..; - ._. ,. ‘; OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN lli OOlMli48t4for ‘~ h~tavar~ roa aot t th &9zwOl ol*o- ioh be would have 18 tivh mk4naad ) ot muxor, ~uaaaxtola4 St aux eplrrloa ?xptMthr rto- uld .aot onte~ apon the duties of the of- m Janueql, 1OU. Eo oennobdo 80 at I iaeligible madoannot qualify. You ark Strlotly lp mk irbey8mwt rorw trap on otffor he dear a&nil oonnot hold* Ab,bh4 a48t ha aoa oaly nllaqulab any olalw thurrtoe km~0~6r, ur. fhnoi~ we not eroo~a to th4 orriO Of county attorney bcaouse tie did not rewiva I fbjoxlty of thr vote8 oast at t&r enaraf, elratloa. Allen VI* a35bOF, lie Tex. se, 10 S. w. (84) &, Oplaloa Q-WB-A by thi8 deprrtcw& Eoaorable Bud Martin, pnur S k oountp attorney is olooted for 0 term 0r two yrrar~ only. -Sootloa Zl, Artlalo 8, Conetltutlon oi Taxae. Err Saaelag~e term Of ofiio4 a8 00uat ottormy oxplro& two pare otter January 1, 1939. ArtI alo 119SBa, Vamon~e Aaaotatod Civil Statut6er X0 my, however, ooa- time to perform tho dutlos of suah offloo until his euooees 8OZ io OhOted al OpFOiattd all6 QUdlifidd. ~eotlon 1’1 of Artlolr 16 or tho Coactitotlon of Tvrae~ hrtlolcr 10, Revised Clvll Statutes oi Teixee. Artiolo 8365, RovlWl Civil Statutor oi Texoe wfth rvepeat to ttis power of the oommlsoioasre* oollrt to 411 va- aanaloo ti oertoin oouaty otriora, providesi Wm oourt aball have poser to fill vaoaaoloe in the 0rti0e ora * *‘* oounty attomty * 6 * Suah vooonalee shall be illlsb by a majority vota of the wabtre of oaid eowt, prorent sad votlz& aad tht ttret Oho8en eball hold orrlor twit11 the next genarsl olootioa.* mart tho e00tm0 ot the oasoe of Stat4 va* taooh, 64 Tax. 4fx?~ Tola VI xlepper 198 E. WCWilt and D4nloon vo. state, 61 5, W, (&I[ 1010, tl le 0~ oplnloa that t&rn UPS a vosrnoy in tbe oft100 of oouaty attorn of tlpeoob& Ooanty on January 1, 1961, rltb Mr. Saarlng t 1 0 lnou&orif ooatiau- 1% to pertorm the duties of the ofdo. la virtw 0) SrotJoa 19 oi Artfole 16 of the Coastltutlon ad Artlele 16 of the Statutes. In the Cook@ oaeo ltwm hold Watt a vaosnor oen br onatod by the tldotloa oi on6 allSlble to hold thm ofiioe, end his iallure to quelli? has bma lxprwisly6sold~U.~ Por- tal!&&& to an oiiloor holdfna; over, the Courts er%bc *the right Bononblr, Bud Xertla, pago S of the orfloer +bo thou hoi&# over 18 br euftwanoe, rothtr than smla any latrlaelo title to the Qrr1oe.- Tha oeee of Tamvu* Hopper lavo2vod e trot lltuatloa w!lwe 8 o o ua tyo o r a d8o lo wo aeonor tlk o tmd ettha @ulwal llootloll. The ootwt sold: 9 * l * Tbr * rgw4ln~ uoetlon to bo dr- ~tcrralned irt Woe appo22ent 05% Ptied to hold over for another tre year*, OTwoe there 8 vrotaoy in the orfloo or oouatyo~alomr for prrolaot l&l* S? "Our aplaten L thot thorn wee 8 veoanoy Sn : tba orrltmof oouaty otmale5lomr for that prrohot within the mtanlag of wtlolo E&40, Revleod Stator tie e&we quoted, of the *xplxatlon or up 116x&** . . fd two ymre~ rrrvloo, by xwaeon of the r eilure to ,rleot 4 ooaalrrlono~ for that proolnot at the goarrrllleotion in aal& N think ~Shlmvlw cot oorb with tto eottled 02iey oi our etnte Con- etltutloa raetrietlag t ii8 duration at th* tame at o?Pior, es provldeb in the ,ertlolee of the Cow etltutioa.anA statate quote& A hold!n& twwd the two ymrs would be b ruSemum, ‘rather than tzloa, say latrlxwle tltlo k the otflm The wetlon ha@ fzw ueat2 boa the sub oat oi j&o162 Leetigaticm, end\oe. &*a oosrelos i!e dkyraonnt et tQigloa in otbtr jurl8diotlono. A rwleu OS tile v8tlooe ho2d- -8 and tb rm*oIII &v*lr uould k ot llttlr’veku. Wo are of the opl&x~ that, rhU0 the vo reseated without em’ qwklify$Bg test %~~~i"" & es ?btSoSo our oourte ior 6eolsion tJ4 eoonr in ~thle et&a lm eov+tal o8eee hsto l e~tbllrbed rin, olplee that tlx the rule of oonrtzwtiao end %ttr- ~~~~:~tll~~~o~r~:~~~~~~~~:~~~ oi this eta&t, already reiarnd to and quoted, w rmw to the 08808 of s3a40l; tr fork, fi hx. C1vl.l App. 693, 8d 8, We 85 saw oaeo ~oertltlad to 0upmw Court on orrtltloata oi dirreemt on4 rfthawl 99 Te& wi5, 8U 8, Y. Uss)~ stat. ex awl* mvrr 1. 