Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

- 3s OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS 5) pt or your latter of n of thir drpartmant aontagr barl8, Il’I AlUlOt&ed Cl*11 Statutmr, the oodrrionors oourt of lr thirty drya yrittrn noticm attorney or Urtriot attome Quest tax ruitr and hia tallun aoooesary or arpodirnt, 11 dooa it . saf oontraet with any oompetsnt attorney to enforoe or arrirt in the onforae- meAt Of tho OOlhOtiOA Of any dOlinquent Stat0 rlld ootuty tare8 for a PW cent on ths t UM, pOAalty aAd intOrOd aOtUa~~ OOlbOtOd, an6 raid oourt ir farthor luthor$zod to pay ror nn lbatraot of property @moorod or unknown and uarondrrod rroa tho tuoa, interest and penalty to ba oollootod 00.ruoh lands, but all ruoh payment and lx p a o serah&l br oon- tingrnt upon the oollootion oi ruoh t axea, _.__^.......,._,_.^.. ,_ _^ __ --. .-- ‘. . . Honorable 0. Kennedy, Pago 8 ponolty and ‘intoreot, It shall bo the duty oi tho Bounty attorney or of the dlotrlot attornry, where thoro io no county attorney, to lotl~ol~ aoolot any poroon with whom ouoh oontraot io mado, by rlllng and puohlng to a lpood 00~01~010~ all oulto for oollaotlon Of do iiAQAABt tuoo, und0r any oontraot mad0 a8 horoln aboro opooltlod; proridod that whore any dlotrlot or ooanty.attorno~ ohall :.C rail or rofuoo to tile and proo~outo maoh oult.8in good iilth, ho rho11 Aot be ontltlod to any fro8 thorotma, bat luoh too8 shall AOV’rrthOloOO b0 OOl~OOtOd a0 0 wt Of th0 Oooto of ouit and applied 011tho payment ot the o0mpmoatlon allow06 the attorney proooout- w thr l uit, and the attorney wlth whoa ouoh oontraot hi& boon mado $8 horoby fully ~BI- poworod and authorieod to proooei In ouoh luito without thr joinder a ndloolotanoo of raid oounty or dlotrlot lttornoyo.m Undor Art1018 7838, It 1100 wlthln tho dloorotlon ot tho Codooionoro~ Court to employ any oompotent attorney to oolloot dollnquont Stat0 and oounty.~taxeo. A rortloro tho oourt may employ an attorney who by oolnold=oo lo oounty attornoy in anothor oounty, anlooo hlo laploymont lo prooludod by another otatuto. Art1010 SSd, VornoA*o Mnotatod Civil Statutoo, road0 a0 r0u0w01 TO diOtriOt 01 OOAAtJ AttOtAOJ 0hd.l take any foe, art1010 0S velu8, oompono~tlon, reward or gift or aa: promloo thoroof, iron any poroon whommoorer, to proooouh any oaoo whloh ho lo roqulrod by law to proooouto, or oonoldoratlon of or am a tootlaonlal for hio oonloro in any oaoo whloh ho lo roqulrod by law to proooouto, llthor brioro or after ouoh oaoo ha8 boon trio& and finally dotor- minod.w In Lattlmoro ~8, Tarrant County (C. C. A. 1908), l%!4 S. Il. i305, a question woo ralood wdor the aboto quoted &utiolo a8 to the eIUplOJIOOAtof tho ootlnty attorney by the Co~oolonoro* court or him own oountl for rrpresantatlon EiEttrro not lnrolrlng hi8 otrlolal dutiO8 and thr court Bonorablo 0. ltoAAodJ, PAgo b 8' *,+ tho oomAlooloAorr' oourt My hllftilJ Owl0 th0 OOlUltJ ltt0IQ.J t0 roprooent tho Lb kroot 0s their OOUtktJ in AA oauoo whrro oooh duty in Ao t lA- join8 1Aw. B~OWA~A~ f. , Tarrant COwtJ, 8. II. 9488. IA other word@, Art1010 a99 &JlOO' AM. Clr. St. l697, nhloh nab0 it usloriul for a oounty attorney to aooopt any r00, utiolo oi rolro, oompanoatlm, rowud or girt, for the p r o o o o utl~ 0s l nny'oam, or for lo r r lo o o in UlJ oaoo, applieo OA~J to oaseo nhioh ho *ia required bJ law to proooOuto.~w It lo oloar boJond qurotloA that the county attor- ney of one oounty ham a0 orrloial duty to roprooant oAothor OOUlltJ in d.liAqUrAt tax latt.rO. It lo thoroforo the opinion of thin doprrtnnnt on6 you are roopootfully adrlood that him lIlQlOJEOAt by the Other OOUUtJ hiA& iA A0 W*J OAta~OAiOtiO 'to hlo dutloo toward him om oounty am it8 AttorAoy, tho Com- miOOiOAU0’ COUrt Of thr fOr@iQI OOUAtJ IMJ lwlOJ lpah OOu11- tJ AttOrAOJ t0 reprOBOAt the fOr.iqpl OOWltJ in d.liAqUOAt tax mattore on&or Artlolo 7335 of V~nton*o Annotated Clrll Btatutoo. Your0 very truly AlTOBBEYGEWERAL OF TXXAS BY JDSrRS