Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ITon+J. P. Bryan county Attorney *3ec. 8, Provided however that thiu A& shall not apply to publ.idati~awhloh have been publiehed an8 olroulated,f~emrall fblr et least twelve (U) montha nezctprseexing the accep%anoe of such akwdising: ?OP oth- er than purely politiaal gurgoees illQorm la- aality otber than that in whioh it iS low&d and published at the time ofaooepting such poJ.ltioal advertisingfromnore thanone oan- dldete. Veo. 36 md provide4 furtherthatSea- tiOn 1 Of thie Aat'6hall net apply t0 publi- oations whZoh have, prior ta the aoqclptanoe of pclitical a8rertisingfmm more than on6 ~candldete,been publlahed and oiraulatedaen- arall for a period of less than one year insedktely praoeding the acrospUanoe af suoh adrartieingin the event that euch aPplior tion can showewnerehipofits physiaa;Lplanf and that its advertisingrateu are in pro- portlon to the amomt and kind of its elrou- lationI T3eo. 4. Whos~ar violatar thmprwi~ions of this bet shallbe finednotless than fin RumIre Dollars ( 506) nor more than One Thousaud Dcllass t$l,OOO), or be latprisoned in jail not lea0 than three (8) months nor _ storethan si% (6) months, or both, Each *lo-: latlon Of this Aot shall be a separate of- iwlEB*~ House &Ill 700 ~ervt36out of the reeognined busineso ofpublishin a nearpaper,magaxAn60~0th~ publloaticm a eeTtafh olass and pxohiblts thcso Ln such olaae imm selling politloal at'ivertleingtomore than ona candidate fcr any public office, leaving un- abridged the right of the others within the general olassifieatfonto do so+ The prohibitionagainst the forbidden publicationfrom aeliine politioal advcartis- izigllkewiae, of oouree, precludes the oandidatasfrar purchasing suoh advertising,notwlthstandfngthwir desire to do so. Xn other words, the aot deetroys fha befcre ezisting right of the prohibitedpublication to con';ractfor the sale of its advertising space and as a nempssearyoorrelativedestroys the right of oandl- datetito contract with the forbidden publioaticnfB such advertisingspace. A further anaigaie'oftheAOt reveal8 that ft 321 rzm. J. P. Brytmb pace 3 was not designedto, and could not Inherently protect, the publia fkontanythinginlmloaltothe pub& health, ~morals,safety,orwelfare. no one mapserioualy main- tain, petrticutilythe members ofthe LsSialoturewho. emoted thislaw,'that under guise Of the police power, the publia should ba proteotedtimreading politioal advertteements. Or that political advertisementlua newspaper09 less tAbanLB monthsinexistenae is harm- ful to the peogle;,wiisreas;ina publication of more than 18 months of:existence,it is not 804 Burthermore,H. B. 700 may not be deemed to have been enaotedtoprotsot the oandidatefor offioe themselves in any way;otwhioh the law may take oog- niience, that aid not, prlortothe enactment of this &v, exist under the absolute right of the oandidats to oontraot for or refuse tooontraot for, the adver- tising offarad by the partioularpubllaation. ObvlOuSly,alSO,%hi8 l13WWeS not oa&;attlabd to proteotthepublioationaffeoted) ratheritaurtails and Limits their .frea arduntr&mmelsdright to sell a typeat'oon&oditym0et luorativsto the pub- pe.rtif33lar lie&ion business. braythe Aot, ther'efore, be upheld under Sea. 19o$ &I%. loftha ConstitutionOfTexas, whloh reads! 