Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN EonorabloOoorgr H. Shoppard comptrolleror Fubllo dooountr Auatln,Teaa Dear sir: 1940, you ask the owing mattera 0r Eourr Bill . 8, oi t&a sra xagiolatum, rssam, tirr and intsrrrtduo utt,a prefwrra lien value OS suoh senloer of rspmaentatire~of thr Coiuptrollarlnourred in suoh lnrertlgation .aatI audit) p0Jad that all ma8 001180tea for auaita ana ema&atlona &all be plaoed ln a lgoolaltund In the Trsaawy and shall oonmtituta a revolvingfund whioh MJ be uard tram time to HonorableCeorgo H. 8hoppar4,Agr 8 time br the Comptrollrrin making such aualtr In addition to the gonernlapproprlatlonma40 ror auoh purp060,aa all 6s da tunas to b0 piti00a In da speolnli\ma nn herobyappro- priatedfor suoh purpose.* "Tha ourrentapproprlntlonbill1 thnt lm, senate Bill Ro. 487, oarrlern rider whloh ridal W*Subjeotto the llmltationasmt ttmth In the provitdonanppearlngat the end o? this hot, any r008 ooile0tedfar audit8 ana examimtionr as gtr0viaea 1nEouse BIU, 547, passedby the Regular S08sl0no? the Forty-aeOon4Leglelatun, sn4 (my amendnentsthereto,an4 any balanoaaIn the =mtumi ma casinghead t3a~1 Audit Fund”am herrby appropriatedto the Comptrollerof Pub110 A000wh t0 be u84ba in arakingnubIt a.8pr0via0a in aal Act. The one-hallof ona per ornt Bppro- prlntod horeIn shnllbe tranafarrrdto thm on- ioroment ?.unabeiore the reoeiptaare allooated to the proper ?unda.* "This department488ireryour opinionas t0 whether thr nonmy appropriatedUn4ar the tom- go&ng Hour@ Bill ?or the ~88 nnd beneiit O? thaa Comptrollor*aO??ior oomea tyUor the genornl rlder'in thd ournnt lpproprIatIonbill, known aa ~Ihltntlon of Faymenta.~R Wo fin4 In the rider whloh rou quote l rpeoiilo lpp‘iopriatlon 0r them imar to your departmentrm the no- oompllshmento? a 4eSinItapurpoaa. WI hatr herrtotcre held that the LImItatlonor Payment8olausiboas not apply .tothoao funa whioh nre appropriatedeitherby speoI?Io itomlzatlonor purposeand amount, or br a@olal rider appropriatingall o? thr ?un4 to nroh purpose,biitonly to tha lnstnnorwhoa-rthe npproprintlono? the fund la not to be i&n4 llsqwharetMn in the Limitationo? Payment8 olmmr. sr0 ouz Confert3noa OpinionNO. 3082, aaar06sea to tha HonoreblaUO O@Danlrl,Governor O? Toxaf~, 1B whloh we oonatnied the Llm.ltatlono? Pnymmentr olaureIn Senate Bill 427, 'RegularSe~elon,Forty-alxthLoglslature. HonorableGeorgeH. Shrppard,Fbgr S Tour questionla thererorrannwere in tha nega- tits. Your8 very truly ATTORREYOENHRAL OF TXAS R. H. Falrohi~d Assllrtant RWF:rIM: APPROVEDFER ET, 1940 (a) +mda c. Nan AlTORNEY OF TEXAS 0FSlEU.L APPROVED opinion oommlttar wohazLn