Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Honorable Lloyd G. F!ouldin County Attorney -PaId mtlto county Palo Pinto, Texas Dear Sj.r: Opinion No 0..2227 Re: (1) Liability of farm tractor for ad velorq taxes of indewdent school district; (2) Statu,t,@y right of tax assessor of :'ndemndent school distrkt to assess proparty for taxation where owner refuses to do so. This Department is In receipt of yo,ur letter of April 12, 1940, wherein you submit for om determination the two ;@llow.i.n:: .~. questions, which we quote tharefram: "Mrr L,?yd %. Stevens, Tax Assessor and Collector of the Santo Independent School District. has asked me: in wri~t5.n~ -I~%0obtain an opinion from your dea-tmen'c on the following questLons: "(1) Is a farm tractor subject to assessment for taxes? "(2) IP said tractor ins subject to assessment for taxes, what can the ta;: assessor of an Independent School distrrct dl3, I~f the owner of said tractor refuses ts render said tractor for taxat?on?" We concu? in your conclvs!.on that c farm tractor is not exempt from ihe taxes levied hy on ?ndci)endent sch,ool d:strict under pertinent statlkes. In thiq connection, Article ;lk>, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, provides as follows: "All proi,erCy, real, personal or mixed, ek$cept such as may be herein- zliper expressly exe$@.ed, Is subject to taxation, and the same shall he rendered and listed aa herein prescribed." Article '7147 provides that, "?&sons1 property, for the purposes of taxation, shall be construed &include all goods, chattels and effects." and proceeds to enumerate certain species of personal property as being Honorable Lloyd G. Bouldin, Page 2 (O-2227) within the intendment of the tax stu tutes . Nothing appears therein to remove a farm tractor from the 1” ‘-1 category of taxable personal property Article 7150, Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutes, enumerates certain specific c*assifications of property, real and personal, which the legi;latu~e, under enabling provisions of the Constitution, has elected to exempt. Farm tractors not appearing there in, it must follow that they are subject to various ad valorem taxes, includi.ng those of independent school districts. Turning our attenti.on to your second question, it appears that the rights and duties of the tax assessor of an f~ndependent school district are fixed and governed by applicable generel laws rel;-,lating the time and manner for the assessment of State and County ad valorem taxes by county tar assessors-collectors. This is so by virtue of the following specific provisions of Article 2791, Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutes: “It shall ba within the discretion of the board of trustees of any independent school district t.o name an assessor of taxes who shall asoesa the taxable property l*ichin the llmita of the Independent rahwl met within the time _-end In the mannar provided by existing laws, in oo far .ai they are appJioable, and when said arsarsraent hag been equalized/by a bosrd of equaliesti.on appointed by the board of trr:tear for that purpna, ahall prepare the tax rolls of raid district and shall duly ‘n?.m and oertify oamc to tha county tax aolleotor as provided for in the sucaeedlng artlola.” ( Underscoring ours) these :Mrtinent general statutes are Articles 7192 and 7193, Vernon’6 ,,r.r;titated Civil Statutes, which provide, respectively, a6 followa: “In every case where any person whose duty It is to lint any property for taxation has refused or neglected to list the same when called on for that purpose by the easesaor of texeo , or has refused to aubecrlbe to the oath in regard to the truth of hia statement of property, or any part thereof, when required by the tax assessor, the .seseasor rhall note in a book the nahe of such person who refused to llat or to swear; end in eysry case where any person required to list property for taxation has been absent or unable from slckncas to list the same, the tax assessor shell note In a book such fact, together withthe name of such person. rr “In all oases of failure to obtain a statement of real and personal property from any cause, the assessor of taxes shall ascertain the amount and value of such property and assess the same 8s he believer, to be the true and full value thereof; and such easeasment shall be as valid and binding as If such property had been rendered by the proper owner thereof. ” mnorable kloyd C. Bouldin, Paze 3. (o-2227) It readily appears' from the foregoing statutory provisions that the tax assessor of Santo Indkpsndent School District would be authorized and r&ulred to 8esem the farm thactor In question for taxes of said school district, upon the failure and refusal of the owner thereof to rpler s*me for taxation purposes. Trusting we have fully answered your inquires, and with best regards, we me Yours very truly, AT!EXNEYGENFFALQFTFXAS a/ Pat M. Neff, Jr. Pat M. Neff, Jr. Assistant PMN:AMM/ldW AppRovEDwi 27, 1940 s/GERALDc. MANN A!MORNEYGENERALOFTEXAS APPROVED OPINIONCOMMITTEE BY B. W. B. CHAIRMAN