Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

1 .’ 372 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ‘J . ! i’ [ iiocarable L. A. &'oods, page 8 i$88tlen13 protidina: for ths appltoatlon reada, in pert, em iollowsr under ths dlnotlor,, of the foisti L~#lslnt Pma hdvisOrY UO&dtt98 uuy, sub eat te the pro- TlUiOnS Of this AOt grutc to the 80h00f su0h an u&our& of this fund a8 uili, with the Sat8 ad Csuntp avallabl* funds, tagether with the Zooal -8, maintain the @ma1 r0r a toma not to oxowd nlna (9) moat&mrQP ohr~lri~d or nrriliabed high rohooln end apprmirsabaly elgbt (s) month@ for u.aeotedlt~dhi@& mhoolr p%wldad that ti thb raheol hns surfialent State and Aewty arallab1, iundo to maintain tbr sobaol far aa rl&t (8) aronthkm aooording to tha salary sehodulr Board of Xduoatlon rm the rahool itr looal maintsnanes .. - Hoslanblr 2. A. Koobo, psee a * The WAmnt of moaoygm!ltmI roxetit;yp* of aid ;xi.;t hia sohool tuition shall be OH up as a ~siPMLk.eooount bF the dlotrlot nooivlw MIM Md diebnmggt8 rrom wld aooauntu rhru ba ti oplp rOOrtb OiiiO ~ucpo~ fOT WEloh AIQh WW#&UR -ted. . . . It lr provided that all ummed obligatrd bahnoeo in mrel Ala i?uada in any dlrtrlot oa Auguot81, ohall be nturned to theStateTPUUWOP uxd by him oro<a4 $0 th0 &ppEQprhtiOa rn# *hiOh it MJ&O#. . ." @xtkotary wed aa the tmsrerrd Mate aid fm~llaatlong~ . l .* (Emphasis added) 376 XaAOrablo 1. A. mods, pegs 6 mprovldsd that if there be no oonvmimt aofrodibod high ash001 that suoh pupil nay obtiin liks ald under the provi~~onr of thla ~Ssotion &em atbendi% a4 mar hi& aohool of h&he? olasritLcetion ~!.EUZtte senbiug 0lstriot whsn designated. by the Gount~ Board, provided that e,ll sohtml dlstrloto oonteining O&Ohundrsd (100) square nllss ’ 0r bsrritoru or mre mm rsoafvs “fvo 3ollars (:SZ.OO) oar g\rpil'S hOA43 6htriGt. . . .* Rsadlng Beotion 9, sf X. 8. 280. 933, Aebs 49th a- h&r%, an4 8. I). XQ. 168, A%%844611Ls~sla$un, tagethar,T t f,ltzsr$ that $WOehIiS@bs entar into bhs pqsenb Of tuition c Nrsb, the W ebud apenma urd reoefpt~ of the #n4ine dlrbrlot mast be aorta Y dema to daturnb ubdhar wah UsWlsb is finamfallg abtc b&pay taftlon, uafl lr not, such btibioa or a part bhenof is paid by the $t+aatier E)swid, trhb pro ntr oost or tmiohing ia the rcsoeirlng dirtxlab must be dobennined in $lxil?e: bha rabr. Thir awv or buit:on la plid by the 3Sake to reimburaa the rsooivlng 434 ~,briot for ths sost ef baUJha;l~ St3bolr~%is~ iron other dl6$~izf6 whm% high s&ma1 grada are not taught at hoas, and papittnt is made althat@ the x-sosiving dlstrlct may no% ba a m&xy *i& or transporbab~~~ aid sshool. IF. m~oh aauos the bslanal&% of bhe rsasloing dir brlotts budmt may not enbor into aonsid6ratien. Xouwsr, wk65 a sohool entitled to tultlon iron the atate sesks ths abhor bSAUrfb8 of the rural aid law aad tlnsnaial aaa5.rtanos tie nunin- tab its schools for the prssarlbed 1s@h it bd%m, it than s8mme8 bhm bUdsA of showin& ths qosrsiby for swh riaaaaiaL a8mlstaAos. The etatote requirrs that it 8ubmi.t a bud&s%ibarair- la& ib8 oxJmndlturss and 1ts WOtdDbS to substantiats itll 0ld.m that it is opmetiag at a d6fieIt. 3eotlon 9 pIw5&ss thati %r the aohool is paid ealary aid, Prhioh is the aaslsbanae dotsx&in%d first la point of tiau, the tuition to whloh it would hers othsr~~e bean entitlsd shall be nduced to an wunt 8Wflaient to baltums Its budgrb. TlbkO is bub another way of providing that w% m&~+y ait% benefits shall not emmad a balanecsd budgetwhen a11 available amej? to mhtaiA the 1~4h00lis 06n*iderad a* a resour e or rseelpt, inaludiai; tuition eared. The reauaia iox thl a provisIon bea0Bi4IE obvious shen it is noted that un&r S~tiozl 4 bhW@ trmafof8 are lnoluded in dotarmltin~ the Wacbr - p+qil load gonrtimg salary old aod’gxairanbe PLduplloa~~ia~ af the ooa% at’ taaahlw a partlcmlar pupil.