Departmoatof hgrlsulturrr
Your 1ett.r of
OQinion0r thla Deparbpo
ha8 bO4ulreeel7ed.
taken mm the r0r-
8al0, am not .ab-
0 Umeral ltune*
to haT( you llrl~~ thir departmnt
all lndl7ldtld, partnerehig, or oor-
q the forwtr end taking thrre-
0r nurrrr~ &oak as udined herein-
18 same or offon earn for ralr is
pnmirionr 0r the Oensral xtlrre~7
"Plmso admire ii rwh lndivldual,partner-
ahlp, or oorporatlondoe6 not hate ia hi8 or theM?
p000008ion oopf of the oOrtlrioat0 a8 pr0rmd r0r
Doparbont or &rloulture, Pago S
In Ax-tiolo1693 (TlO-) Chapter 10, Revised Urlm-
lnal St&ate* or the State 0r 20x6s or 1925, hiay
80 pro8o6stod under the prorlrlons0r the above
Artlolos 1692, 1693, and 1698, of tbo Penal Code
read as r0lmm
930 Codsslonrr or Agrloultaro shall oawe
to be made at least onoo saah par an oxamlnatloa
or la o h nur so r ~ o r o th e r p la o ewh o r e nur ser y stoak
18 0~p08od r0r sale. xi ouah #took 80 exsmlnea 18
apparontl rrso In all respoets rr0rpany oontaglona
or lnfrot IOCLII disease or dangerously lnj~rlow ln-
seat pests, the Commlsslonor shall Issue to the owner
or proprlator or 8aOh itook a eortlrloat~rooltlng
that stash&oak so 8malned was at the tlma Or swh
examlhatlonapparently free room any such diroaso
or post. 100saoh oortltlaats shall be negotiable
or transiwablo, and 8hall be void if rold or tram-
ierred. Any saoh sale or transferenosshall be pun-
ishable as providedby the sueseeding artlolo.w
Artielo 1593:
*All nursery stook oonslgnodfor shipkant,or
shipped by Weight, oxpres8 or other means.oi tf%ns-
portatlon shall be aaoornpanlsd by a oopy of,,&id
orrtlflaateattaahed to saoh oar, box, bale, bundle
or paokago. xhao sald box, bale, bwlle or package
oonklns nursery steak to be dollrerod to more than
one person, partnsrship or aorporation,sash portion
of suoh narsery stook ta be so Uollrrrod shall akso
bear a ,oopyof suoh oortlflaato of lnspootlon. Who-
ever rsnds out or dellron rlthio thlr State, trees,
tines, shrubs, plants, buda or cuttings, somstmlp
known as nursery stook, uhlah am subjsot to the at-
tasks of lnroctaand dlserses anumeratedheroin, tm-
less ho has in his possos8lan a sopy of said oortlfl-
aate, Qatsd wlthln a pear thereofi or hall deraoo
or destroy much osrtlfiaate,or wrongfully be in pos-
oeselon of suoh osrtlrloato,or fail to attaah pro-
per tags on ebah shlpmsnt, suoh tags bearing a OOPJ
of raid oortiffoato,shall be fined not loss thas one
Department or Agriculture,Pago 3
hundred nor more than twc hundred dollars.*
Article 169ar
"The term 'HursoryStook’ within the moaning
or this law, shall lnolado oil fruit trees and ~lneq,
shade trees and totrat trees,whether swh shade or
rorost trees be ospoolally grown ror sale In a nur-
88ry. or taken rmm the r0m3te and 0rrersd ror sale;
all aolons, eosdlingr,roses, overgreens,shrubbery
or ornamentals,also suoh groonhosso plants or pm-
pagatfon otook all 0lasses 0r berry plants, out
ilowors taken tram plants, bushes, shrubs,or other
trsos growingin this State, whloh may be a msdlom
ror Qisecxinatlnglnjurloas Insect posts and oonta-
glous dlressos.
*The term *nursery*shall be oonstrued to moan
any grounds or promises on whloh nu+my #took la
grown, or expcoad for sale. *Being in the nurser7
buslnoss* applies to any lndlrldual,partnership, or
corporationwhich may either sell or grow, or both
grow and sell, nursery stock, rogardlsse of the w-
rfety or quantity of nursery stock sold or gronn.
*The tena ldoaler* shall be oonstmod to apply
tc any Individual,partnership or oorporatlonnot
growers of nursery #took, but who bay and sell nursery
stick ror tho purpose of reselling and reshipping
under tholr own name or tltlo, independentlyor any
oontrcl of thcso tram whom thor purohase. An *agent
or a nursery or dealer* shall bo oonstruod ta apply
to any lndlvldual,partnership or sorporatlonsoll-
lng aurso~ stook, either as bolng sntl*slyunder
the oontrol of the nursery or dealer, dth whom the
nureory steak offered iOr barter and trarfloorlgln-
atss, or some cooporatlte ba@is for handling nursery
etcok with the grower or doalar, as speclfiod in
this artlolo. Any such agent shall hare proper ore-
dantlals tmm the dealer ho represonte or ccoporatos
with, and fall1 in that, aiiy such agent shall be
classed as a dea
Y or, and sabjoot to ruoh rules and
regulationses may be adopted rolutlre to them, and
shall be amenable to the same penaltlos for riola-
tione of any pmrlslons oi this law.-
Departzisnt of .~gflcultare, psgs 4
Articls 1698, supra, a~ecltloally provides that
the tsrx “nurcory stook” 7 lthin the naa>ln~ 0r ,thoQmerol
?:ursery 2tOck Low, &all LEaUde all fax&t trees and ~lne3,
shade tress snd iorost treeo, r?ztS,er suoh shade or forest
trees be 3spaci3llg pawn for sals in 3 nurser3 cf taken
Srcn tfic forest -an6 offarcd for G&O. This jWtiole further
;rovld3s tkit the tax-3 %uw3ry* shall be -construed tc mom
any grounds or proztisua on 2M.oh nursary stoo4 is gcma, or
oqosej. Stir sale.
APtic1e 1092, rugm, ~rovl~ss for an c~m3irLatloI1
of .sao:Inursery or otam glace -:hera nur3crrg stook is ax-
pow26 f'or Sole a& if sual-.stook 50 ero-ained 18 a??arontly
free in sll rea~ects fra7- any contaplous .m? iciectioua CLa-
oaao or dsngerously Fn.jr?rloaaicrcct posts, t!ic co-mlssioser
aball iswa to the owner or zro>rietor of sncO stdck 0, aarti-
tloata Teoitlc:: such stock so oxanlned was at the ti=ia
of sucti axazrlnation a>?arently free fron szly such disssse
or psts.
Xhlcle lS93, su;ra, providce t?.at all nursery
atook cor;sLged for ahipoentv or shipped by frsl&t, exgrcss,
01' other ~‘eeca of tramgortation shall bs ~ocoqse!.sd b: a
40py cr auoh cartificate attazhe& to o~cl: cer, box, bale,
bundle, or pagksgo, ec:d when such box, bale, buadla, or ?ack-
a50 omtal~r nbeery stock to be c?eli79rs(? to ISF’C thsn cze
person, partn~reSig, cr cor;lorntion, oaa? *Grtlon of sucL
nursery stock to be so delivers4 shll slsb bcnr a co>y of
sucfi Certlilcata of inspection.
8, 1940