Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

361 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AIJSTTIN Yrs. Ella CraeEurphy$ Wmber State Bard of Halrd~es~ere and Coemetologlsts dustin, Texas Dear Eadamr Opinion x0. 0 Rer Right of to claim omd school after This will aoknowledg April 23, 1940, in whloh yo Blenton the r0110dng quest *In view of Art lla, we would a authority veste lth reterenoe to the dell oe or atuaenta~. amount or time et for addftlonal information, request of Kay seventh, Mfloe a monthly reoord ften a student for some reason fer to another aohodl. ?3owe ha+ o furnish the school to whioh a ran&erring the hours we have on re- cord in our Office without first seourlng the approval of the school from which the atudent is tranaferrlng7 "fn many of the schools a student 1s required to sign a oontraot and note, the tultlon beinS pay- ed by installments, for c beauty course of one thousand hours over a period of six conths; and for this reason the particular schocl cited to ycu in our letter of April trmty-third ia not willing to permit us to furnish the sohool to which the students are transferriw their record as to hours and time srent in eohool." Subsection (a) or Section 11, Artiole 734b or the renal Code provides in part, that eaoh sohool: m....ahall keep a dally record ot the atten- danoe of studentsJ maintain regular olass and in- struction hours, establish grades and hold axamina- tions before issuing dil:Urnae,an& shall require a school tern of not less than ohe thousand (1,000) hours to be completed in got less than six (6) months ror a oomplete oourse of all or a rzaJorEty of the praotloes of halrdreesfng and oosmetology.* Where a student transfers rrom one duly lloenssd sohool to another, he or she would be sntitled to credit ror the number of hours spent in the first sohool. Viebellsve It ttrabeyour duty to oertiiy to the eeoond sohool, upon request therefor, the number of hours spent by the student in question in the first eohool as reflected by your records. . I Lloyd Arzstro& &slatr.nt C APPROVED OPlNlON COMMITTEE 4s