Bonorablr Roy 8. Loventhal
ahairman,Llvostook Sanitary aomthfbi0n
W. T. Waggoner Building
Fort Worth, Tozao
Dear Sir:
thni* $1 the Aotr of the
SS, p. 1SS (Vernon~a
rov~sloae or ArtidLe 686, Ravised airi1
QSS, as mended, the State Board of Qon-
rcmponolb/lityat aotlng au oustodt6n
wonal property of the State.
Artids 006, Rsrlsed Clvll Statutsr; 1925, reada ae
Honorable Roy 3. Lorenthel, Pa&e Ei
"All property belonging to tha State, eltu-
.ated_in the olty of Austin, in any department,
poam or offios of the State, *hen it ehall be-
lane unfit for owe or shall be no longer Maded,
shall be plsosd in the haude of the Board of Con-
trol, end thr Boar& shall sell euoh property at
publla au&ion after adtartlelngit for not lees
than five says In two wwepapere, published in
the aity of Austin. Th&q@!wy rroa tha Salk of
luah property, lees the qmxer of adrsrtlelng
end lelllng, shall be deposited in the Stat0
Trsaaury to the orsdlt of the gennaralravanuo
mud. The Soar& shall make a wrltten report to
the Coqtmllar after eaah sale, showing the
artloles receirsd, each artlole sold* to who&j
sol& end the 2rias reeeivml.~
On AU@St 10, 1939, our Opinion Ipo.0-LL6S *IS ap-
proved and furnishedRonormble f. I¶.Raeeo, Exxsautlve Head
of the Livestook Sanitary Comnies~oa, an& In that opinion
wa held that there was no authority, orpreee DC lm@llrd,au-
tborlelnp: the a06d8810n to es11 eurglus dip. We saeloeo a
oopy et the o?lnlonfor your oonelderatloa.
Xe therefore respaotfally edrlee that year dqmrt-
mtmt does not have autborlty to turnteh eur ltu dip to the
State Ikpsrlmsnt Station, 02 to otherwlrs d f)epcue of it other
than in ompllanoe with hrtfole 666, aupn whloh umld ra-
qulre that it be returna& to the Board of hontnrl.
Yours wry tm1.y