Zionorabls Xoaar Oarrts~n, Jr., ~Direotor Department oi Public Saroty Austin, Tezaa Dear Sir: Attsntlont Yr. Ralph L. Buall 6: 188uuaoe or a certirloateor 0 motor vshlolo to title ~011 a aortgugos who rspoame8se8 a motor vehfcle and sell8 the uuder P power snzm to hlm.cr1.i of prlrata sale contained in the mortgafp. #a are in rnoeipt'oryour letter of &woh 89, I.940, ln~~hlehyou re2u4st am opiaion:ef this depnrtmsnt 0~ tha followingquestion aontalned thermin: . ?Vfhana mortgagor ropomronm488 rotor To-.- tiol0(holding pc~amw~i4ntharsor a8 a trustee) may bhe mortgaagoo(truStee)aaL the rehielo to hinrselfes a I;riratapurokumorand thus ao-,uiro ownarshlp or the rebiele aad bearme entitled to a Certlllcateor Title agaknst thenvcrhioleVa This d~puxtmuit ruled in Opinion No. O-1984,.that uhsre a mortgagee repostmsao8u motor vahiole and sells the same et a private sale, whioh procedure Is in eoeerdaao~ with the terms ef the mortgage, Four departmmt is author- ized to lesus 0 Certifioata0r Title in the 0111100r the pur- ohaaer at suoh ;u4vate ioreolosurs s61e. In your question here you are conca~nrrdwith the oituatfon#hero the mort- e&se hlmielt purahams the -ptopextyet such private roru- closure sale and applies for B Certificate of Title in his Eouoreble HoiuerGarrison,Jr., ?age S own name. In our Opinion No. 4 viepointed out that the right to foreolose by private Bale la oontraotual and that suoh a provision oontainedin a mortgage ie not against public policy. In line with thie authorltles iuthie state hold that where under the term of a martgage the uortgagee 18 permitted to be a purchaser at a sale oonduoted by hl~U under the power of private sale contained thereiu that auoh l?rovisionis not against public polioy and 1s not void. The SUPremS Court of Texas in the oase or The Hoards T. m~ls, 6 Ter. 173, held that the mortgagee muId be a purclhaser at a sale oonduoted under the power or sale oontained in the mortgaage.This rule of Law was again announced by the Suprams Court in the oa6e of Soott v. Xanu, 33 Tex. 786, To the sama dr4hti a44 the 0888 of Goodgame v. Rueh+g, 36 TAX. 7e3, by the supreme Court or Texae. It is to be note& that the&e old Supreme Court oa~e&~ reoognize that a mortgagee may purchase at a rorealoeure sale aonduoted under the power of sale eoutaided~l.nthemrtgage. ID each of those oases, however, It ia mntcsplated thatthe 8ale conductednil.Ibe a public and open one. The rule as to the ri&d or the mortgaageeto purohaee would or ueoesslty have to be extended to a puraimae at private sale beoause he acts h.exaotlp the Saae uapaoity under the law ln selling property.ata private foreoloeure 8ale as he does at publlo roreolomre sale, each of whioh la Ifade.uuler the ,termeof the power ol,saIe aontaiued 5.athe mortgage. The rule Is stated in 5 B. C. L. 490 as tollorsr Yt is generally recognizedthat the mort- gagea rmy purchase at the oale with the oonaeut or the mortgagor given orally or In the mart- gage itself. It ha8 been ruled that a mortgagee nraypurohase the mortgaged ohattels, even iu the absence 0r 4X5W488 ooneent b the mortpfor, Onl{ where the aale is oonduoted 1XIgood ia,t and no iu fraud or the rights of the mortgagor. . . .v Iu the 0886 0r Davenport 0. San Antonio Mailaohfae a supply co., 59 S. W. tea) 807, the an m0ni0 GOU* 0r civil AppeaIs'heldthat a corpcmatlonin which the mrtga@e va8 a atookholderoould purehaae at a publio sale made ander the pcwer or sale oontainea in the mortgage. Tha oaBe whioh oomea nearer to covering the question you ask thau any other 16 the ease of GampbeII v. Eaateru Seed iicnorable Earner GBrrlson, Jr., Pug4 3 6, GitSlR CO., 109 S. Vi.(Zd) 997. ln,thia case the mortegse repoaseaasdthe yroperty and made a yrlvate sala without sotioe to the mortgagor cud the aortgaeee was the purolessr at such givate *do. .Ths &en @onlo Cowt Of Clvll Appeals sustained the ea&e and stated as icllower *It was exprsssly providsb in the mcft- gge thatthe mortgages nsad nat &ve notice of the exeroise of Its option to forealcse, but ens authorized to sell at public or private sale in *Rayaondvllle,or elsov&ere, UlthOUt deaund ror.yerrormanos*;there was no reguimuuent,ex- ;rreeuor by nac~ssary i5pllC6tiOn,thatnotics of Intention to .sellbe given the mcrtgngor prior to sale. It was provided in the mortgage that the mortgegee 'nay purchase at auoh sale in tie onms rammer, and to the baas eifeot, es any per- eon not interestedhers&a.