970 oitizenof this state &.a11 be d6- .privedof Ilfe, liberty, property, privi- lages or immunities,~,or in any manner d%s- franchised,except by the due course of law of the.land;* m-under Sco. 3 of Artiole 1 Of the Uonatitutionof Tex- &is, whioh maagl *A11 free men, -:'nenthey fom a social oapact, have equal rights and no man oraet of men, is entitled to eXciuSiV* 00parat43 2ubli.oenolment, or privilac;ee, but in con- e&derationof :mblia ssrvioes~* or unEe!cSm. 1 of the 14th Amendment of the Constitu- F 322 Ron. J. F. Dryan, pset,e 4 tion Of the Unit& St&tee, whioh reads: “Allpersons born or naturalized l.ntha United St&es, and aubjeotto the jurisdlo- tion thcraol:,me oitizena of ths United Staten end of the Stats wherein they resi%s. RO stnt.eShall .mke or 2nfOrO8 any IaN whioh shall r~brid+yz+ the privileSeror irmmltiea or cith3s 0r the unitfdi statei3) GOT 6iku any state Oepriva any person of life,,Uber- ty, Or prOpeTty, WithOUt dua pcOO825 Or 1aW; nor Cecy to any Fsrsoz within its juris%lo- tfoa the equal protaotioa of the laws+* Touohin6ths ~_uestion0r veXi% olreelrit3ation and arbitrary disorlmination, i&s United 8Rntee5uproms Court 2n the’oese of FROST V. CORFORATrTIOI6 OO:J&, S78 U. 3. 515, 522, emounce% them prinoipLleer * * * * In either aasa; ths olaesSriaa- tlon, in order to be atall%,‘must rest upon some .goun% or %iirersnoehaving a fair an& substmtial~relation to the ~objeatof the legislation,so t.hetall parsons similarly oiroumstancodshall be treated aliks** Roy- ster Guano Co. v. Vir&xla,~ 253,U.S. 418, 4131 Ai.r~~~oy 1;orporat1.onV. DQ~, 266 U. 9. 71;55; Schlesingerv. Wisconsin 270 U. S, 830, 240. That is tc say, mere dlfferenos fs not ano~ghr thd ~ttempteu olaeairiaation *mmt almya rest upon some difrersnoewhich beers a rensoneblo en% dust relation to tha act Izzrsapect to whioS the olaesiriouti6n is prcpooed, snd uan never be made arbitrari- ly ~2~2vrithoutuny such b~is;* Qillr,Solar- ;@ 8: Santa I% Rye VI Elliott, 165 B.S. 158, u . Lo’.:imillo Gr.e‘20”V. COl.esran, supra, P* L-57 (277 u. s. 32).” It WCS liiewise dechre% by theSupreme Court 323 Hon. J. P. Bryan, page S relied a, osn only interferewhen it is nado clearly to appesr thatian atteapted olnse- ifioationhua no reasonablebasi5.h the ne- ture of ths businessesoleasified,end that the law operatee unequally upon aubjoats be- tween ~hfah there is no real Ufierenoe to justify the @operate treatment of them undsr- taken by the Legfslature. Thie is th5 rule in a?plytig both the &ate and Xedmxl, otm- stitutlone,an% it hss bees 80 often Istate% astO rander uuneoeasaryfurther di0ouseion or it. * * * * .In the aase of LCSSING T. KUGmS, 244 8.W, 556, 559, 560, the oourt vigorously dsno*moe% the ar- bitrary exero$se of governmentalpower by tha &I&&S- tulv in oreatinga purported alaasifiaationwith po-re- tdonel bnsls thorefm. We quote as follwS irax thio opinionL * * * a W5 reaognfge the well-establiah- ad prinalgle that in the exeraise of poliae power th0 Legi8letureIaay.xakedistlnotton~ base% upon elassifioation,proviUed the eh86- ifiaationreste upon R rational uirrer8nos whioh neaeaaarilydietingulahesal3 those a$ partioular alaseea fsoa