8otlsa* .- _ 7 Honorable Bud h?artin, page 4 64 TOX. 40. 10 Se IF. 302; Rlokford v. Cocke. 64 Tax. 486 faobinson v. Stite ex ml. Eubank, - Zf3 S, w. 56 B, ’ + +* In Denlson *a* State, 0ugre, it warndoolureda “The 1sngua~s’If rejected, mid ofiloe shall imaediatsl bsoo%8 vaoant, and the governor rhall, without de 1 sy, mke rurtbar aominstions, until 8 oonflrllotlca takes plsoe,* olearly and by neoeassry lnpllostlon denim to a nomIneo, who? oonilrmtlon hos bsen rajeotod by the Sjenats, any: right what- ever to oooupy the offloe or to dIaahrrr$+, after such rojsotlon, my Of’the dutlos thereof. “But, EpFdlWlt oontcnds thio E:roVfelon of the Conetitution does not ap;lly b thS instant oam be-. oaum there was In 0ontemplatIon of law, no *v’ao- oxtoy* for the raeaon that th8 Inoutxbent of suoh of- rlao, under ertiole 16, seotlon 19, of the oonatltu- tlon, and artlole 16, R. 8.. hold@ over~~tI$O;~ moobay 18 eppolnted and quallrler, fg.yon s tern of ottfoe expired ox Pebm& 18, Them 16 ooasidorabla oonfliat of deofslon in tie varloue state8 a@ to rhethsr the axplretlon ot axi Inou?3bsat9e tern of oftioe 0rast.m a vaohnoy in the orfit!* in question. The holdlngr in the oar- four oourtr on thir queetfon raat In lar 0 1psamre upon the wording or the partlouler Const f tutlone and~atatutss Involved. .%e 46 C. 3. 969 and oriaes olted; 22 R. C. L. 558; Annotations In 4& L. RI A. (N. 8.) 1eoe. The guestion, however, la this rtats 16 foreoloaed. There born been turnlbhed us a oop~ ot en opinion by Attorney Oeneral B. 3. Looasy giv- en to Hon. Jams Z. Fergueon, whlls Governor, on irobruery 10, 1919, on IQots slmost ldantioel with those of the ease fit bar, whfmdn, in an .sble end sxtanuiva oonslfieratlon of this question, the Govar- nor war advieed that upon the explrotion ol the tsra or en iqqoIntlv0 oftloe, for the purposcfi ot nczilzq the lnowbont’s auooO88or therein, a vaoenoy e xlated within the mcsenlng or aaatlon 12 0r rrt?cle 4 or the tioaorable Ml ldertln,~;ogs 5 aonstitution. 888 t&8. Atty. %A. 1916-lul6, pe Thl8 ocnaltuabon ia oloarlp rutalned by the ,“k oi Ton vc Xleppor (Tax. Oiv. kp ) 198 3. we Pel (writ ref.)) Euddox vm Tork, EP’¶‘.%a OirU, hpp. a%%, 64 9. II. %I %%I Id., 96 5%~. t9S, 66 6. W. llss; ztitr;to ve Oatha, 84 Tax. 48, 19 SL,&30%. 308 4100, 46 0. Jt 960~ Zh ra rdviaory to bvstxor, 611 PIa+ 434; 6fZ S4h 863e ,M OE. R* A. abf (tie E.]~-066; Ht&8 Vt rhOOh&) 168 x0. 66, 14 % VI lasf Stats v. willima 83% Rot %68( &%l 8. ICe64, 19dan. CQS, 1006. Thlr qu88tioq wan oono~uaIvcl~y dl8pcwd of wo think ir? tt!Q KlJ;~cr cd@, aad ~8 prataralt f-her dl8?tm8Icrnat it,h@re. * * !* It le our O&OA gtiat the &tbbmpt~ cilestlenbf an iaatiffiblo permon.to an offioe ia: ctrlotly enalr&r to th8 sb- 88noa of an &5OtiOA --*Iti 8h8 'PONVI* t%OpWr tyi80,end to tto prinolp i QB invoked in tis DshLon oa8* a8 well a6 th5 a00k0 oa8s, touOhlnQ tha qw8tiOn OC a vaoanoy 1A orrioe. At .reId by the Eugrame Oowt -in tke &ok8 oa8bt ‘Thf8 view looorde with tba rettlod yolioy OS our Btote Constitution, napeotiag t be 4urat10n OP thm term8 or dfio*.* It ir thimiom the opinion Of tblrr dapertzent that. there oxlrts'rrtthI8 gin8 8 *aowoy in th8 oWlam or oountf at- tOl'A*r Of Llgraoab QOuntr, uithln th? &mrvi8V Of ht-tisle ZS!% whioh my k Wli4 b$ appolntreunt br the Oo~&8si~+8t oou& or the eounty,.pmwi.nt to‘tia8pravloions or suoh rtatr?ta. we &n8h!b,$6%~ uoAtind0 t0 ~EfOFOI bhttdtlbi88Oi the Offi OatiL th. rpgol:h6ant 16,a6&6 6Z4 CM eypOint6. ha8 qoellilad iortb OiriOOe YOGtm very tray FIRST ASSISTANT ATTORKEY GENERAL