OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 5, , Q-CM1m A-o- IionorablaOrore@ 8. ShrpD8rb Coaptrollrr of Pub110 Aeoouat* Justin, T.xar mar Sir: u8at for our oplnlon on how oorrrot amount of taxes on 08r 8 you b8vr girrn _ UI. r rnd thr inromtion lth you, carbon blaok PI or nsturrl in Y&~orfatr that you ars having ditfioulty in arrlvhg at 8 value on rhich to il?urr thr oarbon black tax prr8orlbrd in hOtiOn 45 Of Art1018 ‘7047Of V8rnOn'O AMotatd Clri). SbtUtr@ Of TWB. Tou adrlsr that nom oi the carbon blrak prohC8r* rant to drduot from thr prloe, ror which thr comno~it? lr mold at the alrtant 2arkat3, euch ~xpsI?~es *e paokll?- Tieterlnl, shipping lobor, shippi= x-?terla 1, O~i88iOU, technical sxprns~, rrproca~ring ccat, sad warahousl~.