those of other olaeese. Xtwever, it 25 vttal to tAe validity of smh legislationthat such ratkonal baeie must QX- WI. The Legisletu--e cannot by its arbitrary riat oraati such elm3siiioatlon. xi in the nature oi't::ingathere la 1~)rational dls- tinotion up011ahiah it ia base% In reletion to the subjeot-mvttorof the legislation an% the pur,noseesought to be attained, then tha law omnot survive!the ehellenge of the ait- izen or olass or altlzana Ulsariminate%atqAsat+ Under such olroumtancee, a law whleh warks the %pOliatiOn Or ths prop8rty Or oertah aft- izens and subjeots them to an exercise oi’gw- erumentelpeer whloh la purely arbitrary, branding thelas% oriqfnals for comaitting~aots which are lawful when oomltted by othe e ve think, oleurly mu alt8g*thervithout . bu;:’ . A 324 Ron. J. 3'.Bmm, page 6 port in the theory that It affeota equally and alike all the individualaof the alass to which it pertains. Without indloatlng any reason fox it, the Leglulaturaby the provlsfons of this lau lta;goseeppsnaltiesard re~trlotiOn8upon the property riBhts which inhere in the cwnerahip and operatim ofeo+n- maroial notor vshlolect,and exempts motor vehlalea uaed In agrloulturalpursuitlrfrost such penalties and restrlationa$and, equal- ly without lndioatingany raeaen for it,,malam orimlnalthe usa ot aartainVmotorvehioler . fox ocnunaraialpurposes and, at the sametlme, raakeslawful the use of the aenw vehioles’for agrioulturalpurpoaee n on the @a&M road& X0 reasan auggesta itse E to u6 as a justi- iioaticrn-ofsuoh dd.sorlminatione.In these :,,. respeota, as well EC)in othex yaapeotr sppar- %nt at a ghme, th8 O%aers and UEIQTlOf OaoQ- meroial motor vebiolee are made the viatizne of eeprlal0usdiUoriIPinat.tiOn.* *In the aasb Of EX PARTE DREIBZ.J3IS,103 pi.a. (&I) 470 the GourtofGriaiki Ap?eeleofT%xar 8truOk dOwn a o!t,yordinance aa being diaurj.~&neborjend M- oonetitutlonalwhich requirad e lioenae fee Of all t6m- porary merohante aod execqting all parsone who had been engaged in oertaln designatedbueine8~1eetd a period of am year ox mubb4 The aourt deolaredr *An OrdlnenoewhFoh atteznpteto d&Otia- &leh between parsons engaged in the e(uneor like buelnaaaae,meraly on the basislof the lan@h of time eaoh ie eneged in the buti- ne)ss,is in oontraventionof seotlxms 9 and 19 of Artiole I of the Oonstitutlon.” See ala0 thefoll~ing 0~11888 by the Court Of OrirainalAppeals of Taxaa$ 325 we rsgnrd It 8s 01-r that R. B. 900, In its dlrorlnloatlon between ;tublleatlOn818 alaci~~ lagialatlon and offend8 ngelnst the Quoted provlslon8 of the utcrteand f8a0m c0mdtutih8. No lew mep, upon aon8iaeretlon8 6n- aotod into ?f. E. 900, dsnr the ordinary rl&t or oontruot 88 Is done by this Aot. Raduoad to its ultlnmta eftsat this otatute forbldm thors publication8 in tha srbltrarily a08ignmd 01.