Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAk AUSTIN wnumcNmN mraur- , .~ - Honorable Edvln Lsc~, Comml~~l~ne~ apartment of Publlo Safety Austin, Tsxaa Dear s1ri f the Leglslatime, and all officera, cr u>on the duties Of' their Ofilooa, ahall take the follovlng Oath or afS.lrnatlont ‘I, do solemly wear (or affirm), that f vi11 Pafihfully execute the duties of the office of of ths State of Texas, and will to tha beet of ny aSlUty p-escrve, gonorable Edwin Lac9, Comlrrionec, rage 2 . protest, and derend the Oon~tltutlon and Law8 of the Dnlted States and of thlr State; and 1 rwth0m0re solemn19 avear (or arrirm), that ‘I have not dlreotly nor indirectly paid, otfered, or promised to pap, contributed, nor protised to contribute an9 money, or valuable thing, or promised any pub110 offioe or employment, aa a revard for the glvlng or rithholdlng a votu at the election at vhloh I va8 eleotod. 30 he12 ne Wd.* St vi11 be. observed that’the oath haa rebtlon only to bribery of elebtors “at the eleatlon” at Milch the otfloer vas elected. The oath does not have reference to nominations. So that a county oommlsslonor vho vilfully exercisea his paver to employ FersOn8 to vork ur,on the roads of the county, to employ persons not peeded in such vork in oonaldoration of their votlrg for his nomlx!atlon at a primary election doer not Oonstltuto a violation of the Constitutional oath of ofrlce 80 ad to subject him to removal from the office in the event he should be elected thereto at the genePa electlsn. iie nag be punlshod under the provisions of Fecal Code, Artlale 196, for oorruptlg using his authorit or iFfluonce, but ruch punish- ment does not carry a disquaUrioatlon for election to the of- flee to vblch he haa been nominated; In this oonneotlon, It mat be rouembored that the Legislature has seen fit to provide that “No offloer in this State shall be’removod from,office for any aot he ma9 have Oommittod prior to hla election t0 OffiCe.” Article 5986ir PII Wnded Act6 1939, 46th Leg., House Bill 493, Seotlon 1. A oomals~lonor, then,’ canmt be removed from hla Offloe durips the seoond term to which he ma9 have been elected for an aot vhloh he has committed dwlng his first tomn in ruoh of ri0e. ! In ansvor to your third question, you are advised that a County comlesio~er vho vilfully exerolsos hle power to employ persons to work upon the roads of the county to engage the services of parsota not needed in euoh uork for the ~‘urpoae or rurthor:ng hia $?ersor?al polltlcal ambition la t?ot guilty or m,lsapplication of publio funds, as that ofienae Is deflrod t by the I/~~:l~laiurs. In t;?~ 003~ Of’ ~~~~r.~S V3. StCbtO, l’j3 3. k?. (26) 105, the Court of Criuitisl Appeals hold that a oount9 , Eonorable Edvln Leoy, ComrPimaioner, Page 3 oommlasloner vho rlled a flotitlow account and eeoured ad oarhed a varrant and gave a portion of the prooeodr in exoeea of payment due on an auto to the seller of the auto oould not be oonvloted of misapplloatlon of pub110 fur?de, in the abeenoe of evidence th%t the money involved vab ln the hands of the ooumlssiomr in his offlolal oapaoltp, holding that county oommlseloners are not by virtue of their offloo custodians o? oounty funda. With respect to your fourth and laat quertion, ~rou are advised that in the cplnlon of th1.s dspartzeent the vl’ong- rui employment or vropgrul approval or .acoounts against the oounty for aervlcos rendered by anaJployeo unnecessarily hired to vork upon tho I;ubllc roads doe8 not constitute a thoft of oounty furds by false pretext. As stated by the Supreme Court or Texas in the case or State vs. ‘Klcgsbury, 37 !&IX. 159: 'There is no vrltten lav of this Stato oxpresely defining the act of the county co.Ut in wlavfully epiwovlng an account against the county as a penal orrenao.” Yours very truly AWORm G~itSRAL OF TEXAS Riohard Ii. Fairchild Assistant I APPROVEDDEC 5, 1940 ATTORNEY GEXERAL bF TZXAS