Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AU-IN . . . . . ,‘\ .\ / pi. ~~0~633~. re. ~2109dm tofpauparsana 8U& idiota. 8ud lulFuoE $8 08nuotbe 8dlaltt&,into . . - -......... _ .-._.. ._.-- _- --.. - ..__ ._ . ___.__.._.-.. -- . . . . -....-- - -- .-......m.“w”. . . . . . ..“.“~.“.... “.V.“.T . ..*-..*. HonorabloA B.Hlolcenon,Paga 2 We quot. from 32 Texas Jwfqmdeaaa, page. 6~ ud 612, u ~fonovrt 9aageKlwalua8s*par8onmybattclQto b. a ~pmtpor'rho is ~.ry pcor, but tha tmrm 1. ltttuall~ und.r8too6la our eata to Rman a pmr8ca 80 itagmat u to ba dependeat 0a the pub=0 rw support. Th.tialmurtuu4oaauatb.8ppll~ toap.noavhohualvaytlb..nablatotlupport himolr aad thoda dap.allaat upon him.,.. ‘It I.8 mQ8 the dutr cf caawl.uloaan’ o&rta topr0~dar0~th,~upgort0+f~~~a0~ r.sl&nta OS the v.rlousoount1.e;but thla duty does not extendtc traaalantprama vho ax-uua- able to .upport themael~e., T&a term 'sup-', U~U8.d; a ma mm. na th a lttp a p lyr lng o o d, olothlngand livingquartaM; it m all that .I is nwesary~to bodily heal&and ~swmrort,laalud- Iw propar eara W trutmttt dur~.al&ne~.. * Thlr, it h.. b..a uld, '1. l .upr.m. obllg.tlon or hrnarnitJ* itapam 0r atky8tatt0~ mt0.t ~O~S~I~OXKWE~ COGS t8by008tm0t r0r lasdi~rl 4.rYlce.to b. -Md to p.up.r.,.... 2r th8= 3.8a pubu0 h06piw in th8 00ttttt7, It 1. the duty o? #a oomlu~Ioa.rs@ court to pro- rids for rcndlagtharm tha hdlgeat rlakt but thm oourt is not r.qtlrmdto rotnlswh parsons to prl- y.t.ho.plt.l.ortopubllo hoaplW.out.ld.th. aOuItty....w %43 p0v.r~ md duti0s or 00tay owria- lM Oourt., atml th. obllrptloxu 0r tm countlu to palp.M, arm rix.4 by 8tatutc, md oanuot ba mahrgmd upoa by ttaamo8s~ impliaatlon. Thata p0Y.r. rad dutl..,In 80 ru u rppllo.bl.horn, ar. d.ilaad %t rrd reatrlot.6bJ th. provl.lon. YonorableA. E. Riakeraon,Qags 3 of htiolsr 2351 and 4338, 8s~. St. 1925. IXI Artiole 2351 it iu prowled that each aomUsrlon- em* aourt shall (subdi~l~ion11) 'provide for the support OS pauper8....neldmntrrof their county, vho are unable to support themsmlves,~ and (subdlrloion l2) 'for the burial of paupers.~ In Artiole 4438 it 18 providedthat 'If there is a regularly establishedpubllo hospltal.ln the aounty, the eomal~sioner8~ oourt shall provide for mendIng the lndlgmnt alok....to auah hoapl- -1. In the latter provlalan the duty md authority of the comolsslon.~' oourt to rend the indigent ttlak to hoapltala 18 llaltedto 'publlu'ho8pital. vlthln the county, vhioh pro- vision, by maea- implication,exoludes any duty or authority to rend suoh persona to prl- vate hospitals, or to publio ho8pltals without the oouaty." The term "indigent"hu been deBned br the oourts on many 00cas10n.. Ve quote the following definitions; 'A person Is Indigent vho is destitute of pISpOrty or moana of oomfortable aubslstence; cne vho Is needy or poor." junemu County VII, wood couuty, 85 xu 387, 388, 109 HIS. 330. bword ~lndlgent~,when used in oonneation with atlmlatllonato county hospitala, lnaludes inbabitaat of oounty who poseeases required quallflcatlon8of residence, and hu lnaufft- ~cientmwans to pay far hia plaintenanoein prl- vate hospital mftor provldlng for those vho legally claim hir m~pport.~ Ooodall va. Brite, 54 Pao. 2nd 510, 515, 11 Cal. App. 2nd 540. “To be lmltgent does not meau that 8 per- 8on muat be a pauper, and, vlthlttthe w of the statute relating to the oommitnmat of the lnune to the Government Hoapital for the lnune, an lamme peracn vlth lnauffiolmnt eatate to pay for hia alnteaance in the hoe- pltal after providing for those Gho oould olain Honorable A. E. Bloker8on, Page 4 Me support, is indigent." -~Depree~8. Distrlot oi Ooluabir, 45 *pp. DA. 9, 59. Thus It may be won thfitsll psupem sre AndAgent pemotm . Aa to vhather o r not u t zndigetat peraott 1 s l pUpor vi11 be determined by the degree of his indlgenoy. This ls 8 question oi Ssat for the oowift8lowPS~ 00Wt to brt8rminm dia0ret1ott.If the ooamtisslonersf in thmlr lloutld oourt deter- mines that a ttlndlgent p er no n 1 s l pauper th e oourt vo u ld be ruthorlzed to rid him u muah under Artiole 2351, Sub. ll, supm; Ve~~kenunrb~toiirrdws~tu~~quir~ury putifJUb?W rod, Or ~OOO&UPS VirsFOb~th0 OOd8#iOtWI%' OOUFt detomlner the que8tlon0rpsuperisnnor~8tstute requiring the inking up of a roll of djpdimted psupsrs of the aounty. You are therefom respeotfullyadvised that it Is the oplnton of this departmnt that if the ~ommf.mdonmm~court determinea that an Indigent is a pauper it my Sumlah modi- ail rid and mdlolae8 to him u such, regaxwllma8of vb.ether or not he hss beea plsaed upon the pauper roll of the county, iwmuahss there LsnoatstutoryreqPIIQUfrem8ntrorthe~ up or a oouut~ paper roll. It is the further opiaion of thzL8 department that th. oomml.~lo~ra 1 oowt haa ,th4 authority to rid *indigentmlok9,.rho my or amy not be 'psupers',by aendIng much tlndlgentsick' to *publlo' hosplt8l8 wlthln the aounty. The qwatlon OS ~lndlgenoy~ia 8180 e question of faot to be &ter0laed e the ooad8aionem~ oouct. WJFtAU