Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN orhla agents shall oonforato the meuorable regu- latioru VhiOh rraldO@nwleaiQn*rof Agrloulturt9 la herebj authoxrised and dted to ~rescrPOte, ar 8hrr;ll @anfarm to the re8wm8ble msgulatiormof method of teetlng adopted 02 used bg tbo Amoaiatlon of OJtiloLal Seed Analtyets at Ioath kbwrlcia.* pspsrtmentof Agriculture,Page 2 It Is 0bvIous that the CommIsaIonerof Agr1oulture mt, under this statute, lni’orm hlmself from tIge to time of the natuW of the regulationsor pethods of testing adopted e tmed by the Associationof OffIoIal Seed Analysts of~Rorth mriea. The LegIslattar% must neoessarllyhave aontemplated that the department should be permItted to Inour euch expendi- t\rros aa tuI@t be neaeesa~y to obtain thllr InfomDItIon, and m thereforehold that your departmentrry Incur, and the corrptr~ller may Isaue a warrant for the expense In the sum of $10.00Involved In subsorlbIngfor the servloe, rhiah Imludes oopIeaof internatlozulseed testing Litereture,fuxmlshedby t&l AseocIatIonof OfmsIal seed Analyat4B. Authority of other depU%mmts of the State governmnt w Inour and pdy cberges for similar servlaes has been sustaIned by #Is departmnt In ita~opinlonm numbered O-1903 and O-1990. Yours very truly ATTORlBYBEXRRALOF~ COMMll-,‘EC