~8 ima rpeU,lnft,polltiaalsdvertlsin~ to inor0 than oncroandldate; ~Wreaa, othar publiaatlon8 may me11 rush with lmmunlty, ratwlthatandlng the faot that all are swiged ln the aanm buslnaas with the general pub110 and to the ~~043ena, noaeiy, th8t of neping profit. It produo* a alnasltioetlonwhloh 8ubjeot.none to a burden from whloh tha other le rolleveed,and 18 eMally arblWary baoawo baasd upon no real or rubrtantlal dlifermoss having ree8b~- able reLetIon to the rubjaet dealt with by the iktutm. The pub110 health, morala, safety or rnlfero is not Involved; there lo lnvolvrd the unabridged right, under the oommo~ law and In a free wuutry, of a oltlam to publlmh a newmpa~er, magaelno or other publloatlonr, aa to sol1 a reoognlred eon- aodlty ln aonacratlonthezxmlth, toeether with the oorroapond- 1% right 0r M Individual to purch~ae or retws rush 0rr0red OoPe?scraity, Suoh right8 are unoonstitutlonslly invaded by thl8 law. a1oo point out that th18 8tatute le mbjeot to P.ls oOn8tltutloMl arltloirn, e8 a penal 8tatutos ~WILUO of the lndetlnlteneee and unoartalntp of various of its terma. The meaalng of the language nunle88 ruoh publloatlon shall hero been published and dlstributad generally* lr la.alclng ln deilnltlonand oertalnty. Llkewl8e, the meanirigof the lnn- $ua#ytIn Saotlon S of the Act "ln the eveat that suoh eppll- eatlon oen show ownershIp OS ltu physloal plant and that it8 advertisingrataa ara in poportion to the mount and kind at 1La tlrculatlon* le f33drmi.t suroeptfble sr rarlow mean- NV. It la wall rattlw3 that a panal offanee mu8t be alearly defined by the statute aroatlng It othsrwlra, the 8tatute aunt fall und6C tha roquironuite o4 the Donetftution. HoraOver, H. D. 900 aylp not be oumtw&mdunder the of rmwdom or the prsro. (ronetltutlonal ~ucgrttnteea he de- alarad by ths~ljkt0d statw .~ suprafw Court In the aatie0r OROS~AIO V. &di@Mr?luo PRESS CO., EB9 9. 5. P33, the ?radoaklaLn- ant purpose 0r ths grant 4r imnunltp la the bonstftutlbml guaranty Of rra6dam of the p~a88, waasto:!preewva en untram- 326 nen. s. P. Bryan, page 8 meled pre84. "To allow lt to be t4ttsreU 1s to fetter our- relre8.* In thir,ease, the United StsteseSupreaa Court .struokdorm a rtatute of the State ot Laulrlan4 whioh under- took to tax nempapen, p4riodfoal8,eragaaln48or other pub- Lloationrrhnvlng a 0Lroulatlonof mor4 thnn tw4nty thoueana ooplelrper week, 88 riolativ4 ol the due proo484 of law olaure of the United State8 Oonrtitutlonbeoauea the rtatute 8bridged Iraldoa of the m-888, In oonaarntina; on this b&r- latlre enaotment, Mr. Stmtioe 8uthorland. In deliverlag tha OpidOa Of the 00Ur?~, 84idt "The toFlPin whioh the t41 18 bEpO84d i8 in itself 4U8piOiOU4. It i8 llOtncH8UT4d Or limitad by the volume OS sdvertiraaent4. It ir measure8 alons by the extent of the olroulatlon or the pub- li88tiOA ia whioh th4 abvartl84aents are ocrried, with the lain urpo44 of penalizingthe publlmhen aa ourtai! liag e h4 alrW.atlon or 4 aeleat44 ~rt+up oi new8pap4r8.* FMsdom of the p1-484~ guaranteed by the United Stator oon8tittltionan4 b the oon8titution at T8x88, VOUOb88i48t8 eaoh and 4vvcry pubz lartlon of our land the right oi due pro- 4488 In any ola44lfl4ationlap44lng upon it r48tT8illt8 ln It8 OrdiMI7 0Oul.48 Of bUli~888. In abrld@.g the right8 4t thO88 pUblloatitm8In th4 d481@8td Oh88, B. B* PO0 otfenA8 agaln8t the86 UOMtftUtiOMl 84f4gU4d4. YOU 8f4, 8OtMtrdiZi&~~ r88p44tfUuY 8dPi88d that it 18 the oglnioa OS thir Departaent that HO B. 900 of the 46th L4girlatm4, above 88t but, eontraren48 thr oon8tltut:on or T8rar an4 of the United Btat48, sad is* theniore, unooa8t~ta- tlonal and void. A’lTORWUY cBMW,L OZf TBKAB APPRQVED J-lJL6. 1940