HonorableTom P. Coleman,Jr.
the purabse or male of 8nythbg~farc%om
uroountor mtaahoouw, oity or WE, OT T&CJS&U
amet ropror noelve w mmy or m, or
the re~se~tative or either,ar a8y emlumh ar
advantagevhatmaever In aonmib6lrtiea of mob hid.
: .
Bono~ble TOQ F. CO~~SU~~ Jr., Page2
ProRomal,mmtrwt, purchase or uh, b ah8U k
fined not lesa than rlrtyMIC Y)- tin tiw h&M
The above mtatutevam oonatm in mucbJT. State,
by the court 0r Appeals,10 S. If.761, &j rhlahit na
dealaredthat manlremtly,the LO~IS~~- in oratingthm
statute,intendedthemby to proteatCW&IW, atiu aad
tarnm from 0rri0ial p0atitim. ~hbthbr l dm8iw i8
%wniarll~ Ilnterested' am that tam lm wd in tko statute,
lm smmanll~ a qussti0n 0r r80t. ti -loud in JW r8-
qwmt, the buml~emmim ow&ad and o-t& by tb oodsmh%ter~a
brother and it dow not appear tbt ti aadui- IS
p$ooaoarXl?lntawemtedin avglngruchpumhasu u 8@nt or the
We held in auf opinionlo. 0463 radued to mu
en the date or July 6, 1939,thattiam-t &W k&y
vork between the board of mmqpra or tb~ somty mt8.l aad
the laundry,one or the WXHUW or thy w or vhlehtr a
@ator and ineplber or the board,im oontruy to pb.Uc m
and void. We are unmbleto bringtIm contwataad Forabuem
made aa thated In your requbt vitbin tb holdig of tkl8
opinionand the rule announaedin 10 Tusm Jwlme, m-
graph 81.1am ulted by you in your let-, am ve thioLtiw
011108supporting suoh rule are olewly to be bis~-
It ir thersrorethm opid~n 0r uam depu+ant aat
it Im not illegalror a aounty awmioau to OIpobru--
genay luppllemr0r OOnStruatlOn aad rmpai.r of oauntf rc-ds u
an agent or the oountyundo?waioray or the ooortlrarl
brother vbo own8 and operatora bumlnmsm, vhor9the d*loner
18 not peounl8rllylnteremtedin the aontmat.