Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable ToanI. Colman, Jr. county httornoy ArlFOliaacounty Lufkla, Toxaa Tour lmttor of 0 0plxIloafroa thlr otions a oer- 'II thir ~ootmty are employ8 a number hat ir, wblle they am aoh dey tht the mohln- ' or to the first prltmry this OOP- rt of those 8wn three wookr off and almoato runthemaeblnoa. The kept ontha pay roll, aid their i;a;rravbg worked, and they wwrm Kh6n this w6a Later dir- stniaarrdated that he wau giving; the mm 6 raoa cm 88 km thought ha had a right to do, and refunded to tha oounty tho money which had bosn peLtIthe moa. It *a8 my ruling that man am- ployed by the day by the oolrtlty would not be given tloaction with jmy. According to tha JIaIlaoNews 258 Honorable Tom F. Coleman, Jr., Pago Z of August 29, 1940, thr distrlot attorney o? Dal- las County ha8 alao ruled that there oan bo no paid vacation8 for worker8 pal6 on an hourly baslr. Thlr ruling wa8 aoquiosed in and a8 pr8riourly rtatad tho money wa8 rerundad. "Tharo 18 however 8oma avidenoa that tha payment mado ln thi8 case wa8 not intended a8 a paid vaoatlon, rlnoe the oOmmlssloner8 OoUrt, tha oounty auditor, and thr oounty trearurrr were not 80 infOl?llOd until after there -8 oonelderabl8 di8OU88lOn Of the Batter. 'Thr qua8tlon, tharofora, on whloh f dO8irO an opinion i8 whrthar or not thr oounty oolnmirdoner and tho road omploye88 U&dOr thr taotr ar;given to you hare rlolatad any provision of tho Ponal Oodo. . . ." Your inquiry lnrolrer m&mI quortlonr Of law and of faot rrhiohoannot bo oatrgorioally ln8worrd by thlr DODaZ%mOntI they are datsrmlnable by i oourt br Juy in a~~~pa~~~~~:d;,~ lng. we her., howeror, oonoludrd a8 io 1OW8 Art10108 108 and 579, mentioned in your letter, and Artlolo 95, eaoh ot the Penal Coda. Artiolr 108 do88 not rmbraor tho rubjrot aattrr do- 80ribrd; Article 378 r8qulror a pocunlary lntorost ln a oon- traob, and under Artlolr 98 an re~entlal olsmont 18 a8 da- 8Orlbad ln YoKlnzlr v. Etato, 9e 5. W. (Sd) 4581 *In order ror an OfiiO8r t0 bo guilty under thlr statute the money whloh hr 18 oharged with having lairapplied or converted auat havr OOm8 l;lt hh&U8tCdy Or pO8808SfOllby tirtU8 Of hi8 OtfiOa. *oome into his ouatody or pO8saB8lon* we think mean that ho wa8 in aotua1 po88sersfonthereof at the time of it8 oanvsrslon or ~8applloatlon.~ Sao al8o Eanna v, Stato, 153 5. W. (id) 105. Conaequantly, it 18 the opinion 0r tbl8 Department tbt n8ither th8 County COBaal88iOn43rnor the road l mp1OyO88 bv*, undrr tha fact8 glt8n in your lettrr, violated Art10188 108 or 375 or 95 or the P8nal Code of Toxa8. In vlsw of thi llmltad raotr b~oforr ~8, WI lx p r o r r n0 Opinion with rrferenoe to other general p~otirlonr of the Pen81 Cod6 suoh a8 thO8o detlnin theft by fal80 pratrxt, par- JW or f6188 8wearlng, 8nd or ln!nal oonrplraoy. .-.-- Eonorablr Tom 1. Coleman, Jr., Page 3 In Opinion NO. O-3784 thi8 DeQartnrsntdirOU88ed other qWJ8tiOn8 touohlng thr 8ubjrOt mattrr oi your rOqUe8t which you may find lnionmtlra. wo ara, theraroro, lnolo8- lng a oopy of thir opinion. Your8 very truly ATTORNEY GWJSRAL .cOTEXAS BY ZCStBBB ‘8 APJ?ROVEDDEC 6, ,I940 --Y-- ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TZXA