653 .:,
Austin, Ter45
Dear Sfra
Y0ur subfdt?e\td
d8partwnE thd
8eGtl.onse and
Boaosrble Earry Xnox, Pa(qe&
oonvanience to the Greatest number of in-
habitants, the supply of water, building
mterial, fuel, fertility of aoll, and
haalthfirlnasm,and the same shaI.1contain
aot leas than three hundred (SljO)40116
of laud aa above aeeorlbed. siaid Board
ahall take tit14 to the milt 80 44lect4d
by them in the name of ths State of rclxar
ror the us4 and ,beneZft of 6ald hoepltal;
provided, however, thnt th4 Attorney Oen-
41~311~mprt~4nt .~bau rir4t 4ppmt4
the title to the aaid land‘s0 s4leat4d
by the 44id Board.
-At the oo:zpletion of thr buildlngr,
uad when the 84ia hospital ia ready to
open,th4 Boaird of 00nt201 shall4ppoint
4-8ujm4nt5nUent and othur 4mploye4s to
ouporlnt4rb3 and awl-y on the work or suoh
hoi@*%1 ao is now provided byth4 04a4r4l
laws of the mate of Tons gev4ralng auoh
*me sup;rortand gou4raL lYrlnt4nsm4
cifaaid hospital ahall be the same 5x8ev4ry
rarpxat ata Is provided ror bune herrpita
44 now provided by law. ,
"There ahall bo eonrtrwtti upon raid
growla so re14ctea p4man4nt suitable, - "
subetantlal, and fireproaf b&dings eufir-
mm to 4040ifb0a4t4 a i4t46trir4 hunllred
and forty [340) inzmtee; raid bulldings to
be provldad with wdem l~proverii4d~for
rurni.rhingwater, heat, ventilation end
; and th4 BwArd or Cantrcl iml4-
aiatfdlyarter thfa Aot gfms iat0 erieot 41~3
after the s.~A4etfonof th4 site ror mid
hospital, and after the title of~eaid land
~bll he.vebeen approvad by the AttaVa4y
cemml, ahall aav4rtis4 for glans and
s~olPlcatlona for amid buildings and eon-
tkaot for me ereotton or the ~am4; and
shsll base the 3owsr and 4uthorfty to do and
lfcnorableHarry -ox, Page S
parform all thing ososenery ror oarrylng
out the puxposs of this Aot. Provided that
all buildizL:southmlze4 by~tNe Act and for
which an aFgrcprla~tlonis horeby r;ade,shall
ba of fireproof conatrxtion, nng thst the
pprt 0r all plsn~ ana opealflcatlon8 for
the emotion of said bullLdin~8relating to
fin protmM.on @hall.bs subject to the
approval of the State Fire Insuranoe Cm-
"mdr a. That there shall be clmlthem
IJIhereby appropriated out of the General
I(svmwee of thlrrState not otherwlrr appxo-
pxiated the tma of sight IIundrstl
and 6even-
teen ptlou~nd Dollars (#?17,OCO) for the
bulldlnge and inprovemantttend the uxpenaw
inaurmtl In mourlng the lands ror the aLto,
providing that .w honey heroin appropriated
&all bo erpmdsd for the payment of the
lamb S6lemot4&ror trm 51te*
"The total &ipproprlatlonaa ht?r?Jtofore
set out shall be sb0cthte e.s foll.ouur
'xtaat 1 U&cd Buil&ing and equlpmsnt 4 g.fg*g
Item 2 Ward buil.din:n&0 squipmnt t ’
Ituus ~~lh&~Ehio bulldiws and
xtatn4 l&mere1 ho6pltal-olinia
bufldint:and equ+mnt 7b,000.00
xtslrl5 Admini#&'ation builditq ard~
equlpm~nt 100,006.00
Item 6 mnployntls'qumts~r and
sqclpwnt 60,000.00
xt4m 7 8torerookwmarehhr:uee an6
equipmnt 4Q,000.00
mm 8 Utility ana otbnr buildiwg8,
utility and other equipment,
rosaa, sidtmmlko, furniture,
liveetook, fnr+w%wits, and
aont~ng8pnaie8 185,Q00,00
wand total, proposed nelv horpital 8 817,000*00
"In the expondlture of the above Itemized
(upouuts,tha Boer6 of Control shall hove the
authority to i?itake
proper aajust.stsnte
in the
above sat forth it~ms.~
The QovttrnortBveto meesege mad a8 Sollo#lst
"1 have approved, slgnsd and riled Bouas
Bill 397, dhloh tonslats of two sorer&l itan
OS appropriation Sor the satablishmnt or
hospitala Sorthr aam of the insarm, in so
far as Ssotlon 1 of iwiLdbill a:)prolri.steB
$817,000.00 and authorizes the bu:ldings,
faprwemnts and axpenser inswrod ia 8eouf-
in5 the lfmd ror tbo 65.te of a houppitalto
bs located west of the lath merLdlian) md
I hmv6 dlsappmed and retie4 that portion
eS amid bikl contained in Seetions e an4 ~3
earryiag an appropriationand aut4ailby for
the bulldingo and lqmmsantir an% mpassa
la e*uYr inl6
eoldu r ing
th elenafo rth asite
of a horrpltalto b6 looate6 flast or the 96th
meridian, the raaond a?proprlatlon it& in
-lb bill,
+Tn filing this bill with the Swmtary
of St&e, goraunnt to thr Ooaetltutian, I
apprmlbd to sum4 at the tlm of flllng it a
stmttaent QS ths ftema to rib&h I objeatt
again, purmsnt ta the &metftution, I am
hsrewlth transtittinl;
to the Xoune of Mpro-
awtativos, in nbioh the bill orlglmtrd a
oopy of ma0t rtateuent anb the ltesm I o&
jetted to. Tha atrlteaentsnd ltwss obdtoted
to s011twBr
“‘XY rwm6 for dlaapprooing and vstolng
thla 1taa of $617 oOO.QQ marrylrigwith it the
4uthorlty to build an4 estnblish a heapSt@l Sor
the riusa& tc be locate4 east &the P8th
msridiar?,the mecon& mppropriatlon in mi4
bill, are as fcrllwe~
**In ay meesm~e to tka Lsefslatur* dated
Janmry 25, 1937, I >olnted out that the Paerd
lOrabl8Harry Knox, Page 8
Or OOntrOi had ~OOrppaS~ded ths WBtfAbli&UiW
Or 0 MW hO5pitd fOl the iIUU@ fn mP,& %fMi
to 005t apgrorfaataly ~7,OOO.OO. I adopted
this reo*o&tlon 0r the Boarb, and ittptdr
~OOIUIDSnd~d th+J MtIBbliOhsSAt Of this hOEpi-
teal. up t0 that tbU# A0 mpreO~At0tiYS Or
either wimt or eaot Texas had aonhumab with
me about it. I timply aotrd upon the rwou-
mandatlon 0r the B0txrd or control an4 their
rinug thtitthis hospital *a8 neooraary
and deairablr.
wWo roa.niber
of the Ls~s:.ature, or roe
M Bliat hre8 QiwDlaa.6 any
proposed hospital in ea8t 4*x88 until after
an amend-rent to thi8 errete had beoA adopt04
in the i&et* Senate. #men thslaatter vent
%AtO frea OOniOre~O0 a Ataber or the in&bOm
of the LogUlature dib di5ouor it
with ma.
I wao advisedthattbe Legislature use us+
willing to appropriate ZSXWI~#or two howl-
tab at this fieo in view of ths dspleted
UiditiOZ Or thb trs#iSury &Ad tiis faOt A0
tax revenu58 2hub bss~ misad. ~53 oVwwldti~-
ine r&aJorltyfelt WJ did ~804 ens Loepital
and tkt this should bs established to oorvo
a vast area ia rest Trrxa8 not ‘being ssrvad
at the >l%S0At t&o and "UQrrllrrs Oo~W-
tlnns in o2mr ias~ii;utfons.
"'I aXa,FIyQnlf'Of the QpiA-iGA that SW
WlAAOt e.fiOrd t0 t,Uhd tWn hOlQitGb3 0t tilt.8
tz.mJ. I thl.& ono hoe~ital, with the aW.-
tians rhioh ixivsbeen authorized at sristing
e.ra tmrric:tBnttic nk3stour
?rasont &xii:early ruturs noeda. Eany mmbera
0r -at2togh3latur8 rLit63afor the puasck3 or
this bill bee&use it *as ownmonlp understood
that I woula not a:qmove the buildir& or two
hos~Lta3.sat this time.'
nor the rooaons stat& I have apprcnod
the bill as to an approprfatlon aarrplng au-
thority for 43 hospital mat 0r the 1OOth
meridian, and disapproved and vetoed the itcm
&Ad approyiation or $817,r~O0.00aarrylrg
with it the authority for t&e e&sbllohmcnt
or 6~ hospital ea8t of the 96tS ne~?idian.”
&tiOlO 4, SOOtiOn 14, Or the ~OAStftUtiOA Or the
awe or Tcxam, provides in part co roI.Io~:
0 . . . If 'any bill prCS6At.d to thC Qot-
crnor 6ontalna smrcrcl lt.im6 of appropriation
he say objcot to 0114Or more Or cuoh iteS8,
and approrc the other portion of tha bill. . . .*
WC think it ap~l+CAt rrOEh8A CMd~tiOA Of 8COtfOAO
fI CAd S or the bill that the Le~lclaturc fntoadcd to gant
d CUthWitjr t0 COMtrUCt the h6#Pitil 02&y in QoAjUll8tiOA
,ththe appropriation thcrcia made to defray tho Bortr
i4k-40r;that it -0 AOt iIlt6Athd tc great a &CACrCrl antIoontinc-
u authority 5.n&cpcadcnt or the cpptopriation of soncy. 8uob
18 the oonctruotlon plaecd upon Ipcotion8t end b or ,thcbill
1 ~vcrnor Allred. It follcwr that the authoeity to emtab-
,mhthe hospital mu but a fart of the item of l p p r o p r ic tien,
ad the COv1)rnot*8 ?cto wao erfcetirc. to nullify both the
/authority co(L the approprictioa,
Your0 very truly.