OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonombl8 B. 1. Roberron Uouty Attorney alkler county xolmit, TOxa# your oountp bar the author the 6alary of a ,aaebiao laspcretor. the Penal Uode irr ~sideratiaaof the above quot.4 motion at fmtt wblcb lr taken, oonrlnoe5 011 tlv~eintent to vwt in the aormaiwi~~r8~ xt is app2rsnt umler SUOh ael3tion that If the mm- aalwlonem* court has rtrst dstsnained, rither by in8psotion 02' i~lSJWti&2tiOn, that GhWp (PI’ WttlO :ffOOtiO~ OXiStS Within their aounty, they are authorized to ma&c)appropriationto employ fnapeetora to aeafst In the eradlcatlcnof suck dlara~o. T h e ln& p ec to r e la hired,arcl to br uader the dlreatkm oi the LiYmitook Sanitary 4k%mxllanion of thlr Et&to. It la aur opinion that pour ocwullraa unun” wisrt ha0 the autharityto pay 8 portion of the ssl*rg or an in- e&motor to dtwotr a portion of hi6 time to scabies inspeaticn work rrlthin your county upon a determinationof th% metl th*ref or. m /alAmiuQtJng Lloyd Awi8tant Jqqx6v.d Opinion cewsmittea By B.W.B., Chaixma