Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

thaornble it. C. Shgb, Jr., Page 3 We bmw pte~Iow1~ pint414 out th8t in Qpiulcbn O-1491, tbh dsprtment ImId tbt tha Csttificata of Title Act, hrttcle 1636-i. Vwmta% Anotated Pamal Code, mpetre4es Artkl8r 1434and 1435 at Venom’s AanoWe4 Peaal Cede, lm*mach a* tb Ceriifiutr ol Tith Act eomro the ume pneral aobJect matter. ~Wowa’ccr.lVMII if th is wer enet tr ue ld qe wotb compeued to Ioek to Atucla 1434, Vernoa% AanoInted prlul Code, for tha aanrw te your qtwrtim, th toMIt rod4 be the rime. ArtAUk I4f4 uhe secuan 60 of Arude 1436-l pto*id6a tbditrpplka to kay1#&4ot ~eoad-M*rlJrb tequhd to ba togist8t.d amlet tb iews d Ma Stat.“. AI bsfmn dntad, the wh&k la qo8rucm operated dcag the hlghwaye af thin State by nea-rwid8ata em an oce~lciamaltrip lnta this State ls not teqaltd to be tr@abted or ikenaed. Cauequemtly, we hotd, aad you ate tespetfully ad- vlae4, that nelth*t Articles l434 -- 1435, Vornm*o AnaotMed Peral co&r, not Article 1436-1. Vemodr AanotmtadPenal Code, applies to a aoa-rO*ldOnt on an 8ee*rrlosnl trip late thir State under tlm facte rot forth In ymr Iotter. Tows very truly ATTORNEY GKNERAL OF TEXAS l/Waltct 0. Moth Waet R. Koch Aui8tMt APPRQVE13 APR A, 1940 &WaId C. MWUI ATTORXEY GiElUEltAL OF TKXAS