Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AltY)RNEY C-L OF 3ZXAR AUSNN -c.- -- . EonorableLea Brady, Comlsdoher DopaaFtnmltar TiauuQ Atlstln, Ibra8 Thlewlll aoknowl Ceptenber6, 1940 wheozll tmJ depertponbthe to “The tl0et1on8 pro~o6 nere de- . si.snedto 8 Eu oft inionxsthn relatlvoto the suPerv%sion~oS bank& instltutlons~ bankcln~ praotims and lonotary polic~os gmordlp, The object aocsllrq-;ly *XCSto aS-.to,xblo Cxsffblontinio-zi~noil u$m Cfchtn bzzo nationallo&S.ation ona to faoilitm coopaz~tionbotwaenthe stat0 ta.n!dzgayottxl2nd the nfmonal bonkzg q@ea. ~:ooClo5n4otcy, tho b!&?oZkiM8Of ZhthLc~WOj90%Oai3Ot be m?r08t~kdi0a. xt LO csaentialthat the inarmtion dcrivodfros thosa . c;uestlonndro5 sh0ui~'coAsti25i8h4a aa that nuoh %nfornatlo&shouldba aocurato. xt is the thou&t of t3a soYQr5latis; . . slonorsaf %nhln& dth vi!mzf have hd oontaot&tit it vmld be to tho bostln- taroat of the state b#Wq by~tor~that- ~t.haSOquw3tfons,lnsos~ ox iu pofis:ble, . shouldbe anccceredharwniouely,an~ . thot a ~onfe~noe to that on4 ehaild be held. The Sat&ma1 iifwxlntion0: ~upervlr;ors'o~Stat0 Zwlu3 is aa organ- . izationof the b,ankLn& coonlseionors OS! th3 sev9ralstltoe; Fonaorlpthe aauk- . That ‘Asaooiation has it8 annual nea&g on SeptmmbQr I.8 6t Fdohamlla . Vlr&nla,aad due tothi Caatthnti~ till.be atIxxu?edliymstOS the Bonkkg %mlssionar6 of the nation it haa boon dsolbd to holU a aonfarenoerelativeto the uostlondm at Rlcbti during thlg neete:g. X feel that it is to the in- . * ~toraetof the ?Sanldng Depertmmt of this State, and OF tha state b&k6 or~mkad un8or O?LPlaws, thnt x, OS 3aalring C&S- siomr, should attend this confere~i10e.* Xf it shouldbe held that the purpom of thii trip la not the ao~cmpUehic9ntot %tata buf3inoso dlreot- 17 conosrrdnp tha BankingOop5rtaacnt of tho Fit&e of C!a.cs,uhetherthe meet- is a noonwntion* within %lro. prohibitionoi the rider ~appendedto SonataIM.l X0. 427, $.otGof the 46th L%f$ti&atu~s, b0c0rrp0im&ea5aL w thmefore undertake to pass upon youk seuond question ilrot. ; . . . &aorablsLss3ra&y,~ 3 . me posers and dutloe oi.theBcnkl~ Caxtie- sloeur are preaorlbodby L-w. l?eis oh?wcd b lew with tlieeu~rvlslon of oartalnolaeees0C flmumla f luetltu- tion8 in thie :.:tate, 88 banks bU.ildiEf; E. 1OGll &SsOofa- . tlona,ato. Xl6 duties In thke respoatam extwutiveor ed..nistrzitiv0, not legid.EtiVO, in OhnW3t0ra se h&S no powers or duties ems those-whlohem canisrmd by law, expresslyor by 3n~lloatlon. . Thb it&m to eenate91l.l30. 427, Aots of the 46th Lsgielaturo,providesin mrt as follcrasr Vo fhsveli~ sx~~~~sss shell bo lnourredby-anyonployeoor ony of the' deparrrtscente, or othm-eqenoleeOS the fgovcreuent,outsiCeof the boundarloe OS the tit&e of Texas, exceptfor Mete ., : bualnesedirectlyoonoornlnghis own departmentor tigenoy* * *.u w3mpt n5 OtlhoryMeepeolrlonll9 * exonptod,the provlnionsof this aot f&S11 albo s?)ply t0 d9L;srtr;odi hOdS and mdorc 0Z aomais~lons.N . %ere is no the exezptliei~of Wikhg Commfeeioner. *Statebusinessdlraotlyoonoorhle@ a Steto Uo- partzehtis that busluasewhich has an lmuedlete,rather than a remote,zeletionto the dlsohargciot tbo powore and. duties or suoh dapertmmt. The businessto be trmuicotodb7 you nt the mot- lu3 doecrlbcdhee no lexmdlctereletionto the dlooMr@e of yxlr funotlon02 cuporvlalonof flnIxlolol ltlstltutione in this mate. III itGOlf, it dOeI IlOt OOn6titUt9 the die- chars of any powor or duty In respectto.suohsupervlclon. mlthor is it oaloulatodor dcGlgmd, under the statesrjnts. eicdoin your loftor,In my res-peat to ~;ldor ootistyau in the dleohar.:eof my poem or duty imposedby low upon your depsrtient. -53tkmoioro hold that the trip aropoaod 1s not for "3tatebuslnosodirectlyconcornl~~ tho DonkfnG - De pertmnt, ThlF enewerrendersa reply to your rlrst quee- tian unn800050 -0vzikuP lB,1940 ' Youxnocrytruly .