Odl Of 8Uoh itOM 18 4Ul "MWUllt of money ltmlsed hereia" for traveling expenses. It fo1lov8 from vhat ha8 been said above that the fbld8 approprl8ttd by ths 8peOi&1 rider "to be Used ia making rudltr a8 provided for ia 8aid Act” m-0 avail- able for payrent of traveling lx9en888 Incurred by your auditor8 la mklng the audit8 rovlded for ln lIou8s Bill 755, Section 8, 9a88eQ by the t 4th Leglrlature, Regular se88lOII, and in th8J amen&ment8 thereto. ATTORHEY0ENERM.a OF TEXAS By R(%~&hild . . Asststant A??BovEDl JuluBry 14, 1941 Oerald C. Mmna (8l@ed) ATTORREY OERRML OF TEXAS