* *The rule goverslng sales under roreeloauro upon perscual property 18 that the power to rore- 0106s through ssle8, other than under court crder', is pursly contraotual.0 Tex. fur. p. 189 Su~seo. 05." ,It is the oplnlor~of thin departsect,therefore, that where the mortpgs by its torah allows the sortga&ee tc bedome a purchaser et e priveta foreclosuresale that he may 80 purchase the reposssasodproperty. In ,the foreolosurs under the terse of a 5ortMe it is neoossarp that the ssm be striotly ccsplled with. Thla is the holding ct the Corn- aiseion of Appeals of Texas in the aase of Piramen*s Fucd Insurance Cc. v. Wleon, ES4 S. pi.980. The Court held that in CLcase whem sele wa8 s&a under the ten&s of the scrt- gage end such tenss were not colrpliedwith the same was void cud thet the p9roheser ao%ut~rod uo ri&ts either ~~~~~~ equlteblo in the property by meana of the sale. advised, however, thet In aaee the tams of the mortgage are oom,72iedwith end under the ;nort$ayethe aort~;oges1% eutaorlsed to be a purchaser that ho mey so purchasle the yroperty and set legal tit.10to the name, nnd you would be authorized to iesue a Certificateof Title la such slortgapgee'e 116LIpe. Certainlyan express yrovislon in the aortgage suah a8 was oonteinad in the mort&age in the Cs5pbel.lcaseto the sffeot that the mortgagee dould be ths purohane: at the private 'foreclosuresale oould be sutfioiont to autt;orlzehis pur- ohme of'the motox vst.ialeof such sals. 6n the other hand, if the mortgage was silent on this prcpcsitioo,but merely provided th;stthe raortgagee05~14 sell the property at a piivate esle, it is cur opinion that l2.eecurts would say in sac.9a ease that it was conLem;,latedbtitweenthe jzaarticla ti;the mortgage thst th? sale would be mada to a'third zarty not th(lmortgagae. In suck a ease the sale by the aortgagee would be V4IU. AS tc ghethar or sot Other word- t.4iils!aelf ing of a testicularmortgage is s\ichtinto ahw the parties reasonably 6onteapla~t.Uthat the mortgage6 might jmrohase at the private aals wo.Al depend in each ua6e 00 the language used. Tkle'rals OS lmw was ahaouhced Ln the cram of Clark v. Ztudebaker Corporationor America, 171 K. k. 608, a8 fol- lows: -... . Ths mortgage by its terms &ave the moftgagee the right to take poansseionof tha mwtgaged oar and aoll it at private sale with- out riotice,and also provided t&t the mortgagee could beowe ttiepurebe~nr at such asle. It ro1- lnws th--1; ii the mortgagee or an agent of the mprt- gag**, or anyone also),bought it at:auoh uale, the sale would be valid and the purchaser would get a ~good '. title. ~. . .* Far your further lhfor-matioa we call your attontlon to the ~mse of Tidslity Union Fire iaSuv@fkCe CO. v. BallW- gattsrfieldCo., 10 9. 3. (Zd) 165. in this cam the plain- tiff aold a motor vnhiele t4 an indlvldualnamed Barber. Bar? bat then sxscuted aartaln natea eeoursd by e mortgage to the AutOiQObiha Fi.n6IlCs COar~Sny Of ~lVeOtOn. The plaintifr en- uossed and 'guarantaedtbe jmymeat or raid notee to saSd fl- name company. ThereafterBarber defaulted in~the payment of 5ome of the notas and the finance comyony though its agent took possession of ths oar and by private sale aol~dt&c same to the xlaintitf. ;cnholding 5uOt; a sale valid, ths Court etated aa followa: "Tha ckattel mortgeage whioh Barber em- outed uutharized tha mortgagee in ease of do- fault to repossess tx c:r and sell it at pub- lic or prlvatpr nc4l.e. mie 00iirt*5 rinsings in- cori;orafedin the ju:gmunt dro to the affect that the sale wss privetaiymade in accordance with t&s ternr, or t&e snO~qp3. The avidezma laustefm this finUi~&, and tha legal effect of tke sale waa to Yeat a~pollws with the sole and unc4adltionaltitle to the yroperty." You zra, thorafota,sdrrfsedthat In sUoh a situ+ b 6uthorlzsd tu laaue 6 Cartlfi- tio3 your dspartaknt wR4uli' cate ot Title fwitha ziotorY-fdcls in the name of the plrctmser at suei: t~orerloauresale. Your8 vary truly OF